McCain's Choice Is.....

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... but funneling the vast majority of it to the rich results in the middle and lower class not receiving the relief that they need at the moment). More money for big businesses might provide jobs, but it's just one side of the coin. When the middle class doesn't have money to spend, small businesses have to close in big numbers. ...

You and I look at the problem from totally different perspectives. I prefer the long term solution where temporary discomforts to the poor are inevitable. In a few short years those same people that would have pissed away a $600 tax break now have more jobs waiting to pay them higher wages. This is like a permanent tax break because the benefits are residual.

I don't think small businesses are owed anything from the gov't ... sure I think it's great for them to help get the doors open but if the SB business model is not strong enough to survive in today's economy, we shouldn't have to provide money to the poor to keep their doors open.

That said, I'm very much for tax breaks for the SB directly. I just don't believe in giving the poor people money so they can go buy frivolous things from SB.

.... And when the poor don't have opportunities, like good education and other ways to climb the ladder, you end up with more of them in the long term.

Life is not fair and nobody is guaranteed anything. This is what makes a true conservative special, we believe in taking care of ourselves and our family. This means providing college for our kids. If you turn 18 and mom/dad don't have the cash for you to go, tough shit. Get a loan or get to work. You can blame them for ruining your life but just remember this when it's time for your kids to go to school. Don't make the mistakes of your forefathers.

And just like that the cycle is broken in only 1 generation (25 years)

At the pre-college level, we need to cut federal education spending and pass the economic burden down to the state level. This gives all kids a more equal chance at a good education.

It's too taxing for Washington to pay what they do to educate our kids and according to our constitution it's not the federal government's job. It's also stupid to assume that Washington knows how to best teach all kids regardless of where they are in the country.

If a school wants to post the 10 commandments, enforce a strict dress code, not teach sex ed or only teach evolution that should be handled on a state level. Not doing this leads to too much bureaucracy and many mishandled situations. What's right in California is not necessarily right in Alabama. This is the downfall of having D.C. run our lives.

Palin won't make it to November. This was a diversion from Obama. Let's break out the fuckin flight suit... Mission Accomplished! Her "family reasons" for dropping out are already manifesting themselves.

We'll see.
None of that stuff is really breaking today except the part about McCain knowing about the pregnancy for a week, but don't you think that VP screening would be done secretly by a private firm & not the official "Republican Lawyers"? I don't personally buy that he's done no research on her, it's just too bizarre to comprehend.

Getting funding for projects happen all the time in every state, Alaska is no different. The only dirt there is that she changed her mind on how it would be best spent, and that sounds pretty squeaky clean compared to most politicians. That bridge to nowhere thing is really positive for her image.

It's impressive if that's all they can dig up on someone running for VP. I'd hate to have my record thrown out for public scrutiny.

Everything on that list is frivolous or hearsay with the exception of the Alaskan Independent party which she used to be a member of. They are not the confederacy looking to secede, they feel that the Alaskan people never got what America promised and that the people had a right to vote what they want for their state, and they never got it.

It's not like they are staging protests and throwing ice cubes at the police, they would just like to see things happen democratically ... which is right on with the way America should be ran.

A belief that the vote for statehood was invalid because the people were not presented with the range of options available to them and that the federal government has since breached the contract for statehood on numerous occasions in over a dozen serious and substantial instances.
Some of this shit sounds like stuff I would want to be a part of also.

Until we as Alaskans receive our Ultimate Goal (a statewide vote), the AIP will continue to strive to make Alaska a better place to live with less government interference in our everyday lives.
Remaining steadfastly opposed to environmental regulations and actively promotes the private ownership and widespread development of Alaskan land."
Foster a constitutional amendment abolishing and prohibiting all property taxes.
All that + Palin has taken gov't funding and issued each family a $1,200 "energy tax relief" break & she's outing corrupt politicians in her own party (takes brass balls) . Sign me up to be an eskimo.

