Lucid Dreaming

Crazy Story 1: Once I caught myself in a dream because I woke up and thought I missed an important meeting, but then I realized that I had set 3 alarms and there was no way. At this point I caught myself in the dream, but here is the interesting part: I was lucid dreaming in my bed, in my house, and everything was pretty much identical, except for the fact that is was a few hours later. So then, remembering that I was asleep on my back, I laid back down in the exact position I knew I was in real life. So then it hit me: I was lucid dreaming the exact same day, room, position, scenario, and everything that I was actually doing in real life....just a few hours ahead of time (and in my own mind of course). Total mindfuck.

Ya I go through this every once in awhile where my dreams just fucking play with me.

I will start out the dream by waking up in my bed. So everything feels completely real. Sometimes this will happen repeatedly the same night. Each time I wake up I realize I was dreaming and each time that night I fall back asleep I again wake up in the bed, it's crazy.

Sometimes its fun, sometimes it's just fucked up. The below story is of a time it was fucked up...

One time I went to sleep and in the dream I "woke up" in my bed at the hotel I was staying at. It was my first night at that hotel, yet everything in my room was the same as in the dream. This made the dream feel extremely real and through off any of my "I'm just dreaming" feelings... In the dream, I woke up to people pounding on my door. I get up and open the door and it's two chicks and they ask me if I can help them, anyways I go through a bunch of random activities in the hotel with them (the hotel all looking just like I remembered it). Then I came back to my room and "fell asleep", when I fell asleep I woke up. Came to the realization I dreamed all of that and then fell back asleep.

Once I fell back asleep I again in my dream woke up in my bed. This time I again woke up to someone pounding on the door. I roll over and look at it and get this feeling this has happened before, then a weird looking ghost comes through the door screaming at me and goes right through me. After this, still in the dream, I wake up and I say "ah fucking dreams, stop playing with me", right once I say this I become unable to move and my head is turned towards the other door in my hotel room. The door starts shaking and then it's busted down by a demon panther looking thing with red eyes. The thing comes running at me and this whole time I am still immobile and can't move. At this point I have somewhat realized I am still dreaming, but I'm still scared as fuck and I can't move because I am caught in sleep paralysis. The thing comes over and starts nawing on my face while I'm still stuck in sleep paralysis and it took me a bit to be able to jolt myself out of it.

That was the worst case I have had with sleep paralysis and waking up where I was sleeping. I actually had to go to sleep with the light on for a few nights after that...

The waking up right where I went to sleep phenomenon happens quite a bit to me. I don't experience lucid control of a dream very often though. Anytime I realize it's a dream I either wake up or I stay in the dream and know it's a dream, but I still don't have any control over it. I have only had lucid control of a dream a few times.

I remember trying years ago, and could never do it. Now for the past 6 months I lucid dream almost every day, and no idea why, as I'm not even trying. Well, light lucid, not heavy. I should maybe try more.

1.) I can never change my surroundings, or at least not that I remember. I just wake up in a dream, and wherever I am, is where I am. No changing it. If I end up in the middle of a jungle, unless I find my own way out of there, I'm stuck in the jungle for the duration of the dream.

2.) In general, I can't do anything crazy; no flying, telepathy, super human powers, etc. I have been able to fly around a couple times, but the vast majority of time, I can only do what I can do in reality. Then again, never actually really tried. Maybe I should.

For example, just woke up after a dream. Was in a bus station, white tile floors, white walls. Don't know if I lost it, got mugged, or what, but for some reason I didn't have my wallet, and only had $10 cash on me. I was hungry, wanted a cigarette, plus had to get out of there. Now I can't just magically make my wallet appear, of put $3k in my pocket. I can go around and talk with people, barter with them, ask for help, steal, whatever... but I can't do anything that I wouldn't be able to do in reality.
Sleep Paralysis is no joke. I used to get it all the time for months straight and then one day it just went away and never came back. I have no idea what caused it or why it was happening to me, but I am just glad it seemed to resolve on it's own. It's not a fun experience at all. In fact, it's downright terrifying.

As far as dreaming, I dream almost every night and remember my dreams which I guess is healthy because it means I am hitting REM sleep. As far as lucid, I've had a few and they were really intense. You almost wake up from a really lucid dream and don't even feel rested since it was so lifelike haha.

My sleep paralysis comes in clusters as well. There was a point about a year and a half ago where I was scared to go to bed because I was getting sleep paralysis practically every other night for several weeks.

I had another small spurt like that a couple months ago (3-4 times in a month) but thankfully haven't had it since then.
I'll bite. . .

I haven't been able to do this for a while but back when I was really young i was able to A. have the same dream and B. control my actions and for what ever reason It was a Top Gun theme but Aliens from Aliens were after me and I was able to control everything but would always wake up at the same part it was like a virtual reality game where I was in complete control it was pretty sweet

and I have had an embarassing one as well.. .

I kept having a dream in middle school about this hot ass chick in a sundress and I was able to full around with her or whatever in my dream but I completely controlled the situation and then one time I made it to were we were fucking and I had to spurt and I even remember thinking if I spurt DO I REALLY? YES and YES and no I never had that dream again lol.
Lucid dreaming sounds cool as hell. Im gonna have to check this out.

Ive mostly experienced sleep paralysis and it sucks major balls. I hate that you can feel your self going into it slowly but cant do shit to get out.
This thread is now partially about sharing your lucid experiences.

