MacBook Pro - Extra 0.26GHz worth $300?

Yea 300$ more for a big ass 27" LCD, crushed into a all-in-one package.

You don't know what the HP Touchsmart is, do you?


"An all-in-one package."

Besides the way I see it, is if you get twice as much of something for cheaper (HDD, Ram, etc) in a pre-built system, you have to wonder bout the actual brand/quality of those components in order for HP or other companies to make a profit.

"Apple buys Samsung, Hynix and Micron RAM modules in bulk, just like good third party brands do, there is nothing special about Apple branded memory."

Pretty sure it's illegal to run OS X on a non Apple computer...

Not illegal (especially since it would to some degree fall under similar purposes as jailbreaking your iphone, which is now of course officially legal).

It's simply a breach of the User Agreement for OSX (which you can't really agree to until after you've purchased the box and pop in the disk)

Though you can't sell machines preloaded with OSX, Apple successfully had a permanent injunction on Pystar for that.

...Just saying...if you don't want to spend the extra couple hundred for the Apple computer, just run linux or windows...Hackintoshes suck...

I wouldn't exactly say they suck, they do work, just takes more effort than just loading it up with a fully compatible linux distro. Far as Apple goes I doubt they're gona hunt you down for running a hackintosh, its such an extremely small % of people doing it for them to even worry bout, its when someone like Pystar comes up and sells em preloaded that they start to get irate.

Ps... Apple is sooo overpriced.



What's funny is for only 199$ you can get a 5-license family plan. (btw the 29.99 price is only for an upgrade, full price is 129$)
Pretty sure it's illegal to run OS X on a non Apple computer...

...Just saying...if you don't want to spend the extra couple hundred for the Apple computer, just run linux or windows...Hackintoshes suck...

Ps... Apple is sooo overpriced.



PS - Snow Leopard is not a new Operating System. It's an update to an existing install of OSX. If you want to compare this properly, try comparing the cost of Vista Service Pack 2 to the cost of 10.6 Snow Leopard. (Pro tip: Service Packs are free.)
PS - Snow Leopard is not a new Operating System. It's an update to an existing install of OSX. If you want to compare this properly, try comparing the cost of Vista Service Pack 2 to the cost of 10.6 Snow Leopard. (Pro tip: Service Packs are free.)

Eh? Its far more than just a "Service Pack" on Leopard. Talking much more 64-bit native processes as well. While not a lot of new "features" (kinda like 7 was an "upgrade" to vista more than it was a whole brand new OS... MS's words not mine).

Vista is to Leopard, as 7 is to Snow Leopard. The OSX equiv to service packs are minor version changes, ie: 10.5.1, 10.5.2, 10.5.4, 10.6.2 , 10.6.3, 10.6.4 so forth (I have 10.6.4 currently). Leopard has had upto 8 "Service Packs" so far to 10.5.8, and Snow Leopard up to 4 now. OSX has had 6 major revisions over Windows's 3, one of which being XP is still in wide usage and older than Jaguar 10.2 which isn't even used anymore.

Microsoft of course extended XP support and downgrade capability to 2020, where as If you try to use anything older than OSX 10.4.11 you're considered seriously outdated.

Starting to wonder who's a fanboy.
Not illegal (especially since it would to some degree fall under similar purposes as jailbreaking your iphone, which is now of course officially legal).

It's simply a breach of the User Agreement for OSX (which you can't really agree to until after you've purchased the box and pop in the disk)

Though you can't sell machines preloaded with OSX, Apple successfully had a permanent injunction on Pystar for that.

I wouldn't exactly say they suck, they do work, just takes more effort than just loading it up with a fully compatible linux distro. Far as Apple goes I doubt they're gona hunt you down for running a hackintosh, its such an extremely small % of people doing it for them to even worry bout, its when someone like Pystar comes up and sells em preloaded that they start to get irate.

What's funny is for only 199$ you can get a 5-license family plan. (btw the 29.99 price is only for an upgrade, full price is 129$)

my snow leopard upgrade price was 10 dollars...and still 129 is a lot cheaper than windows...

and...I've used and built many hackintoshes before...none of them have ever ran as nice as an apple built computer...

And once you breach the user agreement aren't you not allowed to use the software?..thus possibly causing some legal trouble, since you're not using the license you purchased properly,since that license is only valid if you agree to the User Agreement? Might as well just download it from the internet.

And I don't ever see apple going after hackintoshes either.
Eh? Its far more than just a "Service Pack" on Leopard.

No, it isn't.

While not a lot of new "features" (kinda like 7 was an "upgrade" to vista more than it was a whole brand new OS... MS's words not mine).

