Liquid Rainbow - Google is Tripping BALLS... II

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The Kwisatz Haderach
Jul 26, 2010
Rating - 100%
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And Now For A Couple Reviews...

Flaw3d said:
Jared hit me up about his latest project and I had a boner already. Jared is the whitest white hat provider on Wickedfire. His shit is just coke white... you get the point. So I gave him a site so he can do his thing. The link report I got back was fucking dope. This is so white, shit should just be called Albino Links. Jared just raised the bar for next-level white hat links. This is legit stuff, not just another blog post on another blog. This right here is just a site that happens to link out to other sites (can't say too much! buy and find out!).

Kaedus said:
This service is just as good and better than the other's that thehobbster offers! He hooked me up with a couple in-content links because I don't add a ton of new content that would be great for the (redacted for privacy) packages. For each of the sites I gave him, he did a thorough analysis of the site and wrote up quite a bit of quality unique content. He then dropped two links to the site, one branded and one an image. For someone looking to round out their backlink profile with some quality, branded type links, this is awesome. I have no worry about using this for new sites or established sites. I also think my clients will be stoked about these types of links. Not a hint of spam anywhere. Quality service, would order again! As always the customer service was great and turn around time was communicated well ahead of time and there were no surprises.

vikingred said:
Got my report on my regular pack. Super nice yummy links yawl. I hallucinated and got nice color tracers and visuals. And g0ogle will t0o. Thanks man.

Zaino said:
A: Link profile- excellent
B: Uniqueness of the site - Excellent
C: Anyone want freshness - Blam! Covered
D: You want pro writers, got it A+
E: You want a pro site architecture, delivered!

Without a doubt this is a great addition to any link profile. The admission is slightly higher then we normally see , but it is justifiable in my opinion. If anyone is on the fence for the more prestigious packages I would pull the trigger, its solid.

A Little More Info...

You guys know that I'm innovating. You know all of these Niche-Relevant networks all popping up with the word "Niche" at the beginning? Yeah... I did that. Blame Niche North.

You guys know these silly gallery sites popping up based on web design, photo's, logo's, and whatever else people can come up with? Yeah... I did that. Blame CSS Breeze and Logo Stone.

This is another super original and secret type of site not previously offered on forums anywhere. Again, I am the first. Again, there will be copycats. But it's not just the copycats we have to worry about. It's "THEM"... the Gorg-Mind... Big Brother Search Engine...

For that reason, I've been purposefully vague in the sales image about what's going on here. I've even edited the two reviews I handed out to make sure nobody can start creeping around and trying to figure things out. And you know I took care of things on the site itself.

With that being said...

You guys looking into the Regular Package, just hit it up. You'll get a branded link and an image link in your post, and it'll pack a punch.

However, for you guys looking into the super limited Premium and Platinum Packages, if you want more information, feel free to PM me. Now, tons of people are going to PM me just trying to find out what I'm doing for all types of nefarious reasons. I know who is who I may not be quick to reply. But if you are serious buyer with a serious site, PM me and I'll have a generic statement prepared that I'll send back to you so you'll have a better idea of what it is you are getting. Remember, there are only 5 Platinums and 5 Premiums. If I was you and you trust me and like what I've been doing, go ahead and pull the trigger. Don't miss out because you wanted a little more info. Trust me, I'm hooking it up on those bigger packages. Pull the trigger, or PM me if you want, but don't be upset if you lollygagged and missed out!

The Big Packages are Not for Everybody...

So save the drama for your lama. He can give you peace and serenity. I'm only giving out arguably the best link ever offered on Wickedfire on a site owned by a member. This shit is powerful and it is permanent. And you will reap the benefits if you get involved. If not, oh well. I missed many a gravy train in my early days by waffling back and forth, pussyfooting around, and altogether being insecure and scared about taking a risk. I got over that real quick, and now I'm a boss. Be a boss.

Dem Metrics
Dem Backlinks
Dat Juice
Dat Trust

Get in where you fit in... The Order Form is Below!
TAT 14 Days, Reports Delivered.

Don't forget to read the incoming reviews and check out my other services as displayed in the coming posts!

From the King that changed the face of Internet Marketing forever with concepts like "Niche Specific Networks" and "Minimal SEO" comes…

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A boatload of reports have gone out! The same amount will go out early this week, as soon as I receive this next batch of content from the peeps! Please let us know what you think when you get your report!


If you are interested in one of the 3 remaining Platinum Packages but can't foot the entire price in one-shot, please contact me. I'm more than willing to set up a 3, 4, 5 month payment plan!

