lol indian sir lol

lol let me tell you one thing this is a common strategy here in India for the guys trying to make monies online. They think if they are going to respect the so called Sir :p will be getting more projects.

believe me or not I myself hate this word as I have to deal with many Indian guy here. okay enough on Sir....
It looks quite interesting. As Indians respect the others but I didn't get this kind of experience.
Nice one :)

You should tell him to be careful with that when dealing with other people sometime in the future.
Yeah, ideally :D

I'm traveling China atm and hear this a lot. Some of them are so well trained that it's impossible to get rid of it, even for adults, people in business etc.
I think he will be slapped or sacked if he doesn't call his Indian boss/superior "Sir". I made a visit to India last year and noticed that the employees always call their superior "Sir, Sir, Sir"
I think he will be slapped or sacked if he doesn't call his Indian boss/superior "Sir". I made a visit to India last year and noticed that the employees always call their superior "Sir, Sir, Sir"

absolutely correct. but here in IM no one is superior so why call Nigga? :p