London machete attack!

You are a fucking retard. The guy was from an African country that was never invaded by the us. He killed the solider because of the religion you are defending.

Dude had a British accent. He was clearly raised in England lol.

Oh yes, I remember that sweet, sweet war we had where we bombed Britain for their oil and created all those terrorists.

Good times.

You are a fucking retard. The guy was from an African country that was never invaded by the us. He killed the solider because of the religion you are defending.

And I'm the idiot... lolz. I think I must read too much plus I don't see TV, so we have different sources of info.

P.S. I don't consider myself superior. But I also don't consider you superior. Or anyone.

Dude had a British accent. He was clearly raised in England lol.

Oh yes, I remember that sweet, sweet war we had where we bombed Britain for their oil and created all those terrorists.

Good times.

Meanwhile, as usual, hellboy is about 70 years off track. Keep up with the conversation. The guy was african. He lived some time in the UK. It is possible that adults learn a foreign language; as mind boggling as that might seem to you.
Meanwhile, as usual, hellboy is about 70 years off track. Keep up with the conversation. The guy was african. He lived some time in the UK. It is possible that adults learn a foreign language; as mind boggling as that might seem to you.

Takes more than "some time" to get an accent like that. More likely since birth, he looks in his twenties. There's a big difference in London between Africans who immigrate and the ghetto youths who were born here. He looks like the latter.

And I'm the idiot... lolz. I think I must read too much plus I don't see TV, so we have different sources of info.

P.S. I don't consider myself superior. But I also don't consider you superior. Or anyone.

Meanwhile, as usual, hellboy is about 70 years off track. Keep up with the conversation. The guy was african. He lived some time in the UK. It is possible that adults learn a foreign language; as mind boggling as that might seem to you.
Unified Task Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that was not for oil. When the fuck did Sudan go to war with the US (one bombing is not a war) England was where the attack happened anyway. He killed the solider because he was brainwashed by a barbaric religion that you for some reason defend.
Takes more than "some time" to get an accent like that. More likely since birth, he looks in his twenties. There's a big difference in London between Africans who immigrate and the ghetto youths who were born here. He looks like the latter.

My best friend (a woman who has more balls than most I know) is Russian. She lived in the UK for maybe 5-6 years. She speaks near perfect English with a Brit accent.

For those who have a passport and have been outside the US; such facts aren't that mind boggling.

Even if he was a second generation immigrant (I very strongly doubt it) when you kill someones family, they might hold a grudge for a long time. Just ask the Mossad.
For thousands of years, loyalty to tribe, race, and culture was paramount.

How interesting that now that we have millions of people like you, our societies are dying a slow death. Our cultures are disappearing. There is no patriotism anymore, no racial identity, no tribal loyalty. And all in the last 50 or so years, out of thousands of years of human civilization.

And the ones who do possess that clannish allegiance are succeeding and taking over.

But we in the West are so much more advanced than those throwbacks, right?

People have always thought the end was nigh, whether for society, or the world, or whatever. I see cultures continuously evolving, change is the only constant. Tribal loyalty seems to lead to mass violence and groupthink.

There are plenty of thriving individualists, maybe they are worrying less about what others are thinking or doing.
Unified Task Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that was not for oil. When the fuck did Sudan go to war with the US (one bombing is not a war) England was where the attack happened anyway. He killed the solider because he was brainwashed by a barbaric religion that you for some reason defend.

No. He killed someone because he viewed them as the 'alien other'. Just as you are doing.

Western forces had carved up Africa directly during colonialism. We live in a neocolonialist world. Western forces have and continue to destabilize African countries (including Sudan) to ensure the continuous flow of riches from those lands.

And I'm not saying Western forces are uniquely evil. The Africans would do the same if they had the chance. What I am saying is humans are capable of evil. And the #1 way that happens is when individuals think as 'us vs them'.

We have to think that way to a degree. But it is mostly something that is used by elites to divide and conquer. So falling into that mental trap is not something that is not particularly helpful to your cause. In the end EU is filled with Muslims because western leaders sought to gain power by creating social divisions. Not because they were liberal. That is just the excuse they used to convince the bleeding hearts.

lol at the non-sensical tag aimed at insulting me. I r hat u like lots...
mattseh, plz confirm

Please stop sucking up to me, it's getting embarrassing.


No. He killed someone because he viewed them as the 'alien other'. Just as you are doing.

Western forces had carved up Africa directly during colonialism. We live in a neocolonialist world. Western forces have and continue to destabilize African countries (including Sudan) to ensure the continuous flow of riches from those lands.

