Money in Solo Adult Website?

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You need to get some legal advice from a lawyer who specialises in adult industry before doing this. AFAIK as a content producer you need to worry about 2257 compliance & model releases. Although you probably won't have to worry about obscenity laws unless you get her doing something really nasty. BUT that said, if you're a soft target who clearly doesn't have your legal ass covered, a bored goverment official is likely to come after you.

Regarding stopping the magazines from getting her, if I wanted to be commercially ruthless, I'd probably be inclined to market her under a good stage name, and ensure that that I owned the trademark rights to the stage name, all related domain names.

That means if she hits any kind of fame before the mags try to steal her, it's a real pain in the ass for her to rebrand. It also give you an exit as you can sell the name.

Again, get legal advice as it's the sort of area you could really get into a mess with.

Additional thoughts - if you have control of the membership site, and are guaranteed a revenue share, magazines getting her might not be such a bad thing - it's likely to drive traffic for the site. Like another poster said, you're best to get as much content shot now as possible, as it will protect your revenues in the long run.
Thanks Guys. I am starting the site today.

The plan is....
1. Shoot endless video and pictures today and tomorrow, stack up on material.
2. Do youtube blogging to get an initial fan base...

She is so serious about this you have no idea. SHE just dropped $2k on a video camera, and shitload of outfits without me asking her too.

I do know how flaky strippers can be (I got her to quit stripping to do this so it better make some fcuking money) but this one isn`t TOO bad... late usually but still shows up. Alcohol is an off and on problem with her.

I decided to shoot myself until I join in on the films... then I`ll get someone who is a pro and won`t try to fuck my girl (yeah right).
How come you are shooting this? Do you know about lighting? Do you have different sets?

No, and yes. I am willing to hire someone but how do I know they won`t jack the footage. I`d love to hear any suggestions you have John - she is coming over in 25 minutes.
you should give a free account to every WF member. Just for beta testing purposes of course.
kh1: From my media class in highschool, I remember being told that the real trick to lighting is having the space as bright as you possibly can, with omni directionals, not spots.
Then, you tone it down on the camera so you don't get ridiculous highlights, and then tone it down some more in post-production / editing with the leveling tools.
Thanks Harvey.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to accept credit cards. Should I use or whatÉ
Still waiting on pics of this chicks boobs. This thread has uber potential
These might be a little blurry bc they are off of a video. We took 1 video and 6 sets of 40 photos each today all with different outfits. She got tired and we went to sleep.
But, I promised boobs.



nice! now we want the footage ;)

btw, if you need help with design i would be glad to work with you :)
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