Louey's Journal


New member
May 31, 2011
I'm new to this shit. Really new.

I was half of a partnership that provided relationships and dating advice to guys looking for a deeper and more real experience with women. My partner and I had been doing this for a few years. He was looking after the business and marketing side of the business. I looked after the coaching side.

This was until I found out at the start of this year that he'd been spending company money on bars, speeding fines, car repairs, and groceries. A lot of money.

So, he's gone and I'm on my own. I'm now learning how to do all this shit from scratch.

I'm going to keep a journal of all the shit that I'm doing so I can look back and laugh at all the stupid shit I've done when I finally start to get a handle on this shit.

Hopefully, someone who's in a similar position might read this in 6 months time and it helps them to not make a stupid mistake. And it also gives them a bit of a laugh.

I'll start with all the stupid shit I've done soon.



Ok, first thing to note.

Over the last 3 days, my conversion rate has plummeted. It wasn't great to start off with. The site was converting only 3.2% of new visitors to download a FREE ebook. I personally think that's shit. But hey, like I said, I'm just new to this. I'm in the process of trying a few new things to see if they'll help out.

BUT, for some reason, over the last 4 days, the conversion rate has dropped from 3.2% to 0.3%! Traffic is steadily climbing. 10 days ago, we had 91 unique visitors, today (and there's still 2 hours to go), we had 172. This is great but I can't figure out why the fuck the coversion rate has dropped so badly.

We're still recieving traffic from the same keywords, it's just that they don't want our shit right now.

Anyone have any thoughts?

Stupid thing No.1

I spent about $700 on domain names this month with properly evaluating them. Good choice. Don't do that again. Just because something seems like a good idea on the surface, always do research. Always.

Ask people who know more than you. That's a good place to start.

Just re read my into post. I say 'shit' a lot.

Get used to it. That's about the extent of my vocabulary.

You talking to yourself brah?
I know that the web can be a dark and scary isolated place but this my friend is plain ol lunacy.
The great things about talking to yourself is that at least, you know someone is listening.

They may be an arsehole but at least they're an attentive arsehole :)

Ahh, that's how it always goes with these journal threads. Keep going man, we are listening.

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Stupid thing no. 2

If you notice that something radically different has occured (like your goal conversion rate dropping off the face of the earth) then have a look at what you did that could have effected it.

For example, if you change the thank you page that people are directed to after they complete a goal, have a look at how that effects the that has on how google tracks your goals.

I just found out that the conversion rate didn't drop, I just made it so that google couldn't track the conversions because I changed the thank you page.


Adventures in online marketing.
Stupid thing no. 3

Get the basics right first.

I've just changed the on page optimisation of the website and teh amount of organic traffic we're receiving has double. DOUBLED.

Get the basics right. It's not that hard.

Oh, and if you're going to hire someone to do your SEO, make sure they know their shit. The last guy you hired was shit.
I changed the onsite optimisation. None of the 400 posts I had listed had been catagorised or had any tags applied to them.

I also changed the site title (I think it's called the Meta Title. Not sure) so that it reflected the kinds of words that we were pursuing rather than some generic series of 'near enough' words.

The next step is to get people past that first 9 seconds on the page.

Most people who land on the site via keyword searches don't spend more than 9 seconds. I'm new to this shit. Anything you can recommend to get them through the first paragraph? As I'm writing this, the first thing that comes into my head is 'make that first sentence catchier' and 'make the title really grab someone's attention'...

But is there anything else?
I changed the onsite optimisation. None of the 400 posts I had listed had been catagorised or had any tags applied to them.

I also changed the site title (I think it's called the Meta Title. Not sure) so that it reflected the kinds of words that we were pursuing rather than some generic series of 'near enough' words.

The next step is to get people past that first 9 seconds on the page.

Most people who land on the site via keyword searches don't spend more than 9 seconds. I'm new to this shit. Anything you can recommend to get them through the first paragraph? As I'm writing this, the first thing that comes into my head is 'make that first sentence catchier' and 'make the title really grab someone's attention'...

But is there anything else?

