LIVE - Payday Loans - Case Study On G00gle.c0m

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Ok enough banter. What are the PR breakdowns of these packages? I'm looking at several different providers for these links and obviously want the highest pr for the lowest cost i can get. How many pr2,3,4,5,6 etc do you include in the Nuclear reactor A,
b,C packages?

Across the board the breakdown is roughly:

1% PR 6 (Depending on SAPE pricing)
5%-10% PR 5
45%-60% PR 4
30%-50% PR 3

Sometimes PR 2's are thrown in as extras.

I've found that the stated PR on SAPE most of the time is not real. I search for links with the true PR to be higher then stated. This way, although it reads PR 4, it might actually be a PR 6 or even PR7 sometimes.

Getting great results for a some of the established members on this forum for some very competitive keywords - you know who you are ; )

I aim for results as this is a subscription service. It's easier to keep clients then look for new ones...
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