
theres a reason they wont fuck with tourists, because the cartels don't want that kind of publicity from countries outside of mexico. If those guys were american tourists in that video there would be a huge uproar in the states and people would want the government to step in and start taking these drug lords out. They can handle the mexican government because its corrupt, but you don't wanna piss off the US government which is sitting in your backyard.

FBI, ATF and DEA is already in their backyard and struggle to do too much. You can't just go take out drug lords because they stay protected with their own paramilitary groups (lookup Los Zetas, Los Negros, Los Rojos, etc.) and are armed far better than Iraq ever was. On top of that - they're right by the border, so retaliations on Americans is always a major issue, as well as hostages and innocent people nearby.

With that being said - several Cartels have attacked innocent Americans in Mexico and in the US, but that was because they were sending a message to someone else and those people just happened to be in the way.
It looks like the guy that got the chainsaw already had his legs sawed off, his left leg, hard to tell. But would explain the calmness if they were already decapped a few days earlier.

Def decapped, they must have already been through hell the last few days. Poor dudes, they were ready to be done with it
I actually watched this yesterday before I saw this thread. It quickly ranks as the #1 worst video I have ever seen, and wish I could un-see. (And I've seen a lot of shit).

Those guys are some hardasses just sitting there and taking it.

Plus...I couldn't help but think of the guys doing it to them. I mean, yeah they might not think much of it today cuz they're gangsta badasses or whatever, but some day, when (if) they get older, something deep inside of them must click and realize what they did. The sights, the memories, the feeling of taking another human's life in that way. Damn. Must be some passionate hate behind an act like that.
Had that moment where I thought around 3 min... "I don't really want to watch this." Wish I listened to myself. That was messed up to the nth degree.
I actually watched this yesterday before I saw this thread. It quickly ranks as the #1 worst video I have ever seen, and wish I could un-see. (And I've seen a lot of shit).

Those guys are some hardasses just sitting there and taking it.

Plus...I couldn't help but think of the guys doing it to them. I mean, yeah they might not think much of it today cuz they're gangsta badasses or whatever, but some day, when (if) they get older, something deep inside of them must click and realize what they did. The sights, the memories, the feeling of taking another human's life in that way. Damn. Must be some passionate hate behind an act like that.

I doubt there was much passion to it. I'm sure the guys who did it are just some whackos who are used to it. Not the kind of psychotic-insane whackos, but the kind who have been socialized differently and are acclimated to the violence.

Feel bad for the second guy, I'd much rather get killed with a chainsaw to the neck than a knife. Fucking hell. Both of them were either drugged or extremely hardened to the violence themselves.

Shame violence exists but it's no different than anything else that happens on a day to day basis in the world. People tend to forget how nature works. If we were less evolved this would be happening on a constant basis. How do animals eat? They basically slaughter each other constantly.

And we're talking about Mexicans here, so, you know, probably a step below most animals.
I'll never understand this side of humanity. Some people have no conscience.
Who could sleep at night after doing something like that to another human being?

I didn't watch the video, didn't need to.
no click zone for me. Saw the Daniel Pearl one and nearly got sick, don't want that again. Fuck the cartels.
im at the point now where when people say shit is sick i have no urge to watch it anymore. too much fucked up crap on the internet for too many years makes it real easy for me to go "ok yea not interested then"
This, Exactly.

It was odd as hell to see the first guy hardly even move much after the first swipe of the chainsaw. None of them had any grimaces or looks of horror the whole time. I'd call fake but it's prob real.

He clenched his teeth pretty hard on those first two swipes, I was surprised he was still going after the first one though.
Nasty video, but this is because of drugs ain't it?! Not sure if they would have done that to random tourists for the hell of it.

If you look at homicide rates and notoriety, El Salvador and the MS-13 gang usually lead the way. It's about time the SAS, Seals or whoever else targeted these types of gangs.
That's the part I can't figure out. How do you just sit there and let somebody cut your head off. I would like to think I'd go down with a fight, handcuffed or not. They'd have to shoot me. Especially the second guy because he just sits there next to the guy while his head gets sawed off and doesn't really budge.

I really fucking hate humanity right about now.

Because they don't have any option to take it i think. These guys are familiar with this environment and who knows probably shot/killed before. So when you know you are gonna die and you can't get away from those sick fucks... then you have no escape.

The 2nd guy closed his eyes and was just waiting for his turn.

Only thing that amazes me is that the chainsaw probably got a piece of the arm from the 2nd guy... and he didn't react at all.

Fucked up situation to be in :eek7:
This, Exactly.

It was odd as hell to see the first guy hardly even move much after the first swipe of the chainsaw. None of them had any grimaces or looks of horror the whole time. I'd call fake but it's prob real.

He clenched his teeth pretty hard on those first two swipes, I was surprised he was still going after the first one though.

That's the part I can't figure out. How do you just sit there and let somebody cut your head off. I would like to think I'd go down with a fight, handcuffed or not. They'd have to shoot me. Especially the second guy because he just sits there next to the guy while his head gets sawed off and doesn't really budge.

I really fucking hate humanity right about now.

I saw that video, the guys who actually did it must have done it many times, it was a regular for them with the way they were doing it, and the guys who died...they werent really scared....

what do you guys think?

either way, fucking horrible

I don't think the video is fake. I have seen it quite a few times now and was quite surprised that they didn't seem to be scared at all. They must have been injected with some strong drugs. Or maybe they were real brave men eh