Moving to USA.... tell mewhich city.

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New member
Oct 20, 2006
Brisbane, Australia

I need to move to USA from Australia very soon for work. Which city should I move to? I have choice of any city.
  • I want networking with WF type peeps / other online businesses
  • Quality of female talent will obviously be taken into consideration
I was thinking Vegas for the events
NYC for the business
Florida for the women
San Fran / Silicon Valley for the web2.0 shit

Or Some bastard set me straight please.

Definitely NYC. Live in Soho, Tribeca, or the Village (in that order) and you will have an abundance of hotness walking by your doorstep every day. Business-wise, of course it can't be rivaled.

The valley would be ok if you had to, but it gets boring really really fast.
the university of austin(texas) was voted to have the hottest chicks in the US by playboy. then again there aren't many wf type peeps here :(
NYC was the first city to pop into my mind. But if you want hot women that would be Texas, everyone knows that. ;)
rental property in NYC... wooo!

I've been to NYC a few times... love it. Rent is farking expensive in Manhatten though. How about New Jersey or similar or is there no point?

Yes, I heard there's some farking hotties in Texas.

Vegas is very tempting. Heard it was rated the best city to live in at the moment?

And yep... Atlanta has come up in conversation a few times too.
Take it from a fellow Australian, Florida sucks (everyone speaks Spanish), NYC is not so great, San Fran is awesome, and since the male population is either gay or extremely up themselves the women are very easy picking (much like girls from Queensland.)

However I'd stay in Brisbane, the weather rocks.

Seven states have no state income tax: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming. Two others, New Hampshire and Tennessee, tax only dividend and interest income.

Something to think about...
vegas - no state income tax and it's VEGAS

I live in vegas - moved here 14 months ago from Canada.

Love it.

You will need a vehicle and your house will be arm's reach from your neighbours'.... but the 'strip is the 'strip. no need to describe that.

I can't comment on what it's like dating in las vegas... i'm married.

It's not has hot as everyone says.... even this skinny white guy from the north didn't mind the summer too much.
Chicago is probably one of the top places to live in the World for 9 months out of the year. The winters are just brutal.
Come to Minneapolis. Rated the #1 city in the country for pretty much everything that matters. Here are a few:

#1 Most Literate City in the U.S.
#1 Innovate Transportation System
#1 Healthiest State

Some other fun points:

Home to the Mayo Clinic - one of the most renowned hospitals in the world.

Vibrant Economy, low unemployment, Mall of American -The largest indoor Mall in the U.S.

We're home to huge companies like Best Buy, Target Corp, United Health Group, General Mills, 3M, Northwest Airlines and many more.

Plus, a beautiful skyline:

Chicago is probably one of the top places to live in the World for 9 months out of the year. The winters are just brutal.

Chicago is great for Australia for the whole of three (maybe four) months a year. The rest of the year is a cold, damp shithole. Aussies are used to 120+ degree heat, Chicago does not offer anything even near that.
Dude... NYC is outrageously expensive... San Diego is an awesome choice... I was born and raised in SD, and I fucking love the place. Beautiful women, all kinds of people, killer weather, awesome beaches, and the locals kick ass.

There is plenty of wealth there, so networking with successful people is easy.
Then again, it isn't cheap either, coming in just behind NYC on the most expensive list.

Right now I live in Scottsdale, and I like it, but its much different, and Ive failed to really meet anyone out here that I like.
with the real estate market being what it is San Diego is getting better then again expensive is relative to what you can afford.
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