Back to lurking developerz ...
Same old shit here, ain't it.

We are never gonna agree, but it seems obvious who the majority of intelligent, thoughtful people will be voting for, unfortunately they don't make up the majority of the population.
@erect: Give it up. I tried getting something of real substance out of these liberals as well and what do they post? About 20 links of 'proof' where only one of them was actually from a viable news source with the rest being from some bleeding heart's personal opinion blog.

They fly with blinders on.

It's amazing what they will call 'news'. The closest thing to facts for them is MSNBC.
I'm actually a bit surprised that dip shit didn't include her kid with downs syndrome as a character flaw. Go ahead guys, take your shots now ... you guys are going to get massacred in the debates as teleprompters are not allowed. Lets hmm see how errr, uuh eloquent uhmmm Obama is th-th-th-then.

What are you talking about? is the most credible site this side of

Your sig is intoxicating .....
Same old shit here, ain't it.

We are never gonna agree, but it seems obvious who the majority of intelligent, thoughtful people will be voting for, unfortunately they don't make up the majority of the population.

Let's hope with all of the action around the primaries and the shitastic last couple of years that will change.

@erect: Give it up. I tried getting something of real substance out of these liberals as well and what do they post? About 20 links of 'proof' where only one of them was actually from a viable news source with the rest being from some bleeding heart's personal opinion blog.

They fly with blinders on.

It's amazing what they will call 'news'. The closest thing to facts for them is MSNBC.

How about we see some real substance out of you? The last three pages have been you shouting "you fail" and insulting everyone with a different view point than you. After you're done watching Fox news, come and give me a real reason why I should vote for McCain.

Isn't it strange how CNN, NBC and CBS all publish different results on the same day? Amazing that even the left is unorganized within their own pathetic party!

Oops, almost forgot:

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Once you get to the stats unit in your GED program, come back and talk to me. Until then, just shut up.

Isn't it strange how CNN, NBC and CBS all publish different results on the same day? Amazing that even the left is unorganized within their own pathetic party!

Oops, almost forgot:

You say this:
Exactly what I thought. You offer nothing.

and one past later follow up with this:
Once you get to the stats unit in your GED program, come back and talk to me. Until then, just shut up.

Sounds like the second one negates the first one little boy.

I don't know where you're getting the idea you can tel me to shut up in a publicly accessible forum. I guess you must be getting this from your liberal bloggers. They tend to use the 'my dad can beat up your dad' bit often.
WE NEED A THIRD FUCKING PARTY!!! Doesn't anyone get it? The extreme far right, never been out of the country only vote republicans, are just as bad as the tree hugging fucking hippies who are life-long democrats!! That's the problem with the political parties in the USA.....

The people calling themselves far-righters on this thread are just as bad as the spotted-owl hugging hippy liberals that really get on my fucking nerves. First of all, with only 18% of Americans even having passports, all this talk about China, Sharia Law, etc. most people don't know what the hell they are talking about because a)they have never been outside of the USA and b)it's not like you invite those folks to your house. So where is everyone getting this information?
These folks are just as bad as the Europeans I deal with on a regular basis who think the stereotypical things about us Americans....
Don't let your emotions cloud your ability to think logically.....
WE NEED A THIRD FUCKING PARTY!!! Doesn't anyone get it? The extreme far right, never been out of the country only vote republicans, are just as bad as the tree hugging fucking hippies who are life-long democrats!! That's the problem with the political parties in the USA.....

The people calling themselves far-righters on this thread are just as bad as the spotted-owl hugging hippy liberals that really get on my fucking nerves. First of all, with only 18% of Americans even having passports, all this talk about China, Sharia Law, etc. most people don't know what the hell they are talking about because a)they have never been outside of the USA and b)it's not like you invite those folks to your house. So where is everyone getting this information?
These folks are just as bad as the Europeans I deal with on a regular basis who think the stereotypical things about us Americans....
Don't let your emotions cloud your ability to think logically.....

