
The 2nd guy closed his eyes and was just waiting for his turn.

Only thing that amazes me is that the chainsaw probably got a piece of the arm from the 2nd guy... and he didn't react at all.

Fucked up situation to be in :eek7:

Yeah, this one too. Weird, isn't it?

For those who haven't seen the video: He literally didn't react at all.

Anyway, thanks again yuckystuff for the interesting share.

The only other beheading video I've seen is one of the first ones that got aired in the middle east years ago, some trucker can't remember.

In that one he too was completely motionless when they started cutting almost like he was already dead.

I wouldn't say these guys weren't scared, near the end when the one is talking he seems a little uneasy. But in their environment they're probably just hardened to it all.

There's another video on that same site of guys in front a camera also being interviewed when someone comes in on the side and points a gun to his head and fires. The guy just looks up at it for a second then down without much reaction.

They probably go through enough prior to the videos that at this point they've accepted it and any fear or panic is exhausted.

Not sure if anyone mentioned it but supposedly these guys were members of the largest drug gang in the world:

Who actually killed them then? Initially I thought it was the Sinaloa gang themselves who did this to a rival.
That's the part I can't figure out. How do you just sit there and let somebody cut your head off. I would like to think I'd go down with a fight, handcuffed or not. They'd have to shoot me. Especially the second guy because he just sits there next to the guy while his head gets sawed off and doesn't really budge.

I really fucking hate humanity right about now.
I'd imagine it's like getting a haircut. Don't move, or you'll end up getting accidentally cut. I'd prefer to get a clean cut through the neck (haven't watched it, so dunno whether it was a clean cut) than to be cut vertically.
Nasty video, but this is because of drugs ain't it?! Not sure if they would have done that to random tourists for the hell of it.

If you look at homicide rates and notoriety, El Salvador and the MS-13 gang usually lead the way. It's about time the SAS, Seals or whoever else targeted these types of gangs.
Are you kidding, they work with them haha. CIA drug trafficking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyways, not sure it'd be the best idea - it'd probably escalate to full out war with Mexico, and with the number of Mexican people in the border states, many of whom would likely stay loyal to their country, you could end up with guerilla warfare on American citizens. Also, when you invade somewhere like Iraq/Afghanistan, you can be fairly sure there aren't too many Americans holidaying there. Mexico, on the other hand.... It could end up being a total bloodbath.
Fuck you you got damned internet!

FBI, ATF and DEA is already in their backyard and struggle to do too much. You can't just go take out drug lords because they stay protected with their own paramilitary groups (lookup Los Zetas, Los Negros, Los Rojos, etc.) and are armed far better than Iraq ever was. On top of that - they're right by the border, so retaliations on Americans is always a major issue, as well as hostages and innocent people nearby.

With that being said - several Cartels have attacked innocent Americans in Mexico and in the US, but that was because they were sending a message to someone else and those people just happened to be in the way.

Im not talking about FBI, ATF, or DEA. Im talking the god damn US military. And to think those mexican gangs are more of a threat than insurgents or the iraqi military is a joke. The US military could go in and take all those fuckers out in a week if they wanted too. Or force them to go into hiding basically shitting themselves every night.
I knew better than to watch that, and yet...I watched it anyway. Fucked up...

This video is because you like to smoke pot.
More correctly: This video is because there is lots of money to be made in the black market on drugs; a black market fueled by an unnecessary US drug policy. Which is silly since we all could have our own little plot of Mary Jane in the backyard, and no one would have to get their head sawed off.
Fuck. I don't have enough balls to watch this video, and I'm used to the violence produced by the cartels. These are not humans, are fucking bunches of meat and bone with no soul. I'm not going to watch this fucking thing. See what people do for money in a third world country. Fuck this shit.

For every body just prove that we are human beings...and we have Humanity...

So don't do any thing like that....this is the unethical punishments....and also for then, don't do anything for which some one give you punishments like that...

Please make our World beautiful...

after a few days of avoiding this vid, I finally got the balls to watch it. And motherfucker. This level of violence pisses me off. I hope there is a special place in hell for the soulless pieces of shit who do shit like this.

And just to think, the government can end their money supply in an instant (by legalizing drugs) and use that money to rebuild our fucked up economy.

the world is just getting more and more reckless, I dont even know how to deal with it. Even though we are getting smarter with science/technology/knowledge by the minute, this type of shit still goes on in the world.

Can we get a translator to translate this vid? what are the dudes saying for the first few mins?
any good documentaries on this shit you guys recommend? specifically these Mexican cartels. and no, Gangland doesnt count :D
On that blog...if you want to go September 1st, you have to go to page 53. Each page has 5 posts. Each post normally has multiple killings. Ridiculous what is going on down there. Makes it more realistic than saying there have been 40,000 deaths since the fight on the Cartels began.
after a few days of avoiding this vid, I finally got the balls to watch it. And motherfucker. This level of violence pisses me off. I hope there is a special place in hell for the soulless pieces of shit who do shit like this.

And just to think, the government can end their money supply in an instant (by legalizing drugs) and use that money to rebuild our fucked up economy.

the world is just getting more and more reckless, I dont even know how to deal with it. Even though we are getting smarter with science/technology/knowledge by the minute, this type of shit still goes on in the world.

Can we get a translator to translate this vid? what are the dudes saying for the first few mins?

I came across this site will looking for info on it, says who they were:

Chainsaw Beheading Video - Sinaloa Cartel Members Decapitated in Mexico | Best Gore

The header on this site is almost worst than what happened to these guys though.
after a few days of avoiding this vid, I finally got the balls to watch it. And motherfucker. This level of violence pisses me off. I hope there is a special place in hell for the soulless pieces of shit who do shit like this.

And just to think, the government can end their money supply in an instant (by legalizing drugs) and use that money to rebuild our fucked up economy.

the world is just getting more and more reckless, I dont even know how to deal with it. Even though we are getting smarter with science/technology/knowledge by the minute, this type of shit still goes on in the world.

I think instead that this shit has always happened, the difference is tech, cheap devices and sharing that make us aware of this.
At the end this awareness makes us better and those beasts will be always hopeless beasts
Can we get a translator to translate this vid? what are the dudes saying for the first few mins?
From the comments on the link medway posted:

Grofaz on September 27, 2011 at 5:42 pm said: Fat guy (nephew): i used to work on drug trafficking in Phoenix city, went to jail, i’ve been here for 3 months.
…he talks about his uncle (seating besides him) having his truck confiscated, so he was helping
him to bring in and out information for the boss men (cholo ivan, his brother and the ”mister”)
Uncle: my function was, i knew Cholo Ivan, Chapo Guzman .. from my nephew, i used to work for them, in fact,
occasionally in ’89 they sent me to talk to the coronel, one day i brought them some radio communications from the ”Contras”
i used to ride with them in the Convoy, basically thats what happened during the time i worked for them.
They used to pay me very little, last job i did, they only gave me $300, for risking my life, its not worth it.
I tell you people, be smart. its not easy to be here, there’s no going back. Listen what im saying, you dont fuck with these people,
the only thing i can say is, Chapo Guzman’s people, they’re not like they say. What else can i say? dont be fucking arround, be good,
if you see something, keep your mouth shuth p and you’ll be ok. What about us… ?? We are fucked. Be smart, that’s all i have to say.