McCain's Choice Is.....

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Since you can't click the Google link I gave you and research it yourself, I'll spend 5 minute to educate you (not that it will matter, you're obviously trolling):

Republican Alabama Attorney General Troy King

Republican Congressman Mark Foley

Republican Senator Larry Craig

Republican Louisiana Rep. Richard Curtis

Republican Pastor (and Bush's Buddy) Ted Haggard

Republican Rep. Bob Allen (McCain's top guy in Florida)

Republican Glenn Murphy Leader of Young Republicans

I'm sure there is a lot more (and plenty that are too smart to get caught), but the fact is your pink elephant party like it in the dumper.

And the next time I have to show you how to use Google, you'll be banned from these internets.


They won't starve though, they will get money somehow and usually that is through crime. There are always hopeless cases in society and welfare is a danegeld to stop them causing a complete breakdown. Remove all welfare and the crime rate goes up, and in the worst case scenario it causes a revolution.

This makes no sense. Before the godfather of welfare (President Franklin Roosevelt) we didn't have any revolts. So why would we now?

I do believe in helping the crippled or elderly, but giving money every month to the healthy 23 year old mom with 8 kids is plain stupid and dangerous.

Hell, Im in line behind welfare moms all the time at the market and they eat better than I do.
republicans getting caught being gay - Google Search

Google is your friend. Douchebag.

And for the record, I've never voted for a democratic presidential candidate in my life. I've always voted for an independent and even for a libertarian once (Harry Browne). I am generally turned off by most of the shit democrats do, didn't care for Clinton (Actually hated him at the time, but 8 years of Bush have definitely tempered my opinion), I make pretty good money and the tax man whoops my ass, so I understand where conservatives come from to some extent.

However, Bush and the rest of his buddies have fucked this country up almost beyond recognition. I have decided this year that I have to do my part to get these fucks out of office. I don't care too much for Obama (better than Gore and Kerry, but that's not saying much). I always know that my candidate of choice isn't going to win, but I vote for who best represents my beliefs in government, so I always end up voting for an oddball candidate. This year will be an exception.

You need to think for yourself and quit spouting verbatim. I am not a Bush fan at all but he is not as bad as what the Michael Moores or Cindy Sheehans make him out to be.

He brought us through the worst terrorist attack ever on American soil. We not only didn't fall into a recession/depression but we haven't been attacked again either. His policys concerning homeland defence has interupted dozens of plots and sleeper cells.

Most of his administration has been blessed with a very good economy untill recently (we are not by definition, even in a recession). More minorities now own homes under his watch, than in history. We now spend more on aids in Africa than any nation ever has.

In 20 years he will also be known to Iraq as the liberator and bringer of freedom to thier country. He toppled one of the most vicious and bloodthirsty dictators of our time. You must remember that Sadamn killed hundreds of thousands more innocents than the US ever has. We may have killed some on accident but Saddam killed them by ripping thier dicks off and sticking them down thier throats.

Revolts?! most of the modern incidents were race riots. We employ an Army to take care of things like this. If a group of people want to revolt because the government won't give them money, then they deserve to be tear gassed and beat down.
Since you can't click the Google link I gave you and research it yourself, I'll spend 5 minute to educate you (not that it will matter, you're obviously trolling):

Republican Alabama Attorney General Troy King

Republican Congressman Mark Foley

Republican Senator Larry Craig

Republican Louisiana Rep. Richard Curtis

Republican Pastor (and Bush's Buddy) Ted Haggard

Republican Rep. Bob Allen (McCain's top guy in Florida)

Republican Glenn Murphy Leader of Young Republicans

I'm sure there is a lot more (and plenty that are too smart to get caught), but the fact is your pink elephant party like it in the dumper.

And the next time I have to show you how to use Google, you'll be banned from these internets.


You don't listen very well do you?

I played along, followed each and every link you gave me and nowhere does it say that any of those queers were bashing any fags and then caught sucking cock.

I even searched the text of each page for dead giveaway keywords 'oral', 'dick', 'cock', and 'suck' and not one page had any those words showing.

This is just the latest example of you trying to manufacture dissent from a lie. Honestly can't say that it surpises me as it is typical liberal rhetoric.

I suggest you learn to use control+f or GTFO the internets

All I asked you to do was to back up your claim.