Best post of the thread right there. 'Domestic' Americans only have the news to blind us to what's truly out there. Spend some time watching news in another country and you will realize more as an outsider looking in.
WE NEED A THIRD FUCKING PARTY!!! Doesn't anyone get it? The extreme far right, never been out of the country only vote republicans, are just as bad as the tree hugging fucking hippies who are life-long democrats!! That's the problem with the political parties in the USA.....

The people calling themselves far-righters on this thread are just as bad as the spotted-owl hugging hippy liberals that really get on my fucking nerves. First of all, with only 18% of Americans even having passports, all this talk about China, Sharia Law, etc. most people don't know what the hell they are talking about because a)they have never been outside of the USA and b)it's not like you invite those folks to your house. So where is everyone getting this information?
These folks are just as bad as the Europeans I deal with on a regular basis who think the stereotypical things about us Americans....
Don't let your emotions cloud your ability to think logically.....

As one of these "tree-hugging hippy liberals", I agree!

However, where that party should be positioned is the subject of another debate. What the majority of American's consider left wing or socialist is seen as centre-right by the rest of the world and in the defence of the McCain supporters, they are not far-right really when compared to say Mussolini, who really was far right.

The stereotypical view of America is in part due to ignorance, in part the media and in part American's - such as some posters here - re-enforcing the stereotype... Let the rich get richer, let the poor die... America, fuck yeah!?

For any real change your system (and ours too) needs to become more democratic. Ditch the electoral collage and other left-overs from a bygone age of slow communication and directly elect a president, give power only to elected officials not appointed cronies and elect all your representatives proportionally and fairly.
For any real change your system (and ours too) needs to become more democratic. Ditch the electoral collage and other left-overs from a bygone age of slow communication and directly elect a president, give power only to elected officials not appointed cronies and elect all your representatives proportionally and fairly.

This all sounds great to me but it's not realistic to think those who have the direct power and influence to stop such a change are the same cronies who have the most to lose when such change does take effect.
this is an example of what I mean. You didn't hear this on your Fox local channel did you? No, because it's from the European press...


So when you hear O'Reilly talking shit, don't let yourself get played because even the OWNER OF FOX & THE HEAD OF FOX are voting one way.

This a prime example of people "saying" one thing and "doing" another. So for all those people who follow Fox News like the Obama-cans drink Obama Koolaid use this article to recognize that all of them are double talking!

End of story.

