Laptop suggestions: MBA vs alternatives

Samsung 510R5E-S02

I'd probably opt for something from Asus myself. They haven't yet gone to HD+ screens, but you can still get a pretty sweet laptop for $1400.

Have to agree, if you're sticking with pc/windows, Asus build quality is up there. They use some really nice materials even on their low end models.
Have to agree, if you're sticking with pc/windows, Asus build quality is up there. They use some really nice materials even on their low end models.

I used to be a fan of Asus until I bought a Transformer Prime tablet. What a piece of shit.
It's a shame it only has 4GB ram, you'll lose a bit of this to the igpu, imo it's not enough. Is it user-upgradeable or soldered?

Nice catch. Problem solved: Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 2 Pro comes with up to 8 gb.

Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro product preview - Laptop - Trusted Reviews

Looks quite a bit thinner and lighter as well. Basically all I care about is getting my ass to a high-DPI display that has at least 6-7 hours of battery life.