If the keyword selection plays a big role in determining the quality of the site you get, would an academic keyword or scholarly keyword work better based on how your crawler works?
If the keyword selection plays a big role in determining the quality of the site you get, would an academic keyword or scholarly keyword work better based on how your crawler works?
The best advice for keyword selection is to have a keyword that would be in the title of an article or business name. (where the business no longer exists.)
Our domain search works by crawling tens of thousands of websites based upon your keyword being in the page title and/or in the url and then looking for "broken links" where the domains are available. At this point we are looking at anywhere from 250k to 500k pages. We usually end up with 200 to 700 domains. Then we parse the unregistered domains and filter them based on their links.
It's definitely not rocket science by any means, but it does take time to process the large amounts of data collected. Parsing the available domains is our bottleneck right now and we are working adjusting our scripts to speed things up and therefore increase the amount of data we can parse.
If we see a specific keyword is not going to return enough domains to parse we will run a couple more related keywords until we get a decent amount of domains.
If you would like to run your keywords by me I can do a quick glance at them and offer advice. Send them via PM.
We will still be accepting orders after the thread closes.
If you would like the domains filtered differently than by their backlink PR just let me know what you would like. We can compile the report using mozDA or by domain age or any other metric. Just let me know.
If you have any pre sales or ...... heck any type of questions just shoot me a PM.