LSI CONTENT AUTHORITY | Panda-Friendly Content | Premium LSI Articles From $.021/word

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So, I also placed an order on the 7th of November. Any luck with the article?

Transaction ID: 8D796897UP5682911
So, I also placed an order on the 7th of November. Any luck with the article?

Transaction ID: 8D796897UP5682911

You were right behind in the queue, article should be sitting in your inbox now as well. Thanks a lot for your order, and for your patience.

Current turnaround for new orders is 3-4 days. 4-6 days if its a bulk order of 10 or less.
Just ordered 10 articles. I COULD be your best customer if you are good.

Your transaction ID for this payment is: 71C84914TA5339405.

I'm PM'ing you over topics and instructions. Thanks in advance, hope you can still keep the 2-4 day deadline!
I just received my article. This is really good shit! Definitely high quality and the delivery includes your keywords, HTML formatted and in .doc format.

I'm definitely going to order more.
This service is the best I have worked with for LSI articles that are on subject and on point. HTML formatted is an added bonus. Great work and great turn around.
Just ordered 2 articles. Transaction ID: 75V256783G336183W

Looking forward to the good things people have been saying here.
Have made the order and sent you a pm magicink. The transaction ID for this payment is: 3G041309XN9205014.
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