Love you guys! Eat some shrooms for me.
Hi thehobbster,

How about my order ?

I have not received a report. Unique Transaction ID #0EM25679Y1672662A
Just got my report for the Regular Package I ordered and it's legit. The site is definitely not what I was thinking it would be, but I was surprised in a very good way. The 500 word article/write-up on my site was extremely high quality, which included the image link and text link.

I checked some of the backlinks to the site and indeed you're seeing referring domains like,,, and tons of other big boys. This site is just oozing Authority. I guarantee if you pass up getting even the basic package, you will kick yourself in the ass for missing an opportunity like this. If you really want to shove your website right up Google's pee hole, you should definitely get one of these links.
Got my cheddar email this morning and like an excited little boy on xmas day opened it up to have a look at my juicy article. Have to say it's a great post and the site is frickin' awesome, but as others have said, not what was expected! It has some insane backlinks and if Jared can maintain this quality it's gonna be a rock solid backlink to my money site for a long time to come. I was hesitant to spend the $150 as it's more than I usually spend on a single link but I know da hobbster only builds the best whitehat magic and I'm glad I splurged on this trippy linky juicy lucy :)
This is interesting that two folks have said "It wasn't what I expected." It's hard for me to get a gauge on whether that's a positive or negative or neutral comment.

I was purposefully vague in the sales image and will remain vague. Let me say this, as I meant for it to have been clear from the get go. The regular package is a blog post on the blog of the site. But that should also let you know that the site is not just a blog!

I invited anyone interested in more info, and especially the Premiums and Platinums to contact me for more info. I showed anyone who asked a perfect example of what this site is like, and they all came through with a purchase. The main site is not a blog, no, but it is something bigger, better, and more legit. It's not the kind of thing you expect at all, largely because there aren't many "real" sites out there built like this. Like I had said... maybe a handful of real sites. And this is one of them.

But yeah, the backlink profile of this site is the main attraction. Soon, only regular packages will be left, which are blog posts. You can still get in on the action, and you will still get to see what the main magical part of the site is about, but you won't be able to be a part of it (Unless you scoop up one of the 3 remaining Platinum Packages!)

I want there to be zero surprises for everyone, without announcing to the world what it is we have here (because it would be so dead easy to track down and ruin)... the Regular Packages are blog posts on the blog portion of a site that is not a blog!

Envision something like Flippa... the site has a certain function... but it ALSO has a blog. It's kind of like that, but it's not remotely in any auction type of niche. It's something DIFFERENT, with a blog :)

I'm glad everyone is happy, because a lot had to happen and be put on the line to obtain this property! It's a dead serious juicy, authoritative and trust-packed link! That's the main message!

If you have a nice authority site and want to be ONE-STEP-REMOVED from about 50 of the most important sites on the internet, you need to get on this.
^^ I was happily surprised with the type of site it is, so it's a 100% positive in my book. I was really expecting just a very high quality blog, but it's way more than that. I'm stoked and can't wait for my Premium package to be finished. There's no way a link on this site isn't going to produce a major rank boost for any decent site.
Thanks, efeezle!

Got a few more reports rolling out today. eFeezy, that includes your other one!

Reports for Niche North have been going out as well, at least one more today.

The gears keep on turning!
Alright, my peoples. Niche North and Liquid Rainbow reports went out! More coming as soon as possible. I will be working all weekend, so possibly some then, depending on content production!
Nitch or Neesh?

Can you give me some idea how specialized the niches are for these posts? I want total white hat and I'm wanting to fit in naturally. Could you help me out a little? PM me if you need to.
Got my premium package report and as I expected it's AWESOME. So much authority and juice being passed down it's sickening. Can't wait to see how the site responds over the next few weeks.
Got my hands on a regular package and there is nothing regular about it. The metrics of the site are sick and there is no doubt in my mind that it will give any decent site a boost.

I'm already seeing some upward movement on the page I targeted, but it's too early to tell where it will end up. Definitely worth the money.
Can you give me some idea how specialized the niches are for these posts? I want total white hat and I'm wanting to fit in naturally. Could you help me out a little? PM me if you need to.

Each post is 100% specifically tailored to your site and it's niche, and is placed in a specific category tightly related.

Say you have some... site about space and stars and planets...

Does it go in the "science" category? Sure...
but better yet, how about the "Physics" category? Sure...

Even better, I'd put it in the 'Astronomy' category.

Very specific!
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