Layered Links: Tighten Your Loose Ass SEO Vagine Right Up

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Sofa King Re: Tar Dead
May 13, 2008
North Idaho
Rating - 100%
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That's it...somewhat funny thread title and a matching sig banner. No sweet sales copy to match...below are the meat and potatoes, eat up.

1st Relaunch Thread

2nd Relaunch Thread

Order Here

Does It Work For Local SEO

A sample of projects completed at least two and not more than six weeks ago:

Numerous #1 rankings.

Numerous A (in the map) listings.

Countless (ok, I could have counted them but I'm lazy, it was like "yep, top 3, next keyword, ok that one't top 3 on the map too, etc") top 3 rankings and/or A-B-C on the map listings.

In some less competitive niches, the majority of the front page (7,8 or 9 out of 10) was made up of the target url(s) and then the actual hand made manual properties.

I found 2 (out of ~15 projects I looked through that made the criteria) projects where none of the target urls or Layered Links created properties were on page one or on the top 7(10) map listings. One was almost 6 weeks completed, the other barely two. In no way is this a complete study, as we have hundreds of projects and no way to search them other than manually. From this some what limited data, I'd say Layered Links should be considered in your Local SEO arsenal. Hope that helps.

And finally, here's the meat and potatos from the last thread so I don't have to write anymore, it's early, I need more coffee and it's supposed to snow 3"-6" today...

It's recently come to my attention that the majority of you think Layered Links is long gone and dead. While SEO agencies world wide have grown to love Layered Links for it's manual "white hat" tier one linkbuilding, consistently positive results and not one incident (in over 1400 projects) of any negative attention from the big G, it appears that the general WickedFire populace has forgotten about us in their constant chasing of shiny objects.

That has been a mistake on your part.

While lots of BST services have catchier (or maybe not) names and are packed full of shiny sales graphics and big claims, Layered Links is the only company actively selling links on WF that ranks for high competition SEO and linkbuilding terms, <snipped out some snarky shit comparing LL to the competition, which in itself is a misnomer...Layered Links has an unparelleled track record)

In short, lettuce be cereal...

If you're not using Layered Links as the base of your link building, you're doing it wrong.



January 1st I decided to test Layered Links for some high competition SEO and linkbuilding terms. Who better to test against than other people trying to sling links, no? The results were a rousing success, with many top 5 rankings totalling over 50,000 exact searches per month and top 10 for another 100,000 worth of searches. Here's one search in the 15k/month range.


Excellent Back End Tracking System & Professional Customer Service

You'll never have to wonder what the status of your project is...just log in and look. And if you see something you don't like or have a question about, it's one easy click to contact Grind (Sales) or Micha (Production). We strive daily for S.U.C.S (Super Ultimate Customer Service), not suckage. Disclaimer: Don't hit me up asking me for on site optimization or general SEO advice, my role as support with Layered Links is strictly sales questions. If you need SEO Consulting, you know where to get it.


^ Redacted some info to make life harder on the copycats, buyers will have full access to what's going on with their projects. ^

Constant Innovation

I've designed every Layered Links package since November of 2010. And like that horrible Hair Club For Men commercial from the 90's, I'm not just the President (ok, Chief R&D Faggot) but a client as well. I designed Layered Links to be used in MY SEO endeavors, and then, through economy of scale, figured out how to offer it to other discerning SEOs at a profit. As the big G has changed shit, I've changed shit (what, was I gonna quit and start flipping burgers?) so my sites kept ranking and I kept banking. And since I find it easier to order my own projects through the Layered Links admin panel than line out my VA's by hand, you'll always get the current incarnation of what I'm doing to frontpage my SERPs.


If Layered Links works so well, how come you sell instead of keeping it to yourself and just ranking more sites?

Economy of scale. We've streamlined the system for maximum productivity, allowing us to provide a top notch service at an affordable price and maintain a profit margin. Subsequently, I like to take my shares of the profits and buy other links that have synergistic (result is greater than the sum of it's parts) properties with the Layered Links packages. I typically focus on links that provide the greatest SERP increase when combined with Layered Links as well as links that I can't easily and affordably recreate in house. Basically, the more Layered Links packages we sell, the more of my own sites I do rank.

What links do you like to combine with Layered Links?

Sign up for a free account here, there's a checklist in the News section detailing what we like to use in conjunction with Layered Links, depending on goals. I'll also be writing a Members Only (no, we won't have cool jackets) newsletter that will be posted inside your account that will cover basic and advanced SEO tactics/systems/tools/etc. So go sign up already...

How come if the packages always change with Google updates they don't look different to me?

Great question. Wickefire is rife with copycats. It's also a popular honeypot for the web spam team of a certain large search engine. I've found that it's best not to advertise exactly what we're doing, and why. Again, I order these packages on all my own important sites, every month. I want them to work as well as possible and I'm constantly testing (currently SEOing 118 sites...) new elements and configurations. I won't announce any changes short of new packages (yes, there's something in the works, there always is, it's what I do).

So what now?

Quit reading this thread, click that big "Buy Now" button down there, register for an account (if you haven't already) and wrap your grubby little hands around the best link building package you can buy!

Big Buy Now Button...Click Me

I bought. I ranked. Ten thumbs up. Buy it fuckers. NOT a paid review, obviously like OMGLOL.

[/retard edit]

I meant, I paid for the package, not free review. #fail.
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Grindstone is one of the top SEOers of the internet in my humble opinion. He's one of the few people I take seriously when we talk about SEO.

Knowing that Dchuk and Micha were instrumental in creating this product, and Mont now in the mix, I mean who could ask for a better combination of brains that can dominate the SEO world?

Sometimes I wish I could be a fly on the wall of some of their brainstorming sessions, but at least they are giving out the end result of such sessions with Layered Links.

I'd recommend LL for reputation management, Local SEO, and general domination for medium to highly competitive niches. Hopefully they don't plan on going anywhere for a while since I've got dozens of personal projects lined up to use this service.​
My angus is prepared. My throw together a site just for this if I have time. But +1 For Grindstone, he's a king among men and of the SEO Gods. I was stuck for the longest time on this project, and without his advice, perhaps I would have never moved forward. Never had a chance to catch back up, no worries, but thanks bud!
My angus is prepared. My throw together a site just for this if I have time. But +1 For Grindstone, he's a king among men and of the SEO Gods. I was stuck for the longest time on this project, and without his advice, perhaps I would have never moved forward. Never had a chance to catch back up, no worries, but thanks bud!

That worked out for you? Throw me an update on skype when you get a minute.

Just placed an order for a local site, excited to see how it does.

It's rolling, good chatting with you last night.

What about international sites, like .fr and .de? Voulez vous?

We do them, and people keep ordering them, so I'll assume they work. What Micha does for his Swedish sites is english content with Swedish anchors, so that's the approach we've adopted for paying projects too.

Doing the linkversity it via Google translate is interesting and probably not perfect, but like I said, seems to be working.

i have so much confidence in LL and the team behind it, that I routinely buy multiple at 1 time and then only actually use 50% of what I ordered.. forgetting I have more packages available to me I have not used.

I gave these guys money like 2 months ago and I still have an order I havent filled in the details for yet.

I treat it like dollar cost averaging. I know this shit will go up in price at some point like Bitcoin.
Ordered. Man I hope this can get my site going in the right direction. Thanks gents.
Thanks for all the orders. All inquiries via PM, email or skype responded to. All orders are ON or AHEAD of schedule so keep 'em coming. Thanks!
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