My own experience with PPV


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Austin, TX
Hello guys! So I wanted to write a little bit about my own experience with PPV traffic....which honestly sucks.

So 2 days ago I decided to give PPV a try and start a new campaign. I signed up with MediaTrafic since I heard the quality of their traffic is good and the cost per view was low with them. Lot of people suggested me that if I was just starting with PPV traffic I should go with since it was a good network to start with.

So I created my account with MT and made some research on an offer that it was converting well with my affiliate network. I decided to go with an email submit to make a quick test. The email submit was one of those "free $500 target gift card" offers.

So here is what I did:

Created the landing page (the lander matched the and offer website's so it would look legitimate for the visitors).

On my landing page I inserted my Aweber form to capture the email's from the visitors. My plan was too build a list of visitors and then email them with the email submit (free target gift card offer) and a bunch of more offers....

I decided I would bid only on 1 target/destination. In this case website was the best choice of course. The campaign budget was $200. And here are my numbers after 2 days:

Views: 10419
Cost: $170.33
CPV: $0.01634
Aweber signups: 2 emails

So basically I only had 2 conversion (2 aweber signups) after burning $170 and going thru 10419 views on an landing page that wasn't bad to my own taste and it was targeted to the website. I don;t know if Im doing something wrong or if I;m missing something.

But 2 email submits on 10000+ views and $170+ to seems wrong to me. I know $200 is not enough to test a campaign. But to me this had to convert better????

My landing page is below by the way:


So what did go wrong or what I'm missing here that I only converted 2 viewers from 10419??? Or is this source of traffic just waste??

Any advice or help would be deeply appreciated!

So you test out ONE offer/target/PPV Network and make your decision that it sucks?

YAY... my job security is rock-SOLID!
Your LP is a piece of crap. It's the reason you only got 2 pathetic emails. Did you test to see how your LP will appear in the pop up window? I bet it looked totally botched up..
well, the LP does blow... get 4-5 LP's, make yourself or hire someone for cheap- test them all then come back... get rid of the opt-in and try just linking the offer
I've never run PPV but here's something that popped into my head...

There are 3 reasons why people pass up on an offer:

1) They don't want what you're selling
2) They can't afford it
3) They don't believe you

Obviously the first 2 are out of the question which leaves you with #3 (also the most common reason people people pass up on most offers).

I think your offer sounds too good to be true. Get $500 just for giving up an Email address? Something for nothing? Why? What's the catch?

You should re-test this and actually give the reason why; explain the "catch". Insomniac posted a link to a lander that does this (check for availability; complete program requirements).

This could be the solution.


As a side note: someone back in the day ran a newspaper ad experiment trying to give a way free money. Nobody took him up on the offer. Why? They didn't believe him. Wish I could remember who and when. It was a very interesting (and eye-opening) read.
I've never run PPV but here's something that popped into my head...

There are 3 reasons why people pass up on an offer:

1) They don't want what you're selling
2) They can't afford it
3) They don't believe you

Obviously the first 2 are out of the question which leaves you with #3 (also the most common reason people people pass up on most offers).

I think your offer sounds too good to be true. Get $500 just for giving up an Email address? Something for nothing? Why? What's the catch?

You should re-test this and actually give the reason why; explain the "catch". Insomniac posted a link to a lander that does this (check for availability; complete program requirements).

This could be the solution.


As a side note: someone back in the day ran a newspaper ad experiment trying to give a way free money. Nobody took him up on the offer. Why? They didn't believe him. Wish I could remember who and when. It was a very interesting (and eye-opening) read.

exactly, and this is why people use things like surveys / the poll method.

OP you need to try a lot harder. You think you are the only person to think of trying a target gift card on fucking
Lol, so you choose to bid on target ?:))) And only 1 of that thing ? Just create like 50 other non-so direct targets and test some more. Try direct linking with PPV also for e-mail submits. You are doing it all wrong now.
I've never run PPV but here's something that popped into my head...

There are 3 reasons why people pass up on an offer:

1) They don't want what you're selling
2) They can't afford it
3) They don't believe you

Obviously the first 2 are out of the question which leaves you with #3 (also the most common reason people people pass up on most offers).

I think your offer sounds too good to be true. Get $500 just for giving up an Email address? Something for nothing? Why? What's the catch?

You should re-test this and actually give the reason why; explain the "catch". Insomniac posted a link to a lander that does this (check for availability; complete program requirements).

This could be the solution.


As a side note: someone back in the day ran a newspaper ad experiment trying to give a way free money. Nobody took him up on the offer. Why? They didn't believe him. Wish I could remember who and when. It was a very interesting (and eye-opening) read.

Try a smaller amount like $25 and see what happens
People don't believe that it is real exactly as someone else said. These people have Adware on there computer and get pops for free shit daily, they know how to deal with those.....

You need to get a better LP or target things better. For example figure out the confirmed order url that target uses and design your target so the moment someone completes an order they are going to get your pop redesigned in a way to take advantage of that. Get a bit more creative if you want to make some money in the PPV game.
Spending $170 to test a single email submit offer on PPV = fail.

You should have swapped offers after you spent $5.

Also, your idea is pretty played out by now. Either figure out a new twist on it or try something else. Test more urls, test different offers, test something.