Well more attractive websites + some pictures usually make people stay longer - but I find it reduces the CTR. Also for on-site SEO dont forget (Some of these arn't important):

- H1 Header
- H2 Header
- H3 Header
- Bold / Strong Tag
- Image ALT
- Meta Title
- Meta Description
- Meta Tags
- Keyword Density
- Content Length
- Keyword in Page URL

Hope that helps.
Thanks for all of that mate. It's definitely something I need to learn more about. What I've done so far has had a great impact on my rankings so I'll have a play with some other stuff and see what kind of impact I can have.
Have to increase open rates on emails... Hmm... I think it's time to take a copy writing course...

Does anyone have any idea what standard (or common) open rates on email broadcasts are? Mine used to be 18% but they've dropped right off. Until last week, they were around 14% but now they're down around 10%.

I think it has a lot to do with the fact that people are just coming back to the site to see all the stuff that's going on rather than reading the emails to get updates. Traffic is through the roof at the moment.

Conversion rate, conversion rate, conversion rate. I just worked out that if I can get my conversion rates up to 10%, I'll be making $2,000 a week.

It's time to stop mucking around with pumping traffic and get into conversions.

Day job, you can go fuck yourself.
Ordered Bofu2u's Link Arrow. At $225, it's the most I've ever forked out for one keyword. (http://www.wickedfire.com/links-seo...l-link-pyramid-smothered-secret-sauce-11.html)

Here are the original keyword ratings:

Primary anchor:
Current rank 212 (27,000 exact match monthly searches, 11 mil competing pages)

Secondary anchors:
KW#1 -> 3 (1,900 searches, 5 mil pages)
KW#2 -> 10 (1,600 searches, 2 mil pages)
KW#3 -> 14 (2,900 searches, 200k pages)
KW#4 -> 245 (1,600 searches, 200k pages)
KW#5 -> 265 (1,600 Searches, 2.3 mil pages)

After only 50% of links have been posted (it's on a 7 day drip) there's been significant changes (Primary keyword has gone from 212 to 36) so I can't wait to see what happens once it's all up and running.
Just posted this in the BST thread in case anyone's interested.


I have serious doubts as to whether this is the right website to post this on, given it's widely regarded and the premier Gay Webmasters Forum on the internet...

...but I thought I'd give it a shot.

My name's Leigh and I run a dating a relationship company for guys who like women.

We focus on helping you become naturally attractive to women in a way that doesn't involve any bullshit lines, routines, or deceptive tactics.

I have 2 ebooks (1 free, one not), a 5 week coaching program, and a 13 week coaching program (both online based) all focussed on helping you become the kind of Man who effortlessly and easily attracts the WOMEN he wants (sorry dudes, can't hep you get the meat spins...).

I'm in need to assistance in just about every area of online marketing and am willing to trade my services in return for help with:

Link building
Website design
Logo and Product Cover Design
Content writing
Copy Writing
Email Marketing
Affiliate Setup
Even hosting advice!

If any hetro-sexual guy ACCIDENTALLY stumbles onto this thread, wants to make meeting women effortless and has any of those skills to offer in return, please flick me a PM and I'll send you the URL to check out.

I'm happy to also send through a copy of my paid ebook so you can decide whether or not I can help you get where you want to be.
My name's Leigh and

That's a great name for a gay webmaster forum, welcome.

We focus on helping you become naturally attractive to women in a way that doesn't involve any bullshit lines

That sounds like bullshit already. Naturally as opposed to unnaturally?

You have a lot to learn in the IM field. I wish you well. If you post a specific question, someone may answer. Your general questions may get some random answers of questionable value.

What have been your short-term results after the keyword arrow?
Yeah, it's about being more real and dropping the bullshit. There's a lot of guys out there who teach you to pretend to be someone else so you can trick women into liking you. I'm not into this.

The results have been pretty amazing from the link arrow. It took me from 212 for a 27,000 exact match keyword to 8. Since then, I've thrown a bunch of article marketing links at it and it's up at 5.

I now get more traffic for that keyword than any other. When you combine it with the long tail variations, it's makes about a third of the daily traffic.

The primary doesn't convert as well as the long tails but with over 10 times the volume, I can't complain.

Definitely have a LOT to learn in IM. I'm only just starting out and already learning heaps. The shit I've learnt so far has tripled my organic traffic in 3 months after it remained pretty constant for 3 years.

Pretty excited to see what I can do in the next three months. If I can keep up the same pace, I'll be retired in a year.