Whoooooooooa, guy. You don't think Windows 7 is significantly different from Vista, and think Leopard->Snow Leopard is comparable?

Talking much more 64-bit native processes as well.

Are you implying that Windows service packs don't add new functionality/processes/services? The performance increases in both are also mostly limited to native applications and processes.

Vista is to Leopard, as 7 is to Snow Leopard. The OSX equiv to service packs are minor version changes, ie: 10.5.1, 10.5.2, 10.5.4, 10.6.2 , 10.6.3, 10.6.4 so forth (I have 10.6.4 currently). Leopard has had upto 8 "Service Packs" so far to 10.5.8, and Snow Leopard up to 4 now.

Starting to wonder who's a fanboy.

I think the bigger problem is that you don't know much about how Windows Service Packs work or what they add.

Download details: Windows XP Service Pack 3 Overview

10.5.1, 10.6.2, etc., are more analogous to installing a series of Windows Updates.
SOOO...You're saying Apple's OS is from 2001, which is faster than Microsoft's OS from 2009?

Way to go microsoft


I don't think you understand how the service packs work, and OS X updates...

Karl is correct.
No, it isn't.

Whoooooooooa, guy. You don't think Windows 7 is significantly different from Vista, and think Leopard->Snow Leopard is comparable?

Are you implying that Windows service packs don't add new functionality/processes/services? The performance increases in both are also mostly limited to native applications and processes.

I think the bigger problem is that you don't know much about how Windows Service Packs work or what they add.

Download details: Windows XP Service Pack 3 Overview

10.5.1, 10.6.2, etc., are more analogous to installing a series of Windows Updates.

Are you really that stupid?

10.x.x the Base OS (Mac OS X)
10.1.x , 10.2.x, 10.3.x, 10.4.x, 10.5.x, 10.6.x , the major versions (costs $$ to upgrade)
10.6.1, 10.6.2, 10.6.3, and so forth are "service packs", free to upgrade in the system update.
SOOO...You're saying Apple's OS is from 2001, which is faster than Microsoft's OS from 2009?

Way to go microsoft

You can't compare "speed" between operating systems. You're talking about two entirely different executable compilers [C++ vs GCC], two entirely different sets of code, etc.

It isn't a fair comparison, but when the comparison HAS been made on the same hardware (usually running a copy of XP in Bootcamp), XP comes out ahead.

XP's graphics thrashes Apple's OS X -
Geek Patrol | MacBook Pro Running XP Geekbenched


don't think you understand how the service packs work, and OS X updates...

Yeah, it's only been my job for the last four years. :rolleyes:
Are you really that stupid?

10.x.x the Base OS (Mac OS X)
10.1.x , 10.2.x, 10.3.x, 10.4.x, 10.5.x, 10.6.x , the major versions (costs $$ to upgrade)
10.6.1, 10.6.2, 10.6.3, and so forth are "service packs", free to upgrade in the system update.

Are you really so stupid that you're going to base your argument entirely on how Apple decides to number their OS revisions? Maybe you'll understand it this way.

XP (The base OS) -- XP.x.x
XP SP1, XP SP2, XP SP3 (The major versions, free to upgrade, equivalent to updating from 10.1 to 10.2 and so on) -- XP.SP1.x, XP.SP2.x, XP.SP3.x
XP SP3 with KB93**** through KB95**** (free to upgrade, system updates, comparable to OSX revision numbers) -- XP.SP3.1, XP.SP3.2, XP.SP3.3, increasing in number for each batch of Windows Updates.
You can't compare "speed" between operating systems. You're talking about two entirely different executable compilers [C++ vs GCC], two entirely different sets of code, etc.

It isn't a fair comparison, but when the comparison HAS been made on the same hardware (usually running a copy of XP in Bootcamp), XP comes out ahead.

XP's graphics thrashes Apple's OS X -
Geek Patrol | MacBook Pro Running XP Geekbenched


Yeah, it's only been my job for the last four years. :rolleyes:

I'm saying my 2.53ghz dual core mbp running snow leopard is faster than my 3.2ghz quad core running windows 7...both have 4gb ddr3, and desktop has radeon hd 4850 and macbook pro has NVIDIA GeForce 9400M...

Windows 7 runs quick, But my laptop runs a bit faster... i'm about 80% more productive on the macbook, and I hate using laptops as my workstation...
Are you really so stupid that you're going to base your argument entirely on how Apple decides to number their OS revisions? Maybe you'll understand it this way.

XP (The base OS) -- XP.x.x
XP SP1, XP SP2, XP SP3 (The major versions, free to upgrade, equivalent to updating from 10.1 to 10.2 and so on) -- XP.SP1.x, XP.SP2.x, XP.SP3.x
XP SP3 with KB93**** through KB95**** (free to upgrade, system updates, comparable to OSX revision numbers) -- XP.SP3.1, XP.SP3.2, XP.SP3.3, increasing in number for each batch of Windows Updates.

