Mentally Challenged Man Beaten to Death

4chan is somewhat involved, however bullshido & (I'm a member of are both on it pretty heavy.

Bullshido is out for blood on the guys involved, whether or not the Jesus guy died, Ar15 has reported it to police and a investigation is now pending.

Lots of progress has been made, I've been following this for several days now.

From what I can tell it's quite possible he died, but also possible he didn't.....Several medical professionals say that the breathing at the end is due to him losing conciousness, however the blood which appears to come out his ears would likely be due to a subdural hematoma (potential brain trauma). Afterwards they threw him in a dumpster (supposedly) which would only enhance any trauma he had suffered....Bobby Joe said that the police found the guy , and he's now in a mental ward in VA (Which leads one to believe there's a very good chance he was at least a vegetable after this incident).
To look at it from the bright side, if he's dead he ain't mentally challenged anymore.

That was just plain fucken wrong. This is NOT what martial arts are about. Hitting a guy that's smaller (and stupider) than you while he's down is called COWARDICE. These motherfuckers esp. the owner of the dojo are a disgrace to the Arts.

The fat fuck -- who barely qualifies as a black belt with his sloppy technique -- lost his balance and compensated for feeling humiliated. What a tool.

I keep reading over and over that this man was not he wasn't dead inside the dojo he died in the dumpster they put him in...the police found his body in that very dumpster behind the dojo and Bobby J Blythe bragged about it...but b/c some of his "students" worked in the sheriff's dept. it was swept under the rug. True Story
Here is the decription and quote

OnlineNewsPaper reports "Tv video report of Horno's excellent update on re-opening an investigation. Mentally Challenged Man Beaten to Death In a shocking discovery, this brutal and graphic video has just not been posted to the internet. It is a video supposedly taken from December of 1984 in which Bobby J Blythe, a karate "master instructs his student to brutally beat an individual who is seriously mentally ill. This man was later discovered dead in a dumpster and Blythe was never charged. The instructor Bobby J Blythe had this to say about the incident: 'This dummy was in my shopping center while I was on a Bodyguard Job in Washington, DC. This guy was in the Pizza Hut eating pizza off the plates of others and the Pizza Hut Manager ran him out with a pistol. Later the very same day, police officers were called to remove him from a nearby pharmacy after having been caught reaching into customer's purses. A short time after that, he visited a Napa Auto Parts store next to my Karate Dojo and told the management he planned on teaching in that Dojo and that Jesus taught him. 'The Napa guys told him he was confused (their polite way of warning the man against such action), but not wanting to miss a show, they told the man they would close early just to watch and that he must not know the owner, which is nobody to play with.. Needless to say, the police pulled him out of the dumpster behind my Karate Dojo where he was neatly placed. Semper Fi to all my Marine brothers. The karate student in the white is also a Marine Sgt. and a brand new Black Belt. Never get stupid with a Marine, you could get jacked up and have your clock stopped.' "
Looks like someone took up the cause and let a internet story into the real world..

This is a pic of Bobby Joe Blythe....In the hospital with broken legs and a broken arm.
