Looking for Craigslist Guru

I am a freelance writer and have been writing ads for Craig list for almost 2 years now. You can google my name "Tamer Sameeh" to see some of my writing pieces.

I am charging 1$ per 100 words and I can write you a sample ad for free to try me out, if you want.

Here is my email:

Please, atleast make an honest attempt at contributing value to the forum before you start peddling your shitty writing services, you IDIOT!

Also, change that avatar - it freaks me out!

p0ck3taces we are looking to post on CL aggressive for a local and mail in repair service. This is a new account can you inbox me contact details please.

Posting service

Hey Guys, my team does posting for w4m at a decent price. If interested pm me here or aim and skype.

skype: screamnwolf
aim: screamnwolf86

Thanks for sharing.
I have a great CL connection. What area do you need postings? My guy is awesome I haven't needed him much lately so I can share if interested you can email me at
gtltsports at g mail
The time & money spending on Cl doesn't worth it anymore & those who do the posting most of them are actually sucks what they do.

I can guide you through which you can post unlimited, any type of craigslist Ads (text or HTML) all over US.

- Only under Sales / Wanted, Housing, Community, Personal and Event sections.
- 200% guanine
- No need of forwarded numbers
- No PVA required

I charge $750 for giving this procedure. Only serious buyer can contact me via email: mashab.a @ gmail.com

Hi! For those who need a Stable Classifieds Posting Service...
We offer Reliable Classifieds Posting. We have all the necessary tools and we post exclusively manually. So our posts stay alive and stick for long.
5 trial posts for you to check the quality.
We value our time and want to establish long-term relationships

Please contact us for further details

skype: CL Support
email: melaniesmith921@yahoo.com
Craigslist is smart and will ghost spam/affiliate posts.

It's good to sell things like videogames, cars, or music instrumentals...but do you really think it's a quality site for leads?