London machete attack!

Notice how there has been a sharp upswing on Muslim attacks on the West while rusvik has been alive.

I think we all know the solution.
Ah, yes, the science ignored by those who believe socioeconomic factors weigh more heavily than say:
Phrenology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Waiting for a muslim official to denounce the violence. .. . . . . . . . . . crickets. . . . . . churp. . . churp. . . .
To what?

My country?
My race?
National Socialism?

My allegiance is to myself, anything else is irrational.
Its going to be intresting to watch the UK slowly succcumb to Islam in the next 20 years. The liberal islamic apologists allowed it to happen. And their children will pay the price.
Its going to be intresting to watch the UK slowly succcumb to Islam in the next 20 years. The liberal islamic apologists allowed it to happen. And their children will pay the price.

The scary thing is how in complete denial they are. They will always put their self-identity as 'tolerant' above real life facts.
To what?

My country?
My race?
National Socialism?

My allegiance is to myself, anything else is irrational.

For thousands of years, loyalty to tribe, race, and culture was paramount.

How interesting that now that we have millions of people like you, our societies are dying a slow death. Our cultures are disappearing. There is no patriotism anymore, no racial identity, no tribal loyalty. And all in the last 50 or so years, out of thousands of years of human civilization.

And the ones who do possess that clannish allegiance are succeeding and taking over.

But we in the West are so much more advanced than those throwbacks, right?
Who? Redditors?


I have proven to people over and over again how muslim immigrants are A LOT more criminal than Europeans, how a majority of them prefer sharia etc, how their entire history of Islam has been about violent slavetrading expansion and NOTHING will get through.

As witnessed on this forum too, the usual answer is: Well Christians are bad too or 'all religion is bad'. You can't win against such 13 year old mindsets.
I have proven to people over and over again how muslim immigrants are A LOT more criminal than Europeans, how a majority of them prefer sharia etc, how their entire history of Islam has been about violent slavetrading expansion and NOTHING will get through.

As witnessed on this forum too, the usual answer is: Well Christians are bad too or 'all religion is bad'. You can't win against such 13 year old mindsets.

Funny how we don't have 'terrorist' from countries that we don't bomb and then send weapons and funding to... they are also the same countries that don't have oil or natural resources.
But we in the West are so much more advanced than those throwbacks, right?

Finally we agree. I don't think we are that more advanced.

I mean, we call them barbaric for chopping off the hand of a thief. We send people to jail for 99 years for growing a plant. Ask the people who are in jail for 99 years if they would give up a hand to get out.
Funny how we don't have 'terrorist' from countries that we don't bomb and then send weapons and funding to... they are also the same countries that don't have oil or natural resources.

Islamists are killing christians in masses in Sudan and Nigeria. They're bombing the crap out of Southern Thailand, Philippines, earlier Bali, Stockholm etc.

When will people like you learn?

No, you are not morally superior to others, you are not a beacon of tolerant light.
Funny how we don't have 'terrorist' from countries that we don't bomb and then send weapons and funding to... they are also the same countries that don't have oil or natural resources.

You are a fucking retard. The guy was from an African country that was never invaded by the us. He killed the solider because of the religion you are defending.