Leadcola - Scrubbers Gonna Scrub

Jaimmie is legit.

Leadcola not so much.

P.S. I guarantee she would of made the no scrubs video for her own entertainment just cause she's a bit of a geek/nerd and still likes TLC.
How close is LeadCola to a trusted network?

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I hope they scrubbed enough money to pay for the serious reputation management they are going to need in about a week.

You have to have wondered what happened with LeadCola this week, when hundreds of publishers received emails sending them to the infamous “GoogleHammer” dick-rolling site, exclaiming that it was a great new offer. After their logins were posted publicly by perhaps a former disgruntled employee, several mass emails were sent out by their systems that included content from the pornographic to the plain silly.

It seems that LeadCola was not having a good week already, thanks to “Hack, the Son of Zeus” an infamous WickedFire moderator with what seems to be insane powers that allow him to out networks left and right.
According to .Hack, who was nice enough to email me information, not only is LeadCola engaged in epic scrubbing, as per his original post on Wickedfire but has been involved in less than ethical business practices. He claims that during a flight out to Canada to be a consultant for the company, he witnessed behavior that he called “shady shit” and has provided this screenshot to prove that they scrub 35% by default.
On top of all this unfortunate news for LeadCola, is an accusation that AffPaying, the affiliate review site, has been accepting bribes from LeadCola and other networks to hide bad reviews for networks. According to him, “AffPaying is definitely rigged. I’ve seen many fake reviews and networks that have had 2.2 stars with 27 negative reviews (Leadcola) go to 4.06 stars and 5 negative reviews.”

Anyone else shocked that pace actually wrote this piece?
It's really irrelevant whether or not an advertiser "scrubs". If you can make more money with a different offer, then switch to that offer. If you can't then stop crying, if they weren't scrubbing they would have to lower the pay out in order to pay your ass anyway. The bottom line number is all that matters to you.
Scarface quitting from a burger place and disrespecting everyone telling them to fuck off and throws a burger at a customer is resembling to an Affiliate network account manager leaving the company on good terms to work at another company?

Scarface = .Hack in Dwight's mind, I assume.
It's really irrelevant whether or not an advertiser "scrubs". If you can make more money with a different offer, then switch to that offer. If you can't then stop crying, if they weren't scrubbing they would have to lower the pay out in order to pay your ass anyway. The bottom line number is all that matters to you.

What? I don't even...
It's really irrelevant whether or not an advertiser "scrubs". If you can make more money with a different offer, then switch to that offer. If you can't then stop crying, if they weren't scrubbing they would have to lower the pay out in order to pay your ass anyway. The bottom line number is all that matters to you.

Hmmm, yes, it's OK if they steal from you as long as you get some portion of the money you're owed :eek7:
It's really irrelevant whether or not an advertiser "scrubs". If you can make more money with a different offer, then switch to that offer. If you can't then stop crying, if they weren't scrubbing they would have to lower the pay out in order to pay your ass anyway. The bottom line number is all that matters to you.

Yeah, why would an affiliate need accurate data on his campaigns?
Yeah, why would an affiliate need accurate data on his campaigns?

Really, why would you? Everyone knows affiliates don't really work. They just push a couple buttons and then make money. Why do you think we have enough time for lady boys in thailand?
It's really irrelevant whether or not an advertiser "scrubs". If you can make more money with a different offer, then switch to that offer. If you can't then stop crying, if they weren't scrubbing they would have to lower the pay out in order to pay your ass anyway. The bottom line number is all that matters to you.

not sure if seous