I remember what was probably more or less my very first lucid dream. If I recall correctly, I ended up having it because I had watched the television show Xena (don't judge me) and in the show she went into a dream and controlled it or something. So that night I had a dream I was being chased in by an evil clown in my backyard, but I "snapped out of it" and was like "hey fuck you clown, I control this shit now. I summon a... KNIFE! A KNIFE! A KNIFE I SAID!"

And then an apple appeared in my hand.

So I threw it at the clown.

And I missed.
Damn I just had a good one. That was awesome. I had the weirdest inadvertent reality check too.

I was at Indiana Beach, a place I go to every year. I was doing things, but to skip ahead to the part where I become lucid - I was walking around but decided to show off by walking on my hands. I suddenly realized that hey, I can't do this in real life... I must be dreaming! I verified my suspicions by pushing my finger through a glass door (always a fun trick).

I then proceeded to do anything I could think of just to maintain lucidity. I used my finger as a key to break into these ticket games and steal all the tickets inside... then I stole all the money inside as well! In retrospect, it was a silly idea seeing as dream money is completely worthless.

I then exited the area I was in and my mind jumped to hey I need to find a girl to fuq :DDDDDD penis in vagina. I found one (remember, making people just appear is very difficult) and OF COURSE she consented, so we began walking to a more private area.

I guess this shows I wasn't 100% lucid, otherwise I 1. wouldn't have felt like I needed to even ask her and 2. wouldn't have felt the need to find somewhere private to fuck. I would've just known hey this is a dream I can do whatever the FUCK I wanna do.

As we were walking to this more private area... I think this was the best part of the dream, because I feel like it was when I was truly the most lucid. I remember looking at the night sky and just thinking "holy fuck I am so lucid. I need to tell Wickedfire about this (srs)". I think there was even an instant that I questioned if I would even wake up because everything felt so real.

Anyways, as expected, once we were about to fuq :DDDD I closed my eyes accidentally which of course snapped me out of my dream.

Right into a false awakening! I was trying desperately in my dream tier 1 to fall back asleep into my dream tier 2 but I'm sure that's quite impossible. That's when I woke up and realized holy fuck I just went lucid AND had an FA.

inb4 cool story bro, etc.
Anyone else experience this?

You lay on your right side allowing the blood too pool in your right hemisphere you get more creative and sporadic artistic thoughts. If you try to plan something or think logically about the future while laying here on your right side you're easily thrown off topic in your own head.

Roll over to your left side? And that all goes away the blood pools to your more logical left hemisphere and you can get some good 'this is what I'll do tomorrow' thinking done.

I had my first lucid dream this morning. If you read my post earlier in this thread, I was unsure if I had experienced a lucid dream or not. Based on this morning's experience, my previous dreams were most definitely not lucid!

I usually experience this half-awake state when I'm either falling asleep or slowly waking up, and it just comes and goes. I generally have no control and no awareness while it is going on.

My best description of lucid dreaming is capturing that state, becoming aware that you are in it, and finally controlling it.

Here's what happened in my dream:

I was in a large room, by myself. I turned around, and out of nowhere there was a man standing a few feet away from me. No expression on his face, and not saying a word or moving. This oddity was enough to make me do a "reality check" which I had been practicing all week. At that point, I realized I was dreaming and gained full "awareness." At first, I was a little shocked/spooked and had to resist waking up. After I settled down so to speak, I gained control over my actions. It was *extremely* real, and happening in real time. I shot a hadouken out of my hands at the guy, and fought him matrix style. Then I woke up.

It was very short, but quite a fucking experience. Tonight I will be trying to go lucid again...last night when it happened I didn't even try. All week I was just doing reality checks several times per day, and finally I went lucid with no effort.
I've had several the last few months that were fairly "new" experiences. Flying, fucking, and owning google are all repetitive ones I'll have every here and there.

These last couple have been regarding people trying to blow my car up, kill me, light my house on fire, etc. These types of dreams are really fun if you mentally play a long with them, instead of freaking the fuck out and waking up. Heard somewhere that either smoking passion flower leaf and roots or consuming it in a tea can help produce lucid dreaming. Haven't tried it, let me know
I had a lucid dream. I had to pee. I stood at the urinal peeing. I woke up peeing in bed. Every time while awake and went to pee i didn't know if i was peeing in the urinal or bed. I stopped lucid dreaming.

At least be happy you didn't need to shit, pee is easier to clean from your sheets :)
I read a book years ago on lucid dreaming. I also kept a journal and followed all the tips it gave. I actually achieved a lucid dreaming state one night. I remember being in the dream and realizing that I was dreaming. I was so startled - I woke up!

Yup, Melatonin will do it too.

Melatonin in high dose (50mg) is known to cause significantly lucid dreams because it can drastically increase REM sleep times, and part of LSD's effectiveness is it emulates melatonin activity in an awakened state, according to: Lewis, Alan (1999). Melatonin and the Biological Clock. McGraw-Hill. p. 23. ISBN 0-87983-734-9.

Long story short, take 50mg melatonin and you'll probably have some crazy fucking dreams.
Melatonin in high dose (50mg) is known to cause significantly lucid dreams because it can drastically increase REM sleep times, and part of LSD's effectiveness is it emulates melatonin activity in an awakened state, according to: Lewis, Alan (1999). Melatonin and the Biological Clock. McGraw-Hill. p. 23. ISBN 0-87983-734-9.

Long story short, take 50mg melatonin and you'll probably have some crazy fucking dreams.

That's a lot of fucking melatonin considering most doctors prescribe dosages of 0.1-3mg.

What was your reality check?
Digital clocks are a really good reality check. In dreams the numbers are always random, and if you look away and then back at the clock the numbers will be different. When I was trying to lucid dream I would check my (digital) phone clock all the time.