Lets learn how to run an affiliate campain with PPC shall we kids?

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Hmm... I tested a couple of small affiliate campaigns with Amazon.com yesterday.

Total spent: $4.50 on about 30 clicks
Commission earned: $44

Not bad! :)
So today I'm ramping up bigtime.

It sucks, though, that Amazon doesn't show stats until around 11am the next day.

Hmm... I tested a couple of small affiliate campaigns with Amazon.com yesterday.

Total spent: $4.50 on about 30 clicks
Commission earned: $44

Not bad! :)
So today I'm ramping up bigtime.

It sucks, though, that Amazon doesn't show stats until around 11am the next day.

And they only pay by the quarter rather than monthly or fortnightly.
Hmm... I tested a couple of small affiliate campaigns with Amazon.com yesterday.

Total spent: $4.50 on about 30 clicks
Commission earned: $44

Not bad! :)
So today I'm ramping up bigtime.

It sucks, though, that Amazon doesn't show stats until around 11am the next day.
That's pretty good. Now just keep building more campaigns :)
And they only pay by the quarter rather than monthly or fortnightly.

And if I remember correctly, their cookies only last the same day, and only for that particular shopping cart session, so if the buyer goes away and comes back later, you're screwed.

Still, it can work. I've actually made a few bucks doing adsense direct to amazon without any landing page between.
It sucks, though, that Amazon doesn't show stats until around 11am the next day.

Put through a couple dozen referrals, then stop your campaign and check it the next day to see its making enough, that way you won't waste as much money if it's a bomb.
And if I remember correctly, their cookies only last the same day, and only for that particular shopping cart session, so if the buyer goes away and comes back later, you're screwed.

Still, it can work. I've actually made a few bucks doing adsense direct to amazon without any landing page between.
Well, you could try to do the old replacing the cookie trick. You just find out the info your affiliate stores in the cookie and send your own version. This doesn't work for every place out there since some of them are actually smart and use their own databases to verify the cookies. And how you can send cookie after affiliate sends their own - that I leave to your imagination ;)

*edit* sorry my bad, didn't see the "particular shopping cart session" part in the first time ;)
How is everyone doing with this? this thread seems to be dying almost=p

I ran one campaign in adwords and it has so many impressions, but no one is clicking on my ads. it has only been up a couple of days, but there are literally 0 clicks=P guess i need to try something else or get more kw
maybe you need to work on your ad, if nobody is clicking it is not the offer it is you not selling them on clicking your ad! remember, the field of dreams is only in the movies! just cause you built it they will not come!
I have clicks but no sales.... 90 impressions so far on azoogle. maybe my tracking is messed up?
I have clicks but no sales.... 90 impressions so far on azoogle. maybe my tracking is messed up?
Are these direct redirects to affiliate's site or just people who have seen your page with banner/affiliate link? Remember that it's not unusual that product converts less than 1%. It's shitty, but it happens a lot. I have one $40 product that converts only for 2%. But that's ok since I know that and I can optimize my profit by finding the best spot in Adwords.
I've tried about 5 offers through MSN. I started out trying 2 through a landing page but I was hardly able to get any traffic because all the main keywords in those niches were too expensive. So instead of doing the work of a landing page, now I'm trying to send directly to my Azoogle URL with more niches until I can find one with decent cheap traffic... then I'll see if I can increase the conversion rate with a landing page.

So far I've got like 30 visits and no conversions. Blah... I guess I'll keep trying new offers/campaigns until I find one with traffic.
I'm doing decent with my current offer. It takes work though, you can't just bid on bunch of keywords and write a bunch of ads and expect to make a ton of money. The key is to track everything and then optimizing your campaign using your findings.
chrislingle, you tha man. Always get me motivated to try new stuff. I put up an offer on adcenter yesterday, got one click and 1 lead :D.Time to try more!!
I'm doing decent with my current offer. It takes work though, you can't just bid on bunch of keywords and write a bunch of ads and expect to make a ton of money. The key is to track everything and then optimizing your campaign using your findings.

I understand that... but I've got to get enough volume to have something to track, first.
Just up your bids or bid on more general keywords, this will get you more volume and more data to base your decisions on. You'll probably end up losing money at first, but with the data you collect you'll find what converts and what doesn't convert, and then just adjust your campaign accordingly.
WF Faq about PPC->Arbi

This is a good thread, and chrislingle has really offered a lot of great info. (Thanks Chris!)
It seems there are a few things people would still like to learn more about here, including myself.

Aff. marketing is not like arbi, so maybe we could share some more thoughts and ideas on:

1) The landing page. In arbi, the landing page can look like it was designed in 1996 with fugly templates and even no images. I imagine in AM, you need to have a somewhat decent / tempting looking landing page, and perhaps the Keep It Simple Stupid principle of arbi doesn't quite hold. Or does it to some extent?

2) Leaks. In arbi, you don't want any leaks / internal links anywere because it distracts the visitors from the ads you want them to click on. In AM, internal links to subfolders, categories, other products can be good. But my question to the more experienced AM'ers is: Do you typically have more success with simple sites with just a few internal links and pages?
In other words: is less more, or is more less? ;)

3) Content. If you are promoting certain products, will the quality or amount (words, lines) of descriptive content affect your CTR? If I put myself in the visitors shoes, I would think descriptive content surrounding each product is a plus. But...this leads me to the next issue..

4) Automation. As we know, arbi can be automated to a large extent. The sites and pages can be mass-produced with content generators, and misc. other techniques wearing different shades of hats ;)
For AM - this seems like something you don't usually can (or would want to?) automate too much, am I right?
This is a great thread, really inspiring to get out there and make more $ with Afiliate Marketing...I have a question about the php redirects though. I read through the entire thread, but I can't find a clear description of what page needs to be redircted and why. If someone could explain this (in a nutshell) I'd really appreciate it. The way I understand it is you send the traffic to the landing page, then...what page/link gets redirected and why? Thanks.
This is a great thread, really inspiring to get out there and make more $ with Afiliate Marketing...I have a question about the php redirects though. I read through the entire thread, but I can't find a clear description of what page needs to be redircted and why. If someone could explain this (in a nutshell) I'd really appreciate it. The way I understand it is you send the traffic to the landing page, then...what page/link gets redirected and why? Thanks.

A redirect basically works likes this: a user clicks on your ad, the user is then sent to your landing page and then redirected the offer page, the user never sees your page.

Directing users to the offer page can sometimes convert better than sending them to your own custom landing page. This is not always the case though.
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