massive google slap this morning, anyone else get hit?

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New member
Mar 5, 2008
I logged in this morning to find campaigns that have run for months straight with .02-.03 min bids and great QS are now inactive, poor and $1 min bid....

Anyone else get hit? I saw a bunch of threads over at DP and webmasterworld indicating a massive widespread QS update.

yeah I got it...

I've had campaigns going over a year with good bids, now $10 min bids.
Yeh, thanks for the we go again

The slap hit 80% of my campaigns.

Things to do after I come back from camping:
1. Set up autoblogs on store sites to increase content. If that doesn't work...
2. Set up new Google Adwords account. If that doesn't work...
3. Change the frickin' URL.

Putting my Google campaigns on hold while I am in the great wilderness with no Wi-fi is not a bad idea anyways....
quickest solution. buy new domain. grep/find/replace domain name in the content pages. 301 redirect old domain to new domain/url.

add new content to new domain. make home page update frequently. update urls in adwords campaign and you're up and running in less than 4 hours...
I got hit yesterday as well.. was waiting to see if this happened to anyone else. my campaigns had been running successfully for months
I got bitch slapped too. Had sites with insane CTR and highly relevant keyword to ad to site and still got slapped. Had .03 min big on financial terms and killing it for over 7 months on one of them without even a hiccup. This one hurt. I guess they want me to add a blog and constantly keep blogging daily and/or keep adding content to my site but it's a little retarded as the shit was highly relevant and had content. Back to the drawing board...
Yep, got hit as well on about 50% of the campaigns. Now need to figure out what I did differently on the other 50....
Make a real site, host your landing pages on the real sites domain.

No more slaps.

Not exactly. This time I got slapped on "real sites" that had highly relevant content and a bunch of it. I think the slap was a results of no new content being added on a regular basis to my sites.
if your bids are at $10 it was most likely from a manual review(generally what people consider a slap)

if they are $1 then its most likely a real quality score issue

Maybe they changed something

All my stuff is fine
My stuff is all fine across several Adwords MCC accounts. I got hit a couple months ago with $1 QS bids but all is well now.
my ish is cool for now...i do update frequently, have a blog and highly relevant keywords--->ads--->homepage

But i know its a matter of time before I get hit. It's just an update to the algo that google puts and its peace!
Mine seems normal as well. Except for a somewhat lower CTR than normal, but that happens every once in awhile.
i think its manual review. I had some crappy, bridge page looking sites, that got hit, but other stuff is totally fine.
Motherfucking Adwords!
1. Landing page mush not load slow - Check
2. Must have related content - Check
3. Should have inner pages with content updated regularly (added a blog with daily posts) - Check
4. Adgroups Targeted - Check
5. CTR should not suck - Check

And still got slapped! Fuck you adwords!
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