
Live.Laugh.Love <3
Feb 13, 2010
I think so, look at these gems. Wanting to force interracial marriages and breeding, killing bad parents that haven't committed crimes, controlling who watches TV? Yah, thats some motherfucking authoritarian government type shit right there.

So right now I'm like: Oi cunt, LukeP we don't take kindly to your kind round here
And Some of you might be like: Now skeeterstick2herbs he ain't hurtin nobody
Then I'm like: Yeah I guess but sweet jesus lord have mercy does he post alot. But I guess dissenting opinion is good, even if its from a communist.

You mean the Railroads?!?

Seriously, I know what you mean though... Why can't we just be done with this shit already? It's God fucking-damn 2011 allfuckinready!

If I was in power here, (true power, not this limited-by-congress bullshit) I'd make it so the only children being born HAD to be cross-racial, and no more ethnic minorities would exist in 80 years. I'd also do away with Television and teen parents and poor parents too, but you get the point...

My whole rant with my verdict of "give her the Chair" was not about whether or not the system worked. I'll repeat: "she did enough evil that she deserves the chair even without the court seeing it as intentional."

I just wish that my countries' laws would fry you for being a bad parent.
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To answer your post I must clarify the definition of communist:

A- Communist: A belief system based on the writings of Karl Marx. Despite popular belief otherwise, and much like capitalism, communism is not directly associated with totalitarian states. Communism as a socio-economic model can be a democratic choice just as much as it can be imposed by a dictatorship. Calling someone Communist in this sense might imply naiveté, but nothing more.

B- Communist: This is a pejorative term used by people who do not understand what communism is. The people who use this term in this way are all far too ignorant to have read about that which they condemn. The term in this context is an insult to all possible levels. It implies being a 'traitor', 'idiot' and a person that would prefer a 'totalitarian' state over a 'democracy'. In this context, communism is the same as socialism, even if in reality it isn't.

So, if you ask if lukep is a communist based on definition A, definitively not. If you are asking based on definition B, which I'm pretty sure you are, then you are 100% right.

Having said that, I would not judge him from the sum of his posts. I don't think he has the intelligence to be able to keep a clear side. He is the type of idiot who just types whatever comes to mind, even if contradictory.
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I dont think he would git into any political party except maybe libertarian, I dont know if he was serious about the interbreeding thing, if he was thats kinda weird...
I think so, look at these gems. Wanting to force interracial marriages and breeding, killing bad parents that haven't committed crimes, controlling who watches TV? Yah, thats some motherfucking authoritarian government type shit right there.

So right now I'm like: Oi cunt, LukeP we don't take kindly to your kind round here
And Some of you might be like: Now skeeterstick2herbs he ain't hurtin nobody
Then I'm like: Yeah I guess but sweet jesus lord have mercy does he post alot. But I guess dissenting opinion is good, even if its from a communist.
stick2Herbs, please, stick to herbs. You're not building any better a case against me than the Casey Anthony prosecutor could.

If you really want to build a good argument for my "communism" then I'd recommend you become one of the 25% of our fair nation to possess a passport, do some travelling, find out what it is like in the socialist countries that you are mistaking for communism, and then we can talk.

As for my posting rate I have explained elsewhere that my biz plan isn't the same as most ppls' here, and it keeps me at the computer most hours of the day but having little to do but monitor and make tiny changes.

So your gain... You get my vast expertise of the life, the universe, and everything... What's to complain about?
Having said that, I would not judge him from the sum of his posts. I don't think he has the intelligence to be able to keep a clear side. He is the type of idiot who just types whatever comes to mind, even if contradictory.
Please, greenleaves, by all means be my guest and find some of my contradictory posts to support your point.

My ramblings about 'if I were in charge I'd slay all the poor parents' and so forth are (possibly exaggerated) opinions of how bad parents are today. By no means am I advocating starting up a political movement to bring said plans to power. So I'd really like to see what evidence you're basing this idiot accusation on.
I think so, look at these gems. Wanting to force interracial marriages and breeding, killing bad parents that haven't committed crimes, controlling who watches TV? Yah, thats some motherfucking authoritarian government type shit right there.
He's forcing you? lol. Ever heard of a hyperbole and being a little tongue-in-cheek? Jeez...

stick2Herbs, please, stick to herbs.

I am going to bed i just got home. but yah i know sumohaxor ur kinda na ass for wanting me banned or something man,. chill out man i havent smoked weed for like 2 weeks man. for whastever reason just being slapping those beers man whatevedr man naareerrm saying?

@greanleaves - i admit in "B" im the ignorant type at the moment

oh well peace.