Matt Harward gets some TV time...

That's beacuse the "I made 200K from IM" was all a complete fabrication right from the start- this guy's a complete fucking WaFo DOUCHE who has been outed and is running for cover.

Gonna happen to a LOT of these so-called Gooroos soon as well, methinks... They seem to be self-destructing left and right these days.

Wow, ... this guy really is fucking special.

Oh, when I say special, ... I mean that in a heavily disabled kind of way.
laserurl is amazing software, it really sucks donkey balls that the guy who makes it is such a fucking toolbag.
Seems like he is planning to sell the trackeing software, which was non-public and only for his so called "braintrust"...
laserurl is amazing software, it really sucks donkey balls that the guy who makes it is such a fucking toolbag.
Ha! That's where I recall his name from...didn't realize I'm using his tool quite frequently. Sad indeed.
Funny though how he's trying to hide the first time he sees the cameras :food-smiley-010:
... its a YEAR after the original purchase date by now.... so not gonna have much luck with that :(

Oh, and in case your wondering why "we" were so fucking stupid, and didn't ask for a refund after 3 months etc., ... well Harward kept drip drip dripping us content, and for me, ... I wasn't so concerned about the time frame he delivered his training in, ... I just wanted to learn from him.

What a total fucking tool.