massive google slap this morning, anyone else get hit?

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Just posted that today huh? Wow, you're really on top of this shit!

What are you trying to say, that everytime a campaign gets slapped you just download it, edit it, then re-up it?

Thats smaaart! No wonder you are a "Super Affiliate"!

You should probably go whore your piece of shit blog over at DP or Warrior though, they might believe that you know what the fuck your're talking about.

Looks like Jon is going to spank your pussy in the competition, good thing you don't claim to be a Super SEO
Get angry over what people say, not who they are.

automatic matching?
i didnt notice any increase from it until yesterday. And they managed to blow my whole budget

Its on exact match, but yeah I think google is tinkering around with something.

Or a lot of affiliates got slapped the F up causing for me to get 30 times more impressions than usual.
Its on exact match, but yeah I think google is tinkering around with something.

Or a lot of affiliates got slapped the F up causing for me to get 30 times more impressions than usual.

no, automatic matching is different from exact, phrase, or broad match. Just check under your campaign settings on the bottom left side. Check and see if the automatic matching box is checked.
They dont have it on all accounts yet, so maybe you dont have it. I forgot to uncheck a couple and they used up my whole budget yesterday. Didnt convert for shit
Get angry over what people say, not who they are.

You're right.

Even though this guy has the least class and posts the most worthless bullshit out of that little group of self-proclaimed "Super Affiliates" (him, Mehta, Uber, Cruz, etc), I should have let it go.

I gotta work on toning down that pet peeve of mine that causes me to go off whenever I encounter a bullshit artist.
there was definetly a slap going around. I seem to have been ok with my campaigns tho? Skill or Pure Luck? Who knows at this point.
my ish is cool for now...i do update frequently, have a blog and highly relevant keywords--->ads--->homepage

But i know its a matter of time before I get hit. It's just an update to the algo that google puts and its peace!

Does your blog have a landing page look? I am just figuring if the evaluator looks at it they will know.

Or maybe your blog didn't hit their red flags because of your updates?
Just called them. the tech was not even aware there was an update. Said my problem was landing page relevance, then looked at the LP and said it was completely relevant and he had no idea. He's apparently going to talk to their techs and email more complete info. I'll keep yall updated.

Man, trust me. It will be a total lost of your time. When I had my first slap, I was shocked and called immediately to the tech support. What do you think they answered? Some shit politcly correct answer like "Yes, your LPs are relevant, however blablabla... QS... blablabla... Google Help blablbabla...". I just bought a new domain, and just changed the destination and display URLS.

This time, I didn't get any slap. However, I have some issues with the content network. I'm still showing, but seems like my ranks really decreased on the sites making me money. So I'm overbidding now, trying to get some CTR... So I guess something happened in the content network...

Anyway, good luck healing the slap!
This will help:
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