My First Music Video just dropped

The record is actually not bad. Video is good to fam. Keep it up. You should come help some of these up and coming ATL artist out though. These guys literally shoot videos on mid quality Canon cams. Help is needed in the A lol.

The record is actually not bad. Video is good to fam. Keep it up. You should come help some of these up and coming ATL artist out though. These guys literally shoot videos on mid quality Canon cams. Help is needed in the A lol.

Fuck everything about Atlanta, GA. We don't need anymore shitty rap.
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You guys do realize RIff Raff is an act like a Weird Al Yankovic? He was/is in Three Loco which is like a Lonely Island act... GOOGLE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND! Nice video and I love the track, where is the sample from?

Should of gone the whole hog and made it a comedy video. It is so bad I was laughing in parts anyway.
Are 13 year old boys going to want to be that guy? NO!
Are 13 year old girls going to want to be with that guy? NO!
Its got the right ingredients to be a joke video though.
I noticed a new one with OP :

[ame=]RiFF RaFF & TRAPZiLLAS - MiDNiGHT SPRiTE - YouTube[/ame]
PS - I was always curious bout this type of stuff so if you want to share the info ok, if the not ok - but can you tell what kind of $ did you get from the gig?

Ballpark if you dont want exact #

PM if you dont want public :D