Moving to USA.... tell mewhich city.

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Look into Orange County, there's a lot of SEO people and web people in LA and not far from San Diego (if you like that city, it kind of rubs me the wrong way, although they do have a nice zoo and a bridge). But it depends on your attitude, if you're happy and going somewhere pretty much any place will match that (florida is awesome too, but everybody does speak spanish).

It also depends on your lifestyle, if you never go out then probably say out of outdoor type places such as Denver.

Concerning women, it depends on you, if you have a different person and NOT that of a locked up computer geek then you'll be ok pretty much anywhere, except stay away from place like Bay Area if you're into caucasians, but if you're into asians, stick to the west coast.

I don't know you personally, but if you're the rick from your site, you'll do fine with women, looks like you're the type. If you are moving to a college town, like houston, get your own place but not too far from campus, you'll want them sneaking in between classes for a "breaks".

Keep it up.

Considering you're from Australia I would think being near the ocean would be important. I was born and grew up near the ocean and there is some deep seeded cosmic thing, I don't know how to explain it But I can't be away from the ocean for long periods of time. So I'd say east coast Maine to Virginia. I'm north of Boston. West coast, I'd say San Diego. Lived there for a time. Simply outstanding place.
I live in New Jersey, have for most of my life, 20 minutes outside of Manhattan. Let me tell you man, Manhattan is BULLSHIT. People there pay exorbitant amounts of money in rent, taxes, etc for these ramshackle little shithole 400 square foot apartments. 5th floor walk-ups with windows that look out onto brick walls, interiors that haven't been updated in 20 years, all so they can feel snooty and tell people they "live in manhattan".

Maybe I'm biased, but I don't see how volunteering to get ripped off is something to brag about or something for me to envy. I'm an easy commute to NYC, my cost of living is a fraction of what these Manhattanites submit themselves to, my apartment is huge, I have a proactive local police force that keeps scumbags out of my town, I don't have to deal with stupid tourists or gridlock traffic, I can own a car, and I have ZERO DEBT. In Manhattan, every admin assistant making $30k/yr is out at the trendy hotspots 7 nights a week living off their credit cards. It's a circle jerk of phonies paying for appearances to impress each other.
Hey man, don't be bitter cuz you're bridge&tunnel. All you Jersey folk have serious inferiority complexes. :p

Sure, Manhattan prices are nuts and there are downsides not even considering the $, but tons of upside too. Thing is though, if you got the $ and like excitement, there is NO place like it. In the world. There are tons of great cities, both in the U.S. and overseas, but Tokyo is the only place I've been to that can compete with the electricity and wealth of options that Manhattan has.

That said, I did my stint and now live 1 subway stop out of Manhattan in Brooklyn. It's mostly quiet but the neighborhood is youthful with plenty of good restaurants and bars. I have a car and have no trouble finding street parking. It's a perfect compromise for me.

And let's not play the crime canard. Sure, if you grew up in the suburbs and don't like Black or Hispanic people, it might seem threatening, but it's actually quite safe despite stereotypes. In fact, the property and violent crime rates have continued to go down while they are stagnating or rising in the rest of the country. At a glance, the crime rates appear to be slightly lower than San Diego or Austin. People may be rude and confrontational here, but they aren't violent. What would easily get you knocked out in many other places earns no more than a mean glare here and at worst a shouting match.

Anway, yeah, it's expensive. Trying to live in NYC on 30k ain't gonna work for long. But as long as you're ok with living in an apartment, 2 people can easily have a more than comfortable lifestyle on $100k or $65k if single with a roommate or two once you know the ropes.
I live in canada....but i been to the States a couple of times. Went to every city there is and..i think vegas is a great place, thats if u dont gamble. Goto houston and see Yao MING!? WA CHAAA *jokes jokes* Boston big city great stuff go redsox! NYC expensive rents expensive stuff. LA expensive rents great place to live! my pick would be boston!
Silicon Valley -


If your looking to start or want to work for a company in a computer related field it's a great place to be. Plenty of people looking for tech jobs and a lot of the big names are out here (google, yahoo, facebook, etc.)

close to ocean

a lot of major conferences come through (ad-tech, ses, etc.)


cost of living is a bit pricy, you won't find a decent apartment for less than $1200 a month.

women when compared to places like chicago, miami, ny are ugly.

nightlife lacks, unless you go to sf, and even then compares no where near chicago, miami and ny
Chicago is probably one of the top places to live in the World for 9 months out of the year. The winters are just brutal.

i agree, there's nowhere else like chicago...the weather is the only fallback, but if you don't mind that it's a great place! being in the middle of the states is convenient and you can get anywhere from o'hare pretty cheap.

It's the damn mexican food....sooo...good...mmmm

LOL, fellow Houstonian.... Los Cucos Rules!

I read someplace that the cheap restaurants of every possible type contribute to it. Also, it is impossible to walk here and you have to drive. I was getting my tire changed the other day and thought I'd take a walk in a commercial area, and I felt like people figured I was a street person who couldn't afford a car.

It's funny - but I felt so weird walking, I just had to duck into a ...wait for it....taqueria!
Wow i just saw this thread and though about the best place to move to in the USA..well i wouldn't know because i have never been, but all the same i do know one of the directors of Haliburton who stays there in Houston and loves it, they are from Scotland originally, been invited out a few times but havent been, anyway i go to read the topic and the last post is about Houston.

Rock on...
What about Bentonville, Arkansas - the home of walmart ([SIZE=-1]largest employer in America)[/SIZE], your bound to get a job there.

Have you got a job offer then only I think it's not just a matter of packing your bags & moving
I'd choose NYC #1, but since I have started disliking cold weather in my old age, I'd have a place in FL also. Stay away from Miami area. Greater West Palm. As soon as my IM efforts allow, you'll be able to find me in NYC, except December through April when I'll be in FL and Caymans.
Hey man, don't be bitter cuz you're bridge&tunnel. All you Jersey folk have serious inferiority complexes. :p

Hate to break it to you chief, but you're B&T too. Only one of us is bitter about it though. Oh I'll admit there's a lot of Jersey people who envy Manhattan. I'm just not one of them. I don't have spikey hair, white sneakers, a tribal armband tattoo and a kickass room in my parents basement. No fist-pumping going on here. I worked in Manhattan long enough to know that they've got nothing I envy. I'll take my lower taxes, lower cost of living, bigger apartment, nice car, light traffic and zero tourists any day of the week.
new jersey is cool, i live in central(southern to north jersey people) and if i go 1 hour one way im in new york, one hour another way im in philly, one hour another way im in atlantic city plus im right on the ocean...i personally dont like cities at all and like suburban life but its nice to be in the middle of all them cities cause theres so much you can do if you want to go to one of them cities...if i was to tell you what city to live it it would probably be LA...its like the New york of the west coast but i think its better. also anchorage(only cause i would like to be able to play hockey all the time)
I'd choose NYC #1, but since I have started disliking cold weather in my old age, I'd have a place in FL also. Stay away from Miami area. Greater West Palm. As soon as my IM efforts allow, you'll be able to find me in NYC, except December through April when I'll be in FL and Caymans.

OMG! Is that avatar your real picture? You should come to Houston.
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