My life in a nutshell, should it be a book?


Well, there's getting knocked the fuck out and then there's getting your jaw and skull crushed knocked the fuck out.
I was almost kidnapped once. I was about 8 years old riding my bike in front of our house. A car came skidding to a stop, two dudes jumped out and ran toward me. I dropped my bike and Usain Bolted my little ass into the front door before they could grab me. If I had tripped, or been a little slower, I was on a milk carton for sure.

I can still picture the car to this day. I'm pretty sure it was a Gran Torino...and the two guys looked like fucking Starsky & Hutch (the original guys from the tv show). I'm dead serious as ridiculous as this sounds.

Couple days later, a neighbor saw the same car and dudes in front of a house down the street talking to the little girl who lived there. Don't know if they snatched her or not.

The point of this story is......well there is no point. Learn to run fast I guess. Hell I don't know. Sorry for the derail.
It's legit, wether or not you believe it is hardly on my list of things to be bothered by.

Like I said. I can't comment about the rest of your story, but that Interpol shit is NOT LEGIT. You seriously are going to insult the intelligence of the wickedfire community and glaze over that inconsistency?

Be a man and explain this Interpol thing to us since several people already requested it. Interpol doesn't take statements from people. They are not law enforcement agents. Anybody can do a little research on Interpol using Google and find out how they really work.

You didn't and you got caught. Now explain yourself.

If you're not bothered by this, then why did you make this thread in the first place? It's obvious you needed an ego boast for some reason....

So fucking true! It's the first thing I thought of too! It's funny how OP is acting just like that douche bag author after he was exposed. +rep for you

At least that author managed to cash in before he got caught unlike Skyfire.
Like I said. I can't comment about the rest of your story, but that Interpol shit is NOT LEGIT. You seriously are going to insult the intelligence of the wickedfire community and glaze over that inconsistency?

Be a man and explain this Interpol thing to us since several people already requested it. Interpol doesn't take statements from people. They are not law enforcement agents. Anybody can do a little research on Interpol using Google and find out how they really work.

You didn't and you got caught. Now explain yourself.

If you're not bothered by this, then why did you make this thread in the first place? It's obvious you needed an ego boast for some reason....

So fucking true! It's the first thing I thought of too! It's funny how OP is acting just like that douche bag author after he was exposed. +rep for you

At least that author managed to cash in before he got caught unlike Skyfire.

Because I don't need to. I know nothing about Interpol, but as I spoke with someone from Interpol and an agent from the DOJ, I know they have some sort of agents who do paper work for statements or data collection.
Because I don't need to. I know nothing about Interpol, but as I spoke with someone from Interpol and an agent from the DOJ, I know they have some sort of agents who do paper work for statements or data collection.

Ughhh, you had a chance, and you just sunk yourself dude. For fuck sakes, Interpol doesn't do house calls.
Sorry man, don't know what to tell you.

Acting like you didn't fuck up doesn't change the fact that you DID fuck up you delusional twat!

The fact that you stubbornly maintain that your Interpol story is true tells me that your massive ego is preventing you from owning up to your massive fuck up. This is a major personality flaw, and it's going to prevent you from gaining the respect that you so desperately crave.

It's amazingly arrogant of you to expect the wickedfire community to actually swallow that load of shit.

I guess you really are the claptrap overlord like clucas pointed out. But is that really something to be proud of? Being a pathological liar and an egotist will prevent you from ever seeing true success. Full stop.

In the end, the joke's on you buddy. +rep to you clucas
Sorry man, don't know what to tell you.

The truth might be a starter.

Interpol did not take a statement from you. They don't even have "agents" to do so, and even if they did, it would be illegal for them to take a statement from you, because Interpol has absolutely zero legal jurisdiction anywhere in this world. Interpol doesn't even have the authority to issue arrest warrants, let alone actually arrest people, or conduct domestic investigations on member countries' soil.
The truth might be a starter.

Interpol did not take a statement from you. They don't even have "agents" to do so, and even if they did, it would be illegal for them to take a statement from you, because Interpol has absolutely zero legal jurisdiction anywhere in this world. Interpol doesn't even have the authority to issue arrest warrants, let alone actually arrest people, or conduct domestic investigations on member countries' soil.

I was totally off base accusing you of white knighting SkyFire. For that I apologize.

Okay SkyFire, now it's your turn to atone!
Skyfire is as vain as one can get.

Face it Skyfire: You're totally empty on the inside. That's why you have to make up lies about your boring as fuck life to fill up that emptiness and make yourself happy.

You need help man.
Plenty of well of people are idiots, regardless of how much money they have or where it came from. Plenty of poor people are brilliant.

Christ you are fucking dumb. As Jeffrey pointed out, Tucker Max was a self made millionaire. Self made means the guy wasn't an idiot. Idiots are the kind of people who win the lottery and then quickly blow through that money and become poor again.

The well off people who are idiots are usually from old money and tend to be at least from the second, third, or fourth generation.

Yeah it's true that there are poor people who are brilliant. The kicker is these brilliant poor people usually end up becoming self made millionaires or enjoy some sort of success academically or through their work.

Some of us who run offers for a living (Jeffery) had plenty of encounters with poor people contacting our customer service reps, and the vast majority of them aren't Einstein.

I'll give you credit on ONE thing you said though. Money isn't everything. There are many other wonderful things in life than just money, but it's certainly also true that having money eliminates a lot of stresses in life and enables one to experience the world.

One caveat: If you're an unhappy empty miserable son of a bitch now, even when you become rich you'll still be that same unhappy empty miserable son of a bitch.
ASW eh? I'll be the one in the orange jumpsuit trying to not get her ass kicked by David Benson.

Tomas putting in that hater overtime, Xmas is coming.
Christ this is so good. Tremendous++

12 years old: I had my first sexual experience. We were living in a suburb and I was really good freinds with the girl next door. One day both of our parents were gone for the day and she was over at mine playing transformers with me. So anyway there I Was, 12 years old, heart pounding, blood rushing in my ears, and the chick (who was a year older than me actually) takes off her panties and hikes her little skirt up... So what did I do?
I whistled for a cab, and when it came near, the license plate said “fresh” and there were dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought “naw forget it, yo home to bel-air!” I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie “yo homes smell ya later!” Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there. To settle my throne as the prince of bel-air.
