Thank you.
Pretty much everyone here is a cunt. Scamming a million old ladies out of $10 is just as morally reprehensible, if not more so (but their relative fuckedupedness is unimportant), then scamming a single wealthy entity out of the sum. Log into any affiliate network and 90% of the offers are trash built on deception or lies or fraud/rebilling or false promises.
These are the most common delusions of our industry:
1. The Rationalizer -- "I'm just doing it to build up seed capital" and "I'm just doing it because I'm broke" and "It's not that big a deal -- it's not like I'm arms trafficking"
2. The Toddler -- You're an idiot who thinks that things are morally right or wrong because they are legal or illegal respectively, or socially accepted or not accepted.
3. The Monkey -- It is less morally wrong to fuck over people who are not similar to me than it is to fuck over people who are more similar to me because my brain evolved to live in a tribe of a certain size and to trust those who are similar to myself and to fear outsiders and I am incapable of personally evolving past that.
4. The Nihilist -- There is no proof that any of you actually exist outside of my head. Life as we know it may simply be a figment of my imagination, 'we' may really just be my oh-so-very alone self, and perhaps none of this is real. So get fucked, mate
5. Mr. Monopoly Man -- You say things like, "It's just business. Business is cutthroat." I remember once reading the quote of a politician who said something like, "I refuse to believe that the goal of humanity is to maximize gross domestic product." Think about it. Your life is probably $mea,nin,
6. The Nuremberg Defense -- "I'm just driving the traffic, the offer is up to the advertiser." or alternatively, "I just work here on the media buying team."
7. The Capitalist -- "If you want to stay competitive, you've got to ... (do something unethical) ... otherwise people who do the bad thing are just going to be able to pay more for the same traffic..."
8. The Bill Gates -- This is when you actually fool yourself into thinking that, once you've made enough* money, you will make up for your sins with your good deeds and God** will change his mind and let you into heaven. (* Enough = just a little bit more, ** God does not exist)
9. The Compensator -- You secretly feel like shit for rebilling people so you become a vegetarian and give money to homeless people. People call you "generous." The homeless people are not fooled and secretly they suspect that you are usually a piece of shit.
10. The Soprano -- "I do it to provide a better life for my family." This overlaps with The Monkey.
11. The Lawyer -- "Oh no, your Honor, I don't owe those people any money. My company owes those people money. I closed my company."
12. The Office Space -- This is when you think it's okay to screw over a corporation or entity because they are so large they lose their humanity and, understandably, your brain can't find any relevant empathy. This is sort of a subtype of The Monkey. It's like when you try to imagine the space a billion dollars in pennies would fill. You know it's a lot, but on some level it's just not possible to give a shit if Facebook loses $350k.
Whatever your personal favorite explanation for your diagnosably antisocial behavior, you sound like a child to those of us who are not living a lie. The ignorant may be better people than the arrogant but nearly none of those who claim ignorance through the above delusions are truly ignorant. You just sound like the dumb kid who thinks everyone around them is too stupid to figure out what he's doing.
Those who have accepted who they have become -- "I know that what I'm doing is not right but it allows me to live the lifestyle I want and I choose that over living a more moral life." -- are truly Gods among cunts.