Layered Links: Tighten Your Loose Ass SEO Vagine Right Up

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Just got my report back - ahead of schedule.

Price: 5/5 - the value here is unbelievable. I'd pay this price for just the press release and web 2.0's alone.

Quality: 5/5 - If you're buying links - this is the whitest greyhat package you're going to find. High quality all around.

Communication: 5/5 - Grind was more than helpful when answering my questions.

Movement: 5/5 - some slight movement in my long tails, but still way to early to tell.

Overall: 5/5 - this is going to be my standard go-to link package for all of my authority sites. It provides a shit ton of diversity at a price that can't be beat. A+

Awesome, thanks for the review!

Really happy with this service again. Not to mention Grind answered my preorder questions and then some, without charging me $500/hr.

Already seeing some movement after 1-2 weeks, but things are looking like they're picking up speed now. A little bit of patience is required, but the end result is solid.

The best thing about this service is its reliable. You have an interface that lets you know where your project stands at any time... So there's no worry of whether or not someone will PM you back or what's the status or your order. If you do have questions mid project, internal ticket response time was less than 24 hours for me.

Content quality is good enough for things to stick, and the juice they pump them up with really starts to show after a few weeks. (I used to do these by hand myself, but my results didnt match what I'm getting from the LL team. Much better, and I don't have to keep all of this shit straight which is a PITA!)

Good value, safe for clients... Really can't go wrong here. Thanks for the great service guys

Thanks for taking the time to review it, bolding the one section to highlight how important a little patience with these is. It's not SlapGoogleSuperCockV2.1 where you'll rocket to the top, then crash and burn just as quick. Used wisely, it's a slow rise and a long sustained peak.

Anyone use this to rank youtube videos? Anyone care sharing their results?

I've seen some youtube projects come thru, never checked the results. Maybe someone will chime in?

Is it best for fresh built website mate?

It can be perfect for fresh websites, it can be way too strong. Totally depends on how you use it.

For my new sites, I use 20-30 keywords (in spintax format in the keyword field) and all the relevant URLs from my site (again, in spintax). Let the project run, then I let them sit. 1-3 months later, they start to rank for all the longtails, then I come back and hit them with a more concise anchor/url project.

It's not quick and the first project isn't particularly cost effective (in terms of results) but it builds a solid foundation for the future of the site. Again, I don't use these on any churn and burn sites, too expensive, too time consuming. There's much better services on WF if you want to rank new sites quickly and don't care about how long they live.
Really impressed with the customer service so far. My order isn't even finished, but Grindstone has been really helpful in terms of special billing needs, etc, not to mention Micha's help on Skype. A+.

One question though - I didn't realize it was possible to input more than one keyword (spintax) in the keyword field. Am I screwed in terms of anchor diversity?
Am I screwed in terms of anchor diversity?

No, we build lots of links with diverse anchors. The keyword fields are for the main anchors on the web2.0s, doc hosts, press releases, etc. If you just input singular anchors there, they will get used on those properties and the diversity anchors on everything else. I'm a big fan of using 5-10 anchors there in spintax and then letting it get diversified even further through our system. YMMV. I know guys having great results using one URL and one keyword, really just depends on your sites current back link profile.
For new sites, do you recommend then going with Base 1 and 20 keywords, then run maybe a base 2 later with more targeted keywords? Also, how would you go about targeting multiple urls between the two campaigns?
I was going to bother one of the owners for a discount since I know most of them, but then I checked and old project I ordered with them and realized I sold the site like 8 months back for $7,000USD and all I had done was order a LL package and a bunch of spam and then ranked.

Just ordered something on a new project and I'm sure I'll be back in a couple of days to report ranking movement.
For new sites, do you recommend then going with Base 1 and 20 keywords, then run maybe a base 2 later with more targeted keywords?

/me looks over shoulder to see if filfy is spying thru window. Pretty much exactly what I do except that I run my first URL with 10-20 keywords and then my second URL I just build raw URL links. And then 4-6-8-12 weeks down the road I come back and hit it with more targeting, the time depending on response to initial results.

Also, how would you go about targeting multiple urls between the two campaigns?


Let's say I have 2 URL's but both are on different sites. Same niche. One's the money site and the other is a local profile page leeching off a big name authority. Think web 2.0 page but only people working under the big name can get these.

Can these two URL's be used in the same Base 1 project or would you suggest 2 separate projects?
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