My Dispute With Hydra Network - Resolved


New member
Jan 15, 2009
I want to set the record straight.
My rant has been blown into something way bigger than the situation called for or I wanted. Yes, I claimed Hydra had stiffed me for $25,000.
I posted that due to impatience and miscommunication, but my rant was blown into something way bigger than I wanted.

After some more discussion, Hydra and I have sorted it out - it was apparently not the kind of traffic the advertiser and Hydra had in mind. Although I still feel I promoted the offer in an adequate way, hydra didn’t really screw me. There was not enough communication between all parties with whether the leads or the way I was promoting was ok, which taught me a huge lesson, and im sure hydra has learned much from it too.
Hydra has treated me fairly and I have no ill will towards them at this time.

Hey thanks for starting a new thread though.

so you think the situation got 'blown into something bigger' because of your post and you decide to try to fix that by making another post.

definitely a defamation/legal statement. that statement basically is like "i got nothing, it wasn't hydra's fault."

this does nothing to help hydra's cause. also where's jon's "outside" perspective on the situation that was promised? this does nothing to make me move from the "i absolutely won't be running anything with hydra' camp

too bad they threatened you with legal. better luck next time.

hydra hasn't learned jack shit either. they still haven't provided any sort of even close to adequate input to help any opinions of them on their forum, and only legally bullied you when you complained about it.
so the lesson is that if you do business with hydra and something goes wrong and you bitch, you get threatened with a lawsuit.

I really don't want to throw more fuel on the fire, but reading between the lines here doesn't do anything in terms of making me even remotely consider running an offer with them ever again.

Until what actually happened has some degree of transparency, that's going to be my stance.

If the OP did something shady, then it should be communicated and Hydra let off the hook. If Hydra didn't pay and threatened lawsuit, different situation. If both parties admitted some level of wrong doing, shook hands and made things right monetarily, then I guess it's "resolved". It still doesn't instill any faith in me about working w/ them though. Their complete lack of response on this issue is appalling to me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a networks greatest asset its affiliates?

I'm not encouraging anyone else to do the same or start this shit all over again, it's just my opinion. Please don't sue me for libel.
you know what I find comical about this whole thing?

This cryptic "I just got served w/ a suit" post does nothing to build confidence in my eyes as an affiliate, in fact quite the opposite.

It really doesn't take much to regain trust, many of us here are very fortunate to not swing pick axes for a living and thus a few dollars here and there or a few fuckups when dealing with technology are bound to happen.

I'll single out Motive for the classic way to unfuck a situation. The CEO jumps on and says the following (multiple times).

1) we really fucked up
2) we, but more important I personally, am sorry that it happened
3) it's unacceptable, you all have the right to be upset, I would to
4) we are addressing internally to ensure this will never happen again.

holy shit! A real fucking apology? Like the kind you'd get from a friend in real life? I don't work w/ Motive but let me tell you that stand up, personal instead of distant legalese / prepared statement bullshit goes real far in my book.
you know what I find comical about this whole thing?

This cryptic "I just got served w/ a suit" post does nothing to build confidence in my eyes as an affiliate, in fact quite the opposite.

It really doesn't take much to regain trust, many of us here are very fortunate to not swing pick axes for a living and thus a few dollars here and there or a few fuckups when dealing with technology are bound to happen.

I'll single out Motive for the classic way to unfuck a situation. The CEO jumps on and says the following (multiple times).

1) we really fucked up
2) we, but more important I personally, am sorry that it happened
3) it's unacceptable, you all have the right to be upset, I would to
4) we are addressing internally to ensure this will never happen again.

holy shit! A real fucking apology? Like the kind you'd get from a friend in real life? I don't work w/ Motive but let me tell you that stand up, personal instead of distant legalese / prepared statement bullshit goes real far in my book.
Read the apology they (probably) wrote for him. Hydra still doesnt get what the deal is. It seems like they think it's about the cash, not about their shit response.

Here's a hint Hydra: Only you guys can apologize for your shitty support. No one else.

Edit: On the homepage just saw there's hydra accounts logged on. Care to chime in yet?
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