Rupert Murdoch acted as peacemaker between Barack Obama and Fox News

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Rupert Murdoch helped broker a "tentative truce" between Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and key News Corporation lieutenant Roger Ailes, the boss of Fox News Channel, earlier this year, according to the media mogul's biographer.
Murdoch, the News Corp chairman and chief executive, was forced to court Obama after the rising star of US politics rebuffed his initial approaches, it is believed because of what he saw as the derogatory coverage of him and his wife, Michelle, on Fox News, according to Michael Wolff.
The News Corp boss also advised Wolff, his biographer, to vote for the man who (THAT'S RIGHT THE OWNER OF FOX, the channel you think is so great)eventually became the Democratic presidential candidate during the New York primary earlier this year, saying: "He'll sell more papers."
These revelations are reported in the October edition of Vanity Fair magazine, which details contributing editor Wolff's interviews with Rupert Murdoch over a period of nine months for his upcoming biography of the media mogul, The Man Who Owns the News.
After initially snubbing offers of a get-together with the media tycoon, made through the Kennedy family, Obama relented and a secret courtesy meeting with Murdoch was arranged at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York, according to Wolff.
When Obama eventually met Murdoch early this summer in secret, they were joined by Ailes, who runs News Corp's Fox News Channel.
Wolff reported in Vanity Fair that during the meeting Obama and Murdoch sat knee to knee, with the older man offering the prospective candidate advice.
"Murdoch, for his part, had a simple thought to share with Obama. He had known possibly as many heads of state as anyone living today - had met every American president from Harry Truman on - and this is what he understood: nobody got much time to make an impression. Leadership was about what you did in the first six months," wrote Wolff.
But Wolff claimed things were different when Ailes took Murdoch's place.
"Obama lit into Ailes. He said that he didn't want to waste his time talking to Ailes if Fox was just going to continue to abuse him and his wife, that Fox had relentlessly portrayed him as suspicious, foreign, fearsome - just short of a terrorist," he wrote.
"Ailes, unruffled, said it might not have been this way if Obama had more willingly come on the air instead of so often giving Fox the back of his hand.
"A tentative truce, which may or may not have vast historical significance, was at that moment agreed upon."
In the Vanity Fair article Wolff also claimed that Murdoch advised him to vote for Obama during the democratic primaries.
"Just before the New York Democratic primary, when I found myself undecided between Clinton and Obama, I said to Murdoch (a little flirtation, like a little gossip, softens him), 'Rupert, I don't know who to vote for - so I'm going to give you my vote. You choose'," he wrote.
"He paused, considered, nodded his head slowly: 'Obama - he'll sell more papers.'"
Murdoch courting Obama marks something of role reversal from the mid-1990s, when UK prime minister-in-waiting Tony Blair actively courted Murdoch as part of his bid for power.
"This is a leap for Murdoch. Murdoch has traditionally liked politicians to come to him. His historic shift in the 1990s to Tony Blair came after Blair made a pilgrimage to Australia," wrote Wolff.
"Obama, on the other hand, was snubbing Murdoch. Every time he reached out (Murdoch executives tried to get the Kennedys to help smooth the way to an introduction), nothing. The Fox stain was on Murdoch."
However, the "Fox stain", as Wolff calls it, does not appear to be one that Murdoch is so comfortable with any more.
Wolff wrote that the influence of Murdoch's wife Wendi and the courting of more liberal figures in the media has raised a conflict in the News Corp founder, as he would love to build on his purchase of the Wall Street Journal by taking over the New York Times.
"He is spending time now in consideration of an even more far-fetched fantasy, the New York Times: he'd really like to own it too," Wolff added.
"Now, everybody around him continues to tell him that buying the Times is pretty much impossible. There will be regulatory problems. The Sulzberger family would never … And then there's the opprobrium of public opinion.
"But it's obviously irresistible to him. I've watched him go through the numbers, plot out a merger with the Journal's backroom operations, and fantasise about the staff's quitting en masse as soon as he entered the sacred temple."
This increasing desire to move for titles away from his traditional right-of-centre political power base is mirrored by a cooling toward Fox News Channel, according to Wolff.
"It's life with Wendi versus life with Fox. (And, too, it's the Wall Street Journal - and maybe the New York Times - versus Fox)," he wrote in Vanity Fair.
"Fox has been his alter ego. For a long time he was in love with the Fox chief, Roger Ailes, because he was even more Murdoch than Murdoch. And yet now the embarrassment can't be missed - he mumbles even more than usual when called on to justify it; he barely pretends to hide the way he feels about [Fox presenter] Bill O'Reilly.
"And while it is not possible that he would give Fox up - because the money is the money; success trumps all - in the larger sense of who he is, he seems to want to hedge his bets."
This all sounds great to me but it's not realistic to think those who have the direct power and influence to stop such a change are the same cronies who have the most to lose when such change does take effect.

I agree completely and they are the same people that are benefiting from people with different ideologies fighting each other rather than fighting to change the system.

Interesting article about Murdoch. He certainly likes to be a king-maker, I wonder who he is courting (or who is courting him) now the nominations are sorted?
Hi LazyHippy! I've missed you. You're my favorite liberal, tree-hugging, Lime Juicer to goof around with on here. Wish we had a 3rd party here in the States too. But at present, it is not an option. I like Gov. Palin - more than McCain. I'm voting for Sarah!
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