Money Making Ideas for Cousin in the Can

He's already got guys asking him for advice on their businesses when they get released and seems to have garnered some real respect from most of the groups in there, including the Mexicans and most of the Brooklyn mob.

I guess turning them into writers would be a stretch, though it would make for good Shakespeare.

Wow he sounds like he's really popular in prison.

Instead of bragging to you about all his awesome mob connections - he should take some of their money and maybe get his advice paid for. The mob has money right? Or is it not gentlemanly to ask for a fee when consulting?
How about you stop being a peasant and give him the money? (or lend it to him till he gets out of jail and starts paying you back)

I mean come on, what does it take to buy cups, shampoo, soap, toothpaste and basic shit like this? $100? $200? Let's push it and say $300? I don't think he needs thousands. Millions of people live on welfare with $700 a month and still manage to pay rent.

In the meantime let him use his spare time to work out, read books and learn some new technical skills that can apply in real life when he gets out.

As i noted above, I am giving him money monthly. But that shit runs out AND it's not just to break even, he's looking to maybe have a little bit in the bank when he gets out to have a good foot forward. Not to mention i got my own shit to pay and don't make that much myself. It's not just about breaking even, but having a little saved up when he gets out.

Thanks for the creative ideas guys.
Wow he sounds like he's really popular in prison.

Instead of bragging to you about all his awesome mob connections - he should take some of their money and maybe get his advice paid for. The mob has money right? Or is it not gentlemanly to ask for a fee when consulting?

I was hyperbolic in saying "real respect", i meant simply "respect enough" to not get into fights and be able to exist in a relatively normal capacity. He doesn't have mob connections, we're both of Italian heritage but cmon we're fucking internet marketing geeks. The mob wouldn't know what to do with some white kid who is talking about PHP, ASP and HTML5.
1) Make dummy Elance and Odesk accounts
2) Accept jobs
3) Outsource to inmates
4) Profit

This thread is now outting my new business venture.
No trollsies - his limit of communication kind of limits his ability to do anything in terms of his skills which requires lots of back-and-forth. If he's in there for 18 more months, why not just grab some programming books he doesn't know and go to town.

Then when he's out he can code a spam bot and make back whatever he spent in past 18 months in a week at BST.
This board is hardcore HUSTLERS. Thread & ideas about how to make money from Federal prison. Disregard EVERYTHING, acquire currency.
If nothing else pans out while he's in then he could at least write content while in jail and then publish it when he gets out. He could write about prison life and publish it under a pen name. Not sure about commercial viability but I'm guessing that pointed first-person prison-oriented content isn't easy to come by. If he put his mind to it he could have hundreds of articles ready when he left, then build out a branded site, publish the content over a year, then sell the site.
He doesn't have mob connections, we're both of Italian heritage but cmon we're fucking internet marketing geeks. The mob wouldn't know what to do with some white kid who is talking about PHP, ASP and HTML5.

You might be surprised by how useful the mob might find those skills.
I don't think it's a fail idea... I think it could be scalable even.

It would have to be good content. Vadym's reference to Indians got me thinking, good hand spinners are hard to find. I mean someone who can take one article and rewrite it that many times where I'd still want to read it? Takes time, a brain and a perfect command of the English language which may right now be three of the guy's only assets while locked up.

Let's say he cuts a deal at $4 or $5 a spin, doable for good quality. He gets some of the guys on his cel block writing for him. Inmates that have been in a long time could be good writers, all the penpal experience could come in handy So now he's subcontracting big batches. These guys have nothing but time, he could be fair and pay $3 per article to his buddies. Let's say he personally can write 5 articles a day at a modest $5 that's $25 a day, $125/week working a 5 day work week. If he gets two friends that can do that volume, he earns $2 per article they write then he has a passive income on top of that of $100 a week for a nice $225 a week total which would keep him very comfortable in prison. Other guys hear he's paying $75 a week for writing and he gets more "employees" there are lots of guys in prison with no family, no money on their books.

I hope this guy in prison can fucking fight.

Once the wrong crowd hear this guy is making money, they wont be joining up with him, they will kick his fucking teeth in for the $25 a day he is making. This is prison, not some county jail. Once he is outted, he's outted.
It's not like he gets it in cash money, it's on his books. I think bullies would be attracted to a scale-able racket, why take the $25 if you can scale up and make $200 a day? $500?

Inb4 content writing slavery is the new prison rape.

"Yo, you got my pages?"
Yeah, might want to get him a web design book or two as well. When he gets out in 1.5 years, he might discover that his Flash clients have dried up.
No trollsies - his limit of communication kind of limits his ability to do anything in terms of his skills which requires lots of back-and-forth. If he's in there for 18 more months, why not just grab some programming books he doesn't know and go to town.

Then when he's out he can code a spam bot and make back whatever he spent in past 18 months in a week at BST.

Yeah, might want to get him a web design book or two as well. When he gets out in 1.5 years, he might discover that his Flash clients have dried up.

Yes, flash is pretty much dead. He's been reading books on PHP, Javascript, CSS, studying/speaking Spanish, Italian, Latin...etc. I will probably send him a book on iOS development for app building. He's got some ideas for a fitness app he wants to build once out. I also bought him $100 of art supplies so he can get into painting again. Apparently he's taking a painting class that's being taught by another prisoner. So he should be relatively well rounded when he gets out.