And I'm not saying Western forces are uniquely evil. The Africans would do the same if they had the chance. What I am saying is humans are capable of evil. And the #1 way that happens is when individuals think as 'us vs them'.

We have to think that way to a degree. But it is mostly something that is used by elites to divide and conquer. So falling into that mental trap is not something that is not particularly helpful to your cause. In the end EU is filled with Muslims because western leaders sought to gain power by creating social divisions. Not because they were liberal. That is just the excuse they used to convince the bleeding hearts.

lol at the non-sensical tag aimed at insulting me. I r hat u like lots...

It had absolutely zero to do with "colonialism" in Africa.

Dude was spouting Muslim propaganda.

Your desperation to try and rationalize this psychopath's actions are becoming pathetic.
No. He killed someone because he viewed them as the 'alien other'. Just as you are doing.

Western forces had carved up Africa directly during colonialism. We live in a neocolonialist world. Western forces have and continue to destabilize African countries (including Sudan) to ensure the continuous flow of riches from those lands.

And I'm not saying Western forces are uniquely evil. The Africans would do the same if they had the chance. What I am saying is humans are capable of evil. And the #1 way that happens is when individuals think as 'us vs them'.

We have to think that way to a degree. But it is mostly something that is used by elites to divide a conquer. So falling into that mental trap is not something that is particularly helpful to your cause. In the end EU is filled with Muslims because western leaders sought to gain power by creating social divisions. Not because they were liberal. That is just the excuse they used to convince the bleeding hearts.
You're just another conspiracy nut.
People have always thought the end was nigh, whether for society, or the world, or whatever. I see cultures continuously evolving, change is the only constant. Tribal loyalty seems to lead to mass violence and groupthink.

There are plenty of thriving individualists, maybe they are worrying less about what others are thinking or doing.

Of course! but not with Islam it destroys education, womans rights, murders Atheists,gays, jews, simply because of who they are. You can't even own a dog for fuck sake. Imagine how advanced those Arab counties would be if Islam never existed.
My best friend (a woman who has more balls than most I know) is Russian. She lived in the UK for maybe 5-6 years. She speaks near perfect English with a Brit accent.

For those who have a passport and have been outside the US; such facts aren't that mind boggling.

Even if he was a second generation immigrant (I very strongly doubt it) when you kill someones family, they might hold a grudge for a long time. Just ask the Mossad.

What's a "Brit" accent? I am pretty sure if I spoke to her I would be able to tell she wasn't English. But I wasn't disputing a persons ability to learn a new language with the correct accent.

That guy didn't have a "Brit" accent, he had a London ghetto youth accent. It's not really an accent that is learned, unless they have been here since at least high school to acquire it.
She speaks near perfect English with a Brit accent.

For those who have a passport and have been outside the US.

Do you realise how many different accents there are in London alone? I'm not talking about foreign accents, I'm talking about North > South > West > East London. (although west London is just a combination of chav to well spoken depending where you are).
I'm wondering which Brit accent you mean.

And we all have passports from the moment we can tie our own shoe-laces here, and generally being such a tiny little place - we travel. A lot. We actually find it bizarre that people don't have passports.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not stepping into a debate or argument about terrorism, accents, attitude or bollox, just curious as to your meaning.
Do you realise how many different accents there are in London alone? I'm not talking about foreign accents, I'm talking about North > South > West > East London. (although west London is just a combination of chav to well spoken depending where you are).
I'm wondering which Brit accent you mean.

And we all have passports from the moment we can tie our own shoe-laces here, and generally being such a tiny little place - we travel. A lot. We actually find it bizarre that people don't have passports.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not stepping into a debate or argument about terrorism, accents, attitude or bollox, just curious as to your meaning.

For the sake of discussion, there's a fairly well accepted notion of a "brit accent" here in the states, even when you have variations ranging from The Beatles to mattseh to Brad Pitt in Snatch. Just as Americans have dozens of accents that can all be rounded up to an "american accent", the same can be said of Britain.
For the sake of discussion, there's a fairly well accepted notion of a "brit accent" here in the states, even when you have variations ranging from The Beatles to mattseh to Brad Pitt in Snatch. Just as Americans have dozens of accents that can all be rounded up to an "american accent", the same can be said of Britain.

Me and Ant repeatedly switched accents to ones like Yorkshire and Scottish mid sentence, no American seemed to notice.
I always wondered what an American accent sounds like to you chaps. Never really heard it described by anyone from those far away parts on the map.
Get me on Skype, and I'll give you an impression of what the average English person thinks of when they think American accent. It's a kinda nasal Beverley Hills accent, although difficult to describe.