Mentally Challenged Man Beaten to Death


New member
Nov 5, 2006
[ame=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

mirror: - Mentally Challenged Man Beaten to Death

(violence warning - watch at your own discretion)

The instructor is a known bully Bobby Joe Blythe. He is 63 years old and lives near Fresno. He is currently a flight instructor. In 1984 he taught marshal arts, including training body guards. He was well connected with the VA law enforcement and military, so he had friends.

The attacker is Willie J Dennis, currently residing in Florida. He is up for charges soon on a separate assault case.


people are trying to raise awareness for this on digg/reddit hoping the press picks it up and it starts investigations

its pretty much a snuff film. so wrong, but vote it up or do what you can
fuck! this is so wrong, be very warned about watching this
it's not that bad, if you've seen any action flick you've seen stuff 100 times worse. But then again I'm a little desensitized to stuff like this, I can watch 2girls1cup while eating a dinner without :repuke:
it's not that bad, if you've seen any action flick you've seen stuff 100 times worse. But then again I'm a little desensitized to stuff like this, I can watch 2girls1cup while eating a dinner without :repuke:
Right, except this actually happened to a helpless dude who's just a bit crazy.

What the fuck.
That is fucked up shit, these pieces of shit have no business in the martial arts world, I hope they fuckin fry in jail.

Not only that the guy who killed him was absolutely fuckin USELESS, he'd get killed in the street, seriously the mentally ill dude was on top of him & I doubt he's had as much training as the cunt who killed him.
Maybe there's a backstory.
There isn't a backstory in the world worthy of beating a challenged guy, who clearly had no intention of a fight, in to unconsciousness and then dragging him out of your little haven "dojo".

If there was immediate threat. Maybe. NOTHING else. And there wasn't.

I don't care how "trained" or whatever this douchebag is. Two or three of the guys in the audience could have and should have stopped it.

At the very least, the guy who started the verbal condescending bullshit with him should be locked up for not doing something to stop his student and the student should be shot. The other students should probably be sentenced for not stopping it too.
it's not that bad, if you've seen any action flick you've seen stuff 100 times worse. But then again I'm a little desensitized to stuff like this, I can watch 2girls1cup while eating a dinner without :repuke:

Dude! watching something i know is fake for entertainment is totally different than seeing the real thing. I LITERALLY almost threw up right on my desk, makes me fuckin sick ...
Speaking of backstory, from Reddit

Yes, the black belt was Mr. Dennis. The vid is on youtube. The head instructor was my sensei, Bobby Joe Blythe. I wasn't there but saw the video. He was high, not mentally handicapped. He had been in the shopping center all day causing trouble by trying to steal from women's purses and shoplift. He told the mechanics across the street he was going to go to the dojo and "get a job teaching" and was warned by the mechanics NOT to do it. He said God was his instructor and gave him his black belt. Everyone in the dojo took his presence as a challenge (old school thinking there). I don't like what happened and prefer not to get into that discussion because it would put me in an awkward position of having to defend the dojo but not agree with what was done. Besides, it happened in 1985. The dojo is no longer there (not for that reason), Mr. Dennis no longer teaches (not for that reason), and Sensei Blythe is retired. The only man who teaches still is Robert Zingg in West Virginia and he wasn't there when this happened. Mr. Zingg had the good sense to leave and start his own school in West VA. He would never do what was done. Hope that answers your questions. Good to hear from you!

Sounds like bullshit imo. Why didn't they call the cops if he was "shoplifting and stealing purses" rather than beat him up? How did these people in the dojo know that he was shoplifting?
There's something of a back-story in the description of the youtube page, as told by Blythe, the instructor.

Sounds like the mental guy was a menace around that area, so everyone thought a good ass whoopin' is what he needed.

It got too far obviously..

edit: Refrozen beat me to it

It looks like this Blythe guy's YouTube account is closed...