More Traffic, Easy Ranked Micro Niche Site Find Keywords EMD $2+Avg CPC with backlink

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Cannot send any PMs yet due to low post counts.

Below are some of the questions I have for you.


The sites look pretty good. Hmm just wondering is adsense is the only monetizing method available?

Thats because my adsense account has been banned so I can no longer have an adsense account. Are you able to help me get another adsense account?

Also are there any income guarantees for your sites and also money back guarantee?

I have encountered several unhappy business deals with people so am very skeptical about everything.

Thanks Again

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Can you PM me a sample page too?

Sent you PM with sample sites
Thanks for your reply adss30,

However I dont think i can get another adsense account on my own anymore. The reason my initial adsense account got banned is as a result of me engaging an adsense income service which got me into this situation.

If I cannot have another new adsense account, I dont think I will be able to utilize your service?

Hope you can think of something to help me. (Cant PM due to low post counts)



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