
New member
Mar 25, 2009
sup guys,

I'm 20 & currently a college dropout.

Early 2010 I made some bank with some cpa related thingz. Started with no money at all but knew a lot about what I was doing. Crazy ass method stopped working one day, but i'd gotten enough out of it to invest in other stuff. I bought two pretty big sites which I still have today.

They bring in decent money; enough to where I could be living on my own.

K end life story, here I am 1 year later, making decent money from these two websites that require minimal management.

I've reached a point of complete asshat laziness. I have all the time in the world to do whatever I want & here I am waking up every damn afternoon to sit around managing these sites, which don't even need to be managed, like a lazy mofker. I'm reading shit daily & I'm always getting new ideas but I have NO FUCKING MOTIVATION TO DO ANYTHING.

I still have a chunk of money sitting in my bank, been checking out flippa & websitebroker everyday to try and buyout some more sites, but I know this won't end my lazy fucking streak of monotonous everyday nothingness.

Anyone else been through something similar or am just a real lazy bastard.

Need suggestions, support, or feedback & I don't care if it's crazy, I just can't keep this up anymore.

tl;dr i need some motivation

Dude! Move to another county. TRAVEL for fucks sake. Perfect timing for a world trip dude.
Every week write down what you want to get done.

Hire a couple of badass dudes to beat the fuck outta you if you don't accomplish that week's goal.

Hire them on a 6 month retainer.

Problem solved.
Stop smoking so much weed.

get some adderall. its impossible to be lazy with it

Good advice. Stop smoking weed, start doing Adderall.

OP out of curiosity, what are the basic stats of the sites you bought? i.e. How are they monetized/how well established are they? I'm honestly just curious since I'd like to buy some sites myself soon that are already making money--wondering how easy it was for you to get them/best place to get one?
since its causing you so much grief, dump off the 2 sites to me Id be glad to relieve u of the pains.

either that or,

my productivity is getting worse as well. this is the ADD generation, at no other time in history has it been so easy to go from unreal productive to entertainment so quickly.
However you're receiving your monies, redirect XX% of it somewhere you can't physically get to it without either taking a hit or it being a big PITA. Force yourself to hustle on your slimmed down income to make up the difference.

And take enough away so that it will actually cramp on you, not just be a small inconvenience.
Dude! Move to another county. TRAVEL for fucks sake. Perfect timing for a world trip dude.

Haven't traveled much, but i'd like to. been to south america, that's about it

get some adderall. its impossible to be lazy with it

I'll look into it, never taken any pharms in my life except maybe Benadryl.

start an account on WaFo


Every week write down what you want to get done.

Hire a couple of badass dudes to beat the fuck outta you if you don't accomplish that week's goal.

Hire them on a 6 month retainer.

Problem solved.

Quite an incentive to get your shit done. I like it.

OP out of curiosity, what are the basic stats of the sites you bought? i.e. How are they monetized/how well established are they? I'm honestly just curious since I'd like to buy some sites myself soon that are already making money--wondering how easy it was for you to get them/best place to get one?

Good established sites worth purchasing aren't that easy to find. Or everyone would own them.

What are your skills, seo? Look for a site that has some earnings coming in & mediocre traffic. Talk to website owners, make a unique offer. For example if the last bid on a big site auction is at $5k, figure out what his reserve is and offer a bit higher and tell him you'll pay the success fee. Idk, get creative & FUCK SHIT UP. Webmasters are many times dumb as hell & end up selling it too fast just to make a quick profit. Some guys don't even know what they've got on their hands, so don't tell them; take it from them.

This obviously doesn't apply to every category. You gotta find what you're looking for. Personally, i wont buy a site to manage unless the category is something im genuinely interested in.

1st site I bought through a friend of a friend & sorta got lucky.
2nd site I bought via websitebroker.

since its causing you so much grief, dump off the 2 sites to me Id be glad to relieve u of the pains.

either that or,


I'm good bray.

my productivity is getting worse as well. this is the ADD generation, at no other time in history has it been so easy to go from unreal productive to entertainment so quickly.

Sucks and doesn't suck at the same time nawmean?

What do you want to do with your life besides making more money?

Must be something lame as hell if I can't get motivated to make money. And I wish I knew.

However you're receiving your monies, redirect XX% of it somewhere you can't physically get to it without either taking a hit or it being a big PITA. Force yourself to hustle on your slimmed down income to make up the difference.

And take enough away so that it will actually cramp on you, not just be a small inconvenience.

Great idea. I think a good step forward, at this point, would be to move out and start living on my own. Sorta get a better sense of reality.
Just like your other crazy method of making money, one day those sites are going to stop making huge amounts of money with no work required.

What I've started doing is each night listing 6 tasks (I make sure to break down each task so none of them take longer than an hour) I want done the next day. If I don't finish at least 4 of them, the next day I have to put all sites I go to bullshit on in my hosts file.

I'm hoping (maybe once school is done) to up it to having 12 tasks and doing at least 8 of them each day.
If you got the cash, then travel bro. you will regret not doing it later in life. Otherwise do something that puts you out of your comfort zone. You probably feel like something new will be a failure or too big a task and overwhelming, but you gotta start somewhere so whatever it is, start small and work your way into it. Otherwise buy a slr, take a photog course and move to brazil for a year to be a freelance swimsuit photographer :)
I've reached a point of complete asshat laziness.

I know what that feels like. Give yourself a task such as to indulge in something only if you can work towards it.
Anyone have a recommendation for where to travel. To start out at least.

I speak fluent English/Spanish & trying to learn german, who am i kidding, im not trying to learn german but i'd like to.