Money Making Ideas for Cousin in the Can

Oooo prison workouts.

Srs, if someone had book/ebook about lifts they do in prison - I'd buy it just out of curiosity as to what they do w their limited resources.

We had regular free weights. Pretty sure the fed joints have the same. Despite popular belief the administration wants the prisoners to have weights, TV, books etc to keep them easier to control. The last thing you want is 10 guards trying to keep 500 angry, frustrated, bored inmates in line.

I would be very careful in 'employing' his fellow inmates.. Especially if you're planning on scaling it because word will get around fast the amount of people you're employing/what you're paying.. and some of the prison gangs might see him as a very easy mark for extortion.

In fact, I would highly advise against hiring anyone.. Keep any and all monetarybusiness to yourself. Work for yourself, don't tell anyone, if anyone asks just act like you're writing short stories, letters to a girlfriend, penpal, a journal, etc. Don't tell them you're earning money by writing articles.. Don't mention money, period.

Hell, just knowing you know someone on the outside who has a good chunk of change to pay you anything makes you a target for extortion. Clearly your cousin isn't a street guy, which is a good thihg..just it isn't a good thing in prison..So he should reallydo all he can to make sure he doesn't open himself up to becoming a target in any sort of way.

So yeah, be quiet,mind your own business and earn the maximum amount of money you can on YOUR OWN and keep your mouth SHUT.

This x ∞

He needs to be REAL FUCKING CAREFUL about people finding out what his hustle is in prison or he will become an easy mark for extortion. He might think he's buddy buddy with the mob guys but he's wrong. They will fucking juice him for everything he's got if they even catch a whiff. And most of them are rats that work with the staff. Running an ongoing business venture from inside is against the rules so if he's not careful he might not come home in 18 months. Just some things to keep in mind.

The best hustle in prison for a smart guy is in the law library. I've got a buddy doing 17-40 and he makes a couple hundred bucks each week doing legal work, filing motions etc for all of the illiterate fucks in there. One thing that everyone in prison needs is legal help.
There are dozens of ways to make cash or the equivalent.

Is he in a Camp? Low? USP? His options change with each.

Most camps have decent jobs where he can make a couple hundred a month, stay busy, and stay out of trouble.

He can also provide services to others, no not those kinds of services. Things like doing laundry, etc. Get a job in the cafeteria and sell vegetables etc. Buy some jolly ranchers, melt them, use ends of q-tips while soft to make handles, add pepper and sell. Make food for others, all kinds of stuff he can do. If he lifts, he can personally train others. On and on and on.

He needs to start thinking.

If he is in a camp, he is likely surrounded by guys with a lot of money. Retired judges, securities fraud guys, tax evaders, etc. There's plenty of money to be had by making life for those guys better.
1. Scam the blacks out of their smokes and commissary
2. Pay the mexicans w/ the "money" from the blacks to buy drugs
3. Sell the drugs to the whites
4. Pay off the guards w/ the drug money from the whites, for "protection" from the blacks
5. Rinse and repeat

You watch too much TV shows, as nothing could be further from the truth.

Actually, most people inside, while smart in a violent way, are naive about how the wheels of justice works. The laws in this country has criminality built into it.

Asked any good defense lawyer, they would confirm most defendants are stupid financially and that's how they get caught.

But once in a while you come across master criminals and unfortunately, some of them are in congress, state houses, brokerage firms, police stations, etc.

There are dozens of ways to make cash or the equivalent.

Is he in a Camp? Low? USP? His options change with each.

Most camps have decent jobs where he can make a couple hundred a month, stay busy, and stay out of trouble.

He can also provide services to others, no not those kinds of services. Things like doing laundry, etc. Get a job in the cafeteria and sell vegetables etc. Buy some jolly ranchers, melt them, use ends of q-tips while soft to make handles, add pepper and sell. Make food for others, all kinds of stuff he can do. If he lifts, he can personally train others. On and on and on.

He needs to start thinking.

If he is in a camp, he is likely surrounded by guys with a lot of money. Retired judges, securities fraud guys, tax evaders, etc. There's plenty of money to be had by making life for those guys better.
What is the idea with the jolly ranchers? What do you mean, handles? Please explain melting of jolly ranchers and q-tips.. You lost me, but I'm curious.
What is the idea with the jolly ranchers? What do you mean, handles? Please explain melting of jolly ranchers and q-tips.. You lost me, but I'm curious.

Apparently suckers / "jolly pops". Cost $0.26 to make, and sell for $0.60. That's over 100% margin -- not too shabby.

Judicious Jailbird: Reflections of a Baker

Hell, that lady has a whole bakery going on in her cell. Jolly pops, oatmeal cookies, and by now maybe even some peanut brittle.
A site like ""

1. Site about how great cell life is (even if it is not)
2. Advocate people to try cell life as opposed to social security/welfare/homelessness
3. Controversial book about the above
4. ...?
5. Get in Oprah's book club = Profit