Lil Economic Problem

Wow you crystal ball must be more perfect than mine! (My spell-checker is better though). So this will happen at about the same time. And you know this because of something in a book? Or a crystal ball, or what? :thumbsup:

I'm so impressed, I might even start believing the shit on this forum.

You dont really need a crystal ball, as things are all gearing up right now. The Arab spring is causing muslim nations to move hardline against Isreal (Israel). Our president is Anti-Isreal. Russia assisted Iran in developing Nuclear energy. All the alliances are shaping up. The only country not in the mix yet is Turkey.

You don't have to be religious, a prophet, or live in an economic downturn to see and realize that without a doubt both of those things are definitely going to happen someday.

There will also be a rising up of Muslim nations against Isreal led by Russia and Iran around the same time as the two things you mentioned above, and it will end with a nuclear device detinated over Northern Isreal.

You dont really need a crystal ball, as things are all gearing up right now. The Arab spring is causing muslim nations to move hardline against Isreal (Israel). Our president is Anti-Isreal. Russia assisted Iran in developing Nuclear energy. All the alliances are shaping up. The only country not in the mix yet is Turkey.

I don't know how you guys can be so certain of the future. Where exactly are you sucking this from?

With all due respect, and in the nicest way, I call "Bullshit".

Carry on....
^^^ No need to get defensive. If you dont believe it, then big deal. Dont believe it. It just seems a litle odd that things predicted 1000's of years ago are all coming together before our eyes. The economies of the world will eventually be ran by one central economy. George Soros (sp) had an editorial today that said this, as a matter of fact.

There will be a war between Isreal and muslim nations + Iran and Russia. Surely, you see the beginnings of this?

Anyway, no biggie if you dont believe it.
I don't know how you guys can be so certain of the future. Where exactly are you sucking this from?

Forgetting about Bible prophecy, the prediction of an eventual one world government still makes sense based on the behavior of humans, population growth, society becoming more integrated, etc.

Physicist Michio Kaku talks about the different types of future civilizations in the video below and mentions a one world government being part of type 1.

[ame=]Dr. Michio Kaku about Future Civilizations - YouTube[/ame]
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DR Michio is awesome and absolutely right. It's the inevitable progress of human beings if they want to survive and thrive to form a one world government. And I agree with you forget what the bible says about it, it's only one out of many predictions for it. It's the next step for our society and the more problems there are in the world the more of a solution it becomes.

@Jake1125 wtf are you talking about? You're not making any sense bro.
The Arab spring is causing muslim nations to move hardline against Isreal (Israel). Our president is Anti-Isreal.
Our president has about 1.5 years left to do his damage in and then chances are we'll have an Israel-loving president once again.

I see the muslim nations acting up, but you know, they're using new technology too. They're getting more educated and updating their facebook pages as fast as we are, even over in Iran.

I don't think there will be a chance to see any major conflicts in the middle east. Crap like Libya and other fights that is started by NATO to suppress a gold standard is all we're going to see from here on out until we're under 1 world government.

And of course, it goes without saying, that this government will be China. :mad:
Humans and civilization have had numerous "resets" through out history. Think how many MASSIVE civilizations have fallen and been wiped out. Think how nuts it must of been living during WWII, I'm sure people must of had some crazy thoughts.
I don't get why people think a single world wide government would be any kind of solution. We have countless examples of how central planning fails and how well dispersed market forces result in success and wealth.
Just do what we did in the USA. Sell the debt to China.
If the media gets uppity with difficult questions, invade another country to spread freedom - excellent distraction!

Then the public is free to worry about some actress' boobs that were hacked from her cell phone.

yes just hand over that piece of paper to china and your problems are solved for a short term. China is more than willing to take the debt in exchange of dumping their goods in euro. It helps them feed their people back home with more jobs and money.

By 2014, Americans will order a readymade "baby" from china and Chinese escorts take over europe.
- At the same time Italy and Spain (All of these make up the PIGS - Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain. Basically all the EU countries in the economic toilet) are having large economic problems and to top it off France owns a considerable amount of Greek debt.
- Once the PIGS and France have fallen into debt the EU currency will have already - or be in the middle of a crash.

A good solution would be to temporarily transfer the PIGS to Bitcoin, and bail them out with lots of ATI graphic cards instead of more debt. That way, they'll be able to create their own money and ultimately contribute wealth back into the Eurozone. It will also lend credibility to the Bitcoin economy, which is now dominated by transactions involving the kindest, dankest nugs.
I don't get why people think a single world wide government would be any kind of solution. We have countless examples of how central planning fails and how well dispersed market forces result in success and wealth.


One central government for the whole world would just put more power into even less hands and as history and our present time problems show, that power WILL get abused.
I don't get why people think a single world wide government would be any kind of solution. We have countless examples of how central planning fails and how well dispersed market forces result in success and wealth.

depends on what people you are talking about. the elite love the idea and have been working on it for over a century. the fall of the dollar will usher in a big part of their plan. BWAH HA HA!!!!
I don't get why people think a single world wide government would be any kind of solution. We have countless examples of how central planning fails and how well dispersed market forces result in success and wealth.

Get out of here with that crazy talk.
Wow erm change of topic here.

In terms of a single centralised country, surely this would be very economically inefficient and most likely corrupt? Probably the closest example we have (Not an ideal example at all) was the USSR. Because there was a lack of competition in the country then goods were produced much less efficiently. If you only have one country then surely the government has no reason to invest in new technology because it has no-one to beat? I can imagine the abuse of powers from the people at the top too. Centralisation works but IMO worldwide centralisation would be pointless as humans create natural divisions be it continents, race, beliefs or anything else.

News update btw:

Chancellor George Osborne has said that a successful euro is "massively" in the UK's interest but warned that time is short to save it.

BBC News - George Osborne says time is short to save the euro
I don't get why people think a single world wide government would be any kind of solution. We have countless examples of how central planning fails and how well dispersed market forces result in success and wealth.

A single world wide government? Evidence of the last 20 years is a continuous advance in the opposite direction. USSR collapsed to Russia and a bunch of independent governments, Yugoslavia and other east Europe nations. Powerful autonomy movements in Spain and Italy.