Link Bomb Service - Up to 100K Guaranteed Blog Comment Links

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New member
Feb 16, 2010
Rating - 100%
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I am offering thousands of links from blog comments. These comments are from several different blog platforms, including but not limited to:

Moveable Type
Blog Engine

Comments may also come in smaller amounts from:
Expression Engine
and others

The Basics:

You give me your anchor texts and urls to promote. I will then comment on blogs to get you links. I will get you no less then the number of guaranteed links you order.

The Guarantee:

I guarantee the links in the package you choose. So if you choose 25,000 links, then I will guarantee that when you get your report you will have at least 25,000 links, from 25,000 different urls. There may be more then 1 url per domain that is used, but there will be a nice mix of domains. Meaning you will only have 1 actual link per any given url, but I may place your link on more then 1 url in a given domain.


1.) 25K guaranteed links - $50

2.) 50K guaranteed links - $75

3.) 100K guarantee links - $125

Url formats:
You can give me as many urls as you want to promote, links will be distributed among the urls you give me. The report will include all links for all urls. Meaning if you buy 100,000 links and give me 4 sites, then each site is going to end up with roughly 25,000 links. When you get the report it will list the 100,000 links you got, but it will not specify for which site they are. You could of course load the site up and look, but due to time constraints its not feasable to track each url you give me for each site seperately.

Please provide the urls in the following format:

Code: {anchor1|anchor2|etc..} {anchor1|anchor2|etc..}
Things to note:

*Blogs will be from many different niches.

*Guaranteed links are just what I guarantee. You could recieve significantly more links then you purchase.

*I do not guarantee any number of out bound links. Meaning if you order 100,000 links, I am going to get you the first 100,000 links I can, I am not going to take any extra filtering step to only comment on pages with certain out bound link contraints.

*These are not time delayed in any way, they will simply be blasted all at once. I do not have a way to time delay them. However with blogs the engines will take time to crawl all the sites, so they will show up over time.

STOP - Important - READ:
This is volume link service. You need to know that up and blasting 100,000 links to a site you created yesterday is probably not a good idea. Even if your site is only somewhat new, it could still bury you for a while in the SERP. It could also push you to the top.

I split tested two similar sites on related terms. Both were aged, and had pretty solid link profiles. Site A was on Page 2-3 for a particular url for a particular term in the Finance industry. Site B was not really on the map for the first few pages for a Finance term with higher competition then site A. I blasted both with about 200K links in a 1 week time frame. Site A got buried to page 28 for 3 weeks before returning to a high solid spot on page 2 of Google. Site B steadily climbed and hit spot 1 inside of 2 weeks and stayed there for 3 weeks with no other work, then it fell to spot 2 for many more weeks. So you can get mixed results. Ultimately its hard for Google to harm your rankings long term, becuase if it were that easy this thread would be about how to bury your competition and I would be a rich man for doing so. :)

The bottom line - In 2009 Google made over 400 changes to their algorithim, I don't know what 2010 was like, but I would bet it was similar. That means that on average, they change something 1 time per day. There is no way to predict what this service is going to do to your site. If in dobut start with a smaller package and move up. I just don't want someone coming back saying, that I ruined their site. That said, if you are confident, fire away!


You will receive a report after I finish the work. Generally I can complete the work pretty quickly, but if I get backed up it could take a little longer. Also bearing in mind it could take a few days to deliever 100,000 and the like.

What I need from you:

*Anchor text(s) to be used for your links

*URL(s) to be promoted in the format listed above

*Email to send reports to



Payment can be made via Paypal.

1.) 25K guaranteed links - $50

2.) 50K guaranteed links - $75

3.) 100K guarantee links - $125

Send payments to:

(If you can't see the above image, pm me for the payment email)

After you have made payment, please fill out this order form with all the required details:
Scrapebox Marketplace Orders

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me too loopline, 50% off here bud

Also whats the unique domain stats on this service. Meaning if I order 100k, will I end up with 20 pages per domain on 5k domains? You can PM me the info if you want.
damn it. too late. I'll just wait for these reviews to come back.

EDIT: "Other review copies may be given out to members I select that are reputable in the community."

Maybe I still have a chance to grab some type of review ;)
Happy to review it for you loop, I've got a fresh domain so I can report any SERP movements as well :).

Sounds good, I will pm you.

hey loop, I can handle one of the remaining reviews

PM sent.

me too loopline, 50% off here bud

Also whats the unique domain stats on this service. Meaning if I order 100k, will I end up with 20 pages per domain on 5k domains? You can PM me the info if you want.

PM sent for review.

As for unique domains, at least 10% will be unique domains. So on 100,000 your looking at "at least" 10,000 unique domains. It could be more, and probably will be, but at least 10%.

damn it. too late. I'll just wait for these reviews to come back.

EDIT: "Other review copies may be given out to members I select that are reputable in the community."

Maybe I still have a chance to grab some type of review ;)

Im a big fan of reviews, and making sure that everyone knows exactly what they are getting. So if you would like it you can have a 50% off review as well.

I also offered a review to some other members already, waiting on their response.
damn it. too late. I'll just wait for these reviews to come back.

EDIT: "Other review copies may be given out to members I select that are reputable in the community."

Maybe I still have a chance to grab some type of review ;)

He said members that are reputable in the community.

You're right, I haven't been here for a while, haven't provided anything to the community, nor have I ever bought or reviewed a service here on WickedFire.

My bad.
I just ran Loop's last list and got 76k out of 100k successful posts, I have always gotten good results from his lists, I am sure this service is going to be great as well.
I just ran Loop's last list and got 76k out of 100k successful posts, I have always gotten good results from his lists, I am sure this service is going to be great as well.

zingo look at looplines itrade. I read on a sticky that mods would straighten out and remove unwarranted negative itrade. The person that wrote it said he was the seller and the list was not good. Loopline"s lists have always supplied a higher percentage of successful posted links.
That person doesn't know what their doing.
(since the thread got a little off track anyway and i just noticed the itrade)
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