London machete attack!

News here reported it at first as a possible terrorist attack ffs. Well - yes it probably was absolutely terrifying to the victim and those around but terrorists? I think they mean nutjob murderer.
News here reported it at first as a possible terrorist attack ffs. Well - yes it probably was absolutely terrifying to the victim and those around but terrorists? I think they mean nutjob murderer.

Because these two fucktards killed one person doesn't make them any less to those who flew planes into buildings and killed thousands.

You make it sound as if they flunked the international university for terrorists evening diploma course and can't be considered as such. The purpose of a "terrorist" is to "terrorise" whether acting alone or as part of a group and in this case for a political issue. This was a terrorist act.

Anyway, for a lowdown of events, twitter is your friend.
Before you attack innocent Muslim community please don't forget about Christians organizing Crusades and all these boys molested by Catholic priests.
Inb4 liberals explaining this away with socio-economic figures.

Rope and a lamppost is all that is needed now.
Inb4 liberals explaining this away with socio-economic figures.

Religion, levels of religiosity, and such are social factors. I'm not sure what "explaining this away" means, but if we ignore all socio-economic factors, then we are only left with biological factors, such as their gender. Focusing solely on the fact that these people were males sounds like something only a "liberal" feminist would do.
Religion, levels of religiosity, and such are social factors. I'm not sure what "explaining this away" means, but if we ignore all socio-economic factors, then we are only left with biological factors, such as their gender. Focusing solely on the fact that these people were males sounds like something only a "liberal" feminist would do.

Correlation is not causation, but the problem with most liberals are that they are too stupid to have studied any real science.

Arabs/Africans simply are not smart enough to be civilized.