*shakes head* you are truly an idiot. no point in arguing with a possible troll.
I'm saying my 2.53ghz dual core mbp running snow leopard is faster than my 3.2ghz quad core running windows 7...both have 4gb ddr3, and desktop has radeon hd 4850 and macbook pro has NVIDIA GeForce 9400M...

Windows 7 runs quick, But my laptop runs a bit faster... i'm about 80% more productive on the macbook, and I hate using laptops as my workstation...

Tons of variables involved in that, not really something to argue. I have a Presario 2100 kicking around somewhere that was faster than a Toshiba I used to have with "better" hardware specs too, just a matter of what else you have going on with the machine.

The only way to really compare it "fairly" is to use the same set of hardware, and even then the differences between the operating systems are too great to make the comparison meaningful.
*shakes head* you are truly an idiot. no point in arguing with a possible troll.

- Confronted with obvious point explained in clear detail.
- Accuse person making point of trollolololin' 'cause you don't have a reply.


I don't know why you think I'd give a fuck enough about this conversation to troll you. I use and like both operating systems and don't make any money supporting either. I could also sit here and talk shit about some of the decisions Microsoft has made, if it makes you feel better.

The difference between XP and Vista is the difference between OS9 and OSX, everything else is obvious from there. Don't be retarded bro.
I don't care about legalities. If you're gonna take the high road for one cause, you might as well be taking it for all of them, otherwise you're nothing but a hypocrite.

I paid my $29 for the OSX SL disc and installed it on a single hard drive (Win7 on a second drive) in my box to see what all the fuss was about. Yeah it took about a day to install and tweak - but guess what? That's where all the "pain and suffering" from Windows comes in handy - most of the tweaks were fucking child's play compared to some of the fucking DOS acrobatics I pulled way back in in the early Windows 95 days. Also no different than compiling shit on Linux. I got in and looked around for a day of my time and $29. Experienced just about enough value to equal my investment. Glad I didn't take the hit on a legal box.

Where can I buy a quad core i7 2.93ghz machine along with a 27" 2560x1440 monitor for the same cost as an imac?

Apple has various 'values' on their product lines, this however is IMO one of the best values currently in computing. Just like the 08 Mac Pros were.

I can pickup an equivalent (imo better actually given I hate the apple glossy monitors) Dell for $1100. That leaves me with $1100 to match the specs of the i7 quad core 27" imac. Please show me where you can do this for way less and hence the apple tax and ridiculous price premium is shown.


Where can I buy a quad core i7 2.93ghz machine along with a 27" 2560x1440 monitor for the same cost as an imac?

I can pickup an equivalent (imo better actually given I hate the apple glossy monitors) Dell for $1100. That leaves me with $1100 to match the specs of the i7 quad core 27" imac. Please show me where you can do this for way less and hence the apple tax and ridiculous price premium is shown.


Yawn. The "$1100 Dell IPS Monitor" is a bullshit addition considering you can get a 27" monitor for $300-350 and IPS is overrated as fuckall (read here to understand why: LCD Panel Technology Explained - S-IPS, H-IPS, S-PVA, MVA and TN), but sure, we'll do that. - iBUYPOWER Gamer Extreme 966i Intel Core i7 870(2.93GHz) 4GB DDR3 1TB NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

That's a pre-built and I wasn't even trying, could save more with a custom build. It's still $300 less, with a better optical drive.

If you stopped jerking off over the IPS monitor, it would be over $1000 less.
$300 less on a $2200 total build- got it, so a 15% apple premium for something that's easily supported (walk into a store) and a lot smaller form factor.

We can play the monitor game all day long, but we both know that's not apples to apples.

Let me ask you this: Vizio or a Kuro Elite? Elite is I presume, overrated.
$300 less on a $2200 total build- got it, so a 15% apple premium for something that's easily supported (walk into a store) and a lot smaller form factor.

We can play the monitor game all day long, but we both know that's not apples to apples.

It isn't "apples to apples" either way since you're also neglecting to mention the fact that if any part of the iMac fails, the entire unit goes back for service, that it isn't upgradeable, etc., etc. There are disadvantages to owning the iMac that you aren't considering in asking for a desktop build, but are willing to make something as irrelevant to the end user as an IPS standard monitor part of your criteria? Hypocritical.

Your 15% figure is closer to 50%, all things considered.

Let me ask you this: Vizio or a Kuro Elite? Elite is I presume, overrated.

I've never seen or used a Kuro Elite, so I'm in no position to judge. Not the case with the iMac.