Who's the troll now?
The point isn't that her daughter should have gotten an abortion, it's that the Christian right spend so much time with their holier than thou bullshit, preaching abstinence, and pointing the finger and young unwed mothers - that it seems funny when they are guilty of the same thing.

It's like when the republicans bash the fags, then get caught sucking cock.

WTF is the problem with the daughter being knocked up? It really just shows that they are a normal fucking family who have normal fucking problems. That is EXACTLY the kind of person I want in office. It does not, in any way, expose a flaw of Sarah's

Christians will be hypocrites, be it democrats or republicans. Fags are found in all walks of life. I'm not really seeing your point here. That they are gay republicans is not anything shocking.
Totally off topic ... but does this mean that those $1,000,000 Iraqi dinars I bought 5 years ago for ~$100 might actually be worth something one day?
Not as direct value currency, but they will be worth something on a collectors market.
There's a stamp & coin shop in my new neighbourhood that has one going for $80AUD
(Yes, I really am that big of a nerd that... Is anyone really surprised?)
Not as direct value currency, but they will be worth something on a collectors market.
There's a stamp & coin shop in my new neighbourhood that has one going for $80AUD
(Yes, I really am that big of a nerd that... Is anyone really surprised?)

One what? 1 dinar or one million of them? If 1000000 then what a shitty investment that one was. At the time I just thought about the good stuff that happened to the economy of the past 2 countries we've destroyed and nursed back to health (Japan & Germany).

Back on topic: How can any democrat have something bad to say about Palin's daughter after what Bill Clinton did to you guys. Buckwheat was just speaking about hypocrites .....
Just back to Switzerland from Tadjikistan, right into this mess.

Hi guys :D

Good to know why I am not a Republican. You guys know shit. You don't even want to think for yourselves. You believe everything your gubmint tells you and all you care about is your BigMac and your wallet.

Also good to know I won't be moving to the US any time soon.

Just back to Switzerland from Tadjikistan, right into this mess.

Hi guys :D

Good to know why I am not a Republican. You guys know shit. You don't even want to think for yourselves. You believe everything your gubmint tells you and all you care about is your BigMac and your wallet.

Also good to know I won't be moving to the US any time soon.


enjoy your 50% tax rate, honor killings, sharia law, and eventual enslavement by your Russian/Middle Eastern overlords.

I find it funny that both sides of the debate believe the other side are the cool aid drinking zombies. I think of most liberals/Obama bots (at least thier political views) are so in love with Obama's public speaking ability that they would more than likely have gay sex with him.
Wait...did bill clinton run on a strict "anti-blowjobs from your secretary" platform? If so, I must have missed that.

He did run a "pro-family" platform. Getting BJs at work, kinda blows (pardon the pun) that platform outa the water.
Wait...did bill clinton run on a strict "anti-blowjobs from your secretary" platform? If so, I must have missed that.

Unarmed Gunman was the hypocrite and any other democrat that shakes their finger at a pregnant 17 year old while thinking Clinton is the savior of the presidency.

But either way ... Hypocrite (my definition in my words): A person saying one thing while doing something different

Slick Willie said:
I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.


And just for good measure since it's like the greatest fucking quote in American history

Slick Willie said:
It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is. If the--if he--if 'is' means is and never has been, that is not--that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement....Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true.
enjoy your 50% tax rate, honor killings, sharia law, and eventual enslavement by your Russian/Middle Eastern overlords.

I find it funny that both sides of the debate believe the other side are the cool aid drinking zombies. I think of most liberals/Obama bots (at least thier political views) are so in love with Obama's public speaking ability that they would more than likely have gay sex with him.

When your logic gets fucked, get downright to insults. Excellent way to press your point!

Do we have Karl Rove's Bitch as a member on the forum? ;)
Hi Popeye
enjoy your 50% tax rate, honor killings, sharia law, and eventual enslavement by your Russian/Middle Eastern overlords.
You are being so nice to me.

Dude, I returned from a vacation. I am not Tadjik, nor is anyone in my family.
Also, Tadjikistan is far away from Sharia law. Open your eyes and ears before spouting rethoric. Not even veiled women, but some rather sexy dressed girls in Dushanbe (the capital).

Also, Tajkikistan seperated from Russia, it has been part of the Soviet Union before.

