Liquid Rainbow - Google is Tripping BALLS... II

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<shameless endorsement> just want to say again, for anyone on the fence, this service kix ass. super quality, super white. gitcha some.

Well, i recently got my report and i'll be honest here: "It was not what i expected it to be (TM)" :D

That out of the's a sweet, sweet service - seriously!

Let me ask you this: Are you still buying tons of trashy DA20* blogposts for your precious money site? Yes? Why not get a couple of high quality whitehat links from respectable properties? Thehobbster is a good starting point in your pursuit of these premium power links.

A couple of facts:

- Domain and page authority is sky-high
- Backlink profile will provide you with an insta boner - guaranteed!

I envy the lucky fellas who snagged up one of these premiums, but i have no doubt, that even a standard package will have a very nice impact on my site. Not only to round out my backlink profile...but also to help with that TRUST and AUTHORITY google has become addicted to like a broken bar slut.

That being said: I'm very happy with this link and if you've got a whitehat site, you know what to do.

*In case you didn't know: DA operates on a logarithmic scale, so one could argue that a DA50+ link is exponentially stronger than just a couple of DA20's or even DA30's. If you are unsure about this you may pm grindstone to verify my claims.
Got my report the other day and unlike most, the only thing i was expecting was a sweet link from a high authority domain... and thehobbster delivered on that!!

Thanks once again for bringing a fresh, innovative backlinking opportunity to the marketplace.
Wow, thanks, everyone, for the reviews and orders! I'll begin processing new orders, and I'll have more reports going out later in the week! I'll actually have one order for a not-yet-released service going out to someone on that super secret down low tip. Other than that, just waiting on some content!
Payment reserved for new service that isnt announced yet *wink*wink

This particular one is only for folks in a certain, broad vertical, and it will be very very stringent on what site's are allowed or not. So with that being said, I hope you've got your white-hat health-hat on!

As soon as more content comes in, I'll be sending out more reports. Thanks for everyone's patience! I love you guys and gals.
I'll actually have one order for a not-yet-released service going out to someone on that super secret down low tip.

No problem man. I'll keep that on the hush hush.:1bluewinky:
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