Matt Harward gets some TV time...

Interesting report, thanks for posting.

I did use a product of his, the one that finds placement targets and it worked ok. When it developed a bug i could get no response from him or his support whatsoever and his blog just died off.

Its a pity because hes a skilled talker and if he lived up to his own hype he could be a huge success. He comes across as trustworthy, likable, dynamic and compelling on his presentations, so dont feel to bad for getting caught by him . I didnt buy the course but have a friend who did and he feels totally gutted because thats alot of money for him to lose.

Snake oil salesmen - theres lots out there. Hes a very bad person to say that the window for refunds has closed when as soon as he had everyones money he just disappeared and stopped responding.
The bloke is an absolute "Grade A" cunt. If I meet him I will stab him.

I bought Site Sniper Pro off him a while back and soon after moved to a new PC. This then invalidated my serial, so the software became unusable. Support doesn't respond, he doesn't respond. Money wasted. the bloke is an utter, utter cunt.
hats off to chris and the other guy who had the balls to appear on tv like that.. i think many would just suck it up and move on rather than admitting they got scammed in front of a camera.

i got site sniper pro and was pissed too.. well that's what going to happen when you buy softwares created by another one man operation marketer.

fuck you matt harward!
hats off to chris and the other guy who had the balls to appear on tv like that.. i think many would just suck it up and move on rather than admitting they got scammed in front of a camera.

Yup, agreed, that's some 'space hopper' side ballz!! ;)

Still, this has been kept a 'dirty secret' for far too long.

That mother fucker ripped off $300k, and had produced pretty much fuck all, apart from a 1/2 baked tracking system, that P202 can put to shame instantly.

He thinks the refund period is over..? I say it's just about to fucking begin!
Online marketing "guru" accused of ripping off customers

Really surprised thats the first time i've ever seen that headline
... if you knew Matt Harward prior to this, had interacted with him, or used his software, emailed him, or chatted with him on the phone, then you would be totally suprised!!!!

It's like the guy had a lobotomy, fucked all his customers over, and just focused his efforts on ripped off $300k from his friends, customers etc.

Not quite in the same league, as some dumbass wannabe guru selling shitty ebooks on DP! ;)
... if you knew Matt Harward prior to this, had interacted with him, or used his software, emailed him, or chatted with him on the phone, then you would be totally suprised!!!!

It's like the guy had a lobotomy, fucked all his customers over, and just focused his efforts on ripped off $300k from his friends, customers etc.

Not quite in the same league, as some dumbass wannabe guru selling shitty ebooks on DP! ;)

well said. Are you on the new forums eXtremeSG?

edit: I see you are :D
I'd be interested if he got into any legal trouble. Anyone knows something about this?
For those of you that are surprised by all this .. he was a radio show host of some sort at one time. So he is professional speaker. This is where he gained skills in professional Also, at one time early in the course during a webinar he said he was shot at by someone that was out to get him. I remember him saying this as it jumped out at me and I was thinking wow that's a big deal. He also said he has had business disputes where people were yelling and screaming at him. So having all these angry people does bother him.

You can read more comments here:
Matt Harward Scamms BrainTrust & IMWarfare Members | MilesSentMe
Wow, if someone tried to 'top him' for a non-responding sitesniperpro license, .... imagine what they'd do for a ~$1300 mentoring program that turned out to be a giant sized bag of dog shit....

Hypothetically imagine, of course.... *cough* *cough*
I actually did purchase this when he released it (which is a first for me), simply because of how much I trusted him and the free tools he already developed were helping me greatly so you gotta figure he is legit. Luckily for me though I decided I didn't have the time since I was already so busy on my current projects that I got a refund a few days later before it ever started.
Wait, so this dude only makes $200K in his IM career, and then launches this course to success, and pockets more from selling the "secrets", than implementing them himself? lolololol