Got money to blow


Go to, post a job asking for 1,000+ leads weekly. Test out and interview the peeps you get who bid on your project. Give them an email/zip submit CPA offer to try out so you can test lead quality. When you find a legit one, hire em full time. Pay em $xxx knowing you'll receive $xxx*2

You dont have to work. You just make them work, collect the cash and pay them.

4 hour work week.

As for finding out what you wanna do with your life.........................

peace out.


Got money to blow


Go to, post a job asking for 1,000+ leads weekly. Test out and interview the peeps you get who bid on your project. Give them an email/zip submit CPA offer to try out so you can test lead quality. When you find a legit one, hire em full time. Pay em $xxx knowing you'll receive $xxx*2

You dont have to work. You just make them work, collect the cash and pay them.

4 hour work week.

As for finding out what you wanna do with your life.........................

peace out.

are you real??
Have you accepted Jesus as your lord and savior?

Jesus is the answer to all your worldly problems.

Ahha j/k.

Spend some money, I bet once you have commitments you'll grind for more.
Meh, my problem is that I can't get enough work to fill my time. I looked at odesk and getafreelancer for writing work but those assholes all want to pay .50/100 words. It just isn't worth the time.
Necessity is the mother of all invention (and motivation). Right now, you have all of your necessities covered - try removing them. Put yourself in an unacceptable amount of debt, and you'll be forced to kick your way out of it.

For example, lets say your sites bring in $5K/month, and you have $2K/mo in living expenses, and $50K in the bank. Buy a house or two, and put yourself in $3,500/mo worth of mortgage debt. When you start seeing your account balance drop a few K a month, you'll get off your ass.
You need to get out of your house. If the sites are managing themselves, let them. Either start a new venture that gets you out of the house, or use your time to help out others in some way. Volunteer at a local school - read to kindergarteners, maybe. Or do some mission work through a community center or church. You don't have to be religious or a member of the church to hop on with some mission work. Helping others, especially rebuilding houses or something dramatic like that will kick start you in ways you can't believe.
I know exactly what you are going through. I myself made a pretty decent stack and got enough passive income coming in to live a life others are dreaming about.

One problem I have is, that I get bored with everything really quick. I think that is also a common problem most of the young successful marketers on here face.
I started travelling. Did that for around 3 years. partied a lot, did things I loved, smoked a lot of weed, chilled and just followed the sun around the world.

I think the most important thing is, that you do what you love… that is what life is all about. You have to reevaluate every morning if you're doing what you love. If you love traveling, go travel. If you love fucking pretty girls, get good at gaming and bang them bitches. if you love stacking paper and jacking off every 30 minutes, do just that.

I, for example, need new stuff happening everyday to get my synapses tickling. I need to travel around, be on the move. I need to learn new stuff everyday. I also love to meet interesting people and work together with them. I hate boring ass standard shit, or getting into some sort of daily routine. Then I also like chilling and doing nothing for weeks. Love eating good food and drinking good beer, smoking good weed. I also have to get my dick into cute girls to not get depressed.

I think you should just do whatever your guts tell you.

After reading some biographies of successful people I also widened my horizon and noticed that there is still plenty to learn and achieve.
I noticed that I get most fun out of working with smart & interesting people and getting around to places I love but not staying there for too long to get bored. So at the moment I am building multiple companies in different cities/countries with interesting partners. That makes me wake up every morning thinking what a fucking beautiful life this is we have.
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Dude! Move to another county. TRAVEL for fucks sake. Perfect timing for a world trip dude.

This, traveling always motivates me once i return to the states. You really just have to find what motivates you and run with it. Money is not necessarily a motivator for everyone, my motivation comes from an internal desire to be a productive individual not just someone whom makes money and sits around.
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it works. networks pay out.

True, good marketers who can push quality leads almost always hang out on freelance sites waiting for someone like you to log on to pay them a fraction of what they should make. Otherwise they might cut a totally worthless part out of the equation and make more money.
find a expensive exciting hobby that you like and can't sustain it's practice with your current monthly revenues, that will make you want to make more money and keep u motivated.

examples of expensive hobbies : recreational flying, scuba diving..

good luck
Good summary I found somewhere (probably reddit)


The purpose of this document is to provide you with a complete and unequivocal guide to success.


  1. You have an obligation to yourself and to the world to achieve your goals and exact your values.
  2. You have an obligation to give nothing short of 100% on every task you perform.
  3. You have a limited amount of time, and can therefore do limited things.
  4. Setting up an end-time for a task is by definition unoptimal – if you can't make it, then you waste time feeling guilty, and if you can make it, you waste time because you "have time."
  5. There is an optimal methodology for organizing actions toward various goals such as to minimize negative effects of boredom, tire, anxiety, and overconfidence.
  6. Based on 3, 4, and 5, it's important to set achievable goals, yet have enough of them and enough variety such that time-wasting can be avoided. The system for this is as follows:
    1. For each day, and the next two, have a list of actions that satisfy the following template:
      1. 1 primary task
      2. 2 secondary tasks
      3. 3+ tertiary tasks
      4. Relevant down-time tasks
      5. Relevant break-time tasks
    2. For each week, have a list of goals that satisfy the following template:
      1. 1 primary goal
      2. 2 secondary goals
      3. 3+ tertiary goals
    3. For each month, your preparation tasks are slightly more extensive.
      1. You need to think about where you are in pursuit of your goals, and where you need to be. Make some notes about this, and retain the analysis in your memory as well.
      2. Next, you must orchestrate a plan for accomplishing what you need to during the month. This plan must at least consist of, in its barebone form:
        1. The sequence of actions that will lead to the accomplishment of each goal
        2. The possible impediments to achieving that goal, and solutions to them
        3. Analysis of the state of all areas of one's life, their intended directions, and key perspectives and events to be aware of in the coming weeks.
        4. An honest evaluation of one's goals and the efficacy of this system.
    4. After each task, evaluate what you've accomplished, what's going on around you, and what you need to do next
  7. The criteria for deciding what to do next are simple:
    1. You do the most important task that you have the capacity to do, unless there is another that would yield better results at that time.
  8. It's important to plan to be able to carry out the tasks that you should be doing at any given time, so think in advance, and be prepared with whatever materials you may need.
  9. You must keep track of what your monthly, weekly, and daily goals are. Furthermore, you must be able to adjust them as needed. Therefore, keep a clear, concise log of what they are in a digital document.
Crushing one's old habits and becoming the best person possible is not easy. In many ways, it will be like going through drug withdrawal, and in others it will be in credibly scary and negative. Yet, it's important to realize that it is impossible for you to live an authentic life, and therefore be happy, without doing exactly this. The positives will start to roll in as time goes by, however, and as you exert more effort and become more adept as a person.

You can do all of this. You will be so happy when you do. It is the only real way forward. Delaying this is wasting your time and destroying yourself.


fucking badass! printed out and will follow!