In Switzerland, I pay little over 12% in taxes, thank you very much.

The money currently comes from China ... which is a bigger issue than welfare at this point.

Debt is the biggest problem we are currently facing today and exactly why I'm so passionate about this topic at the moment. But make no mistake, all these arguments tie in together.

If it's ok for our gov't to borrow from China (!?!?) and print money out of thin air with no assets backing these funds, it's also ok for a single mom making $22k yearly to take out a $5k credit card to buy Johnny a new bike and drop a couple hundred on back to school clothes for developerz's junior year of HS. This is absolutely wrong and shows fiscal irresponsibility to the max. But honestly, she's just learning from our government so it's hard to blame that single mom. She needs to thrift and get on a budget and tell her money where to go, not the other way around.

We need massive cuts to keep us afloat ... big gov't, irs, welfare, military, foriegn aid, social security, etc. .... and that's just not going to happen though it's the right thing to do. I'm aware of this which is the only reason I suggest tax breaks for the rich. Sounds weird doesn't it? It's definitly a case of the lesser of two evils.

The only way to keep up with the spending (since it's not going anywhere) is to make more money, which is where tax breaks to the rich come into play.

Poor and welfare are two totally separate things, thanks for pointing that out. Welfare is abused by 90% of the recipiants. Being poor at this point is just being a product of the system. You can work 3 jobs and make $80k/year and still be poor because of debt. But guess what? That person is NOT lazy!

Republicans don't have issues with poor folk, just giving tax breaks to the rich is the easiest way to "duct tape" the problem. Give that money to many poor people and the % that each gets is very small and there is little they can do with it. Give that same money to the rich and the % is much larger (because the rich are the top 3%) and they can build more American business.

Make no mistake, neither party has the answer. We need someone who can think outside the box (ala Ron Paul). Major reform is needed all around to keep us in good shape, no question to it.
Uhuh, the money comes from China. I'm talking about where it goes after that though, right now the flow is strongly biased towards the rich which throws off the balance (the money might not be taken directly from the middle class and poor, but funneling the vast majority of it to the rich results in the middle and lower class not receiving the relief that they need at the moment). More money for big businesses might provide jobs, but it's just one side of the coin. When the middle class doesn't have money to spend, small businesses have to close in big numbers. And when the poor don't have opportunities, like good education and other ways to climb the ladder, you end up with more of them in the long term.

But I agree with your "cuts" argument. From what I have seen the US economy is in some serious shit and it's not about to get any better. So promising health care and stuff like that leaves me somewhat skeptical. It can be done in time, no doubt. But I think focus needs to be on stabilizing and getting the economy back on track first.
Revolts?! most of the modern incidents were race riots. We employ an Army to take care of things like this. If a group of people want to revolt because the government won't give them money, then they deserve to be tear gassed and beat down.

For the life of me I can't figure out where all this anger, hate and rage comes from - were you a victim of child abuse (serious question)
Palin Derails


"On the same day that the Republicans were forced to dramatically cut back their convention activities, the Palin Meltdown unfolded with extraordinary speed. It's worth pondering the totality of what happened today, in a mere half day...

* The news that Palin once backed the Bridge to Nowhere went national.

* It emerged that Palin has links to the bizarro Alaska Independence Party, which harbors the goal of seceding from the union that McCain and Palin seek to lead.

* The news broke that as governor, Palin relied on an earmark system she now opposes. Taken along with the Bridge to Nowhere stuff, this threatens to undercut her reformist image, something that was key to her selection as McCain's Veep candidate.

* The news broke that Palin's 17-year-old daughter became pregnant out of wedlock at a time when the conservative base had finally started rallying behind McCain's candidacy.

* Barely moments after McCain advisers put out word that McCain had known of Bristol Palin's pregnancy, the Anchorage Daily News revealed that Palin's own spokesperson hadn't known about it only two days ago.

* A senior McCain adviser at the Republican convention was forced into the rather embarrassing position of arguing that McCain had known about the pregnancy "last week" -- without saying what day last week he knew about it.

* It came out that Republican lawyers are up in Alaska vetting Palin -- now, more than 72 hours after it was announced that she'd been picked.

* Palin lawyered up in relation to the trooper-gate probe in Alaska -- a move that ensures far more serious attention to the story from the major news orgs.

What else will come out today?"
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