Laptop suggestions: MBA vs alternatives

Why do you have a $1400 budget?
Read some more articles in the enlightened members section, make some more monies online. It'll help.
Why do you have a $1400 budget?
Read some more articles in the enlightened members section, make some more monies online. It'll help.
Why wouldn't that be enough? What do you do on your laptop? I just spent $200 on one last night, could I afford something better? Yes. Do I really need something better? No.
Yeah, that took some getting used to, but now I'm familiar with it.


I just bought a Lenovo and didn't see this ahead of time.

Oh I see now my Control key is on the left. Lenovo

I used to have Lenovo at work, but a Dell at home. Switching between the two different Control/Function layouts every day sucked, I was constantly pressing the wrong button for keyboard shortcuts.
How are dell laptops these days. I bought one in 2004 and its still working.. Inspiron.. I like that you can customize SSHD with Win7.

Most laptops seem to be windows8 unfortunately which is whhy i was leaning toward a new custom dell.. You can build something phat for under 1k.

Fuck Mac..

Why do you have a $1400 budget?
Read some more articles in the enlightened members section, make some more monies online. It'll help.

Why wouldn't he have a budget?

Wealth isn't measured in what you spend; but have you have. Most people don't need anywhere near the machine power they have.
So you mean all those girls in University libraries DON'T need a 15" maxed out Macbook Pro for their Communications degree?

Agreed, however, for the rest of us who actually have to work to earn money, it's better to part with as little as you have to. More you consume the longer you have to earn money to reach the same goal.
Why do you have a $1400 budget?
Read some more articles in the enlightened members section, make some more monies online. It'll help.

what? My own posts are in the enlightened members section... Budget has nothing to do with income, it's exactly that a budget.
Agreed, however, for the rest of us who actually have to work to earn money, it's better to part with as little as you have to. More you consume the longer you have to earn money to reach the same goal.

I disagree. Per hour of use over a period of x years, with x being longer for Macs, the price becomes almost irrelevant.

Follow Google's example (who I'm sure many weren't aware are the largest manufacturer of computers on the planet) and spend as much as you can, because hardware prices will continue to fall and you'll always need a higher spec.
I say spec it out and spend what you can. I had an old macbook pro from 2007 before the Lenovo I have now. It kept up fine until recently when I started doing some more multi-task intensive work. Had I cheaped out and gone for a basic macbook back in '07 I probably would have had to replace the thing much sooner. You get what you pay for as far as longevity.
How are dell laptops these days. I bought one in 2004 and its still working.. Inspiron.. I like that you can customize SSHD with Win7.

Most laptops seem to be windows8 unfortunately which is whhy i was leaning toward a new custom dell.. You can build something phat for under 1k.

Fuck Mac..

My 'new' laptop just arrived, it's a dell, it's only had 10 minutes of use so far, but I'm really liking it. Seems much more solidly built than other laptops I've had in the past, which always ends up being a problem (HP and Compaq laptops are overall way too thin, especially on the screen, which means within a year you have lightspots all over it. I can also type way faster on it than I can on my desktop, for some reason. Also, why not just install windows 7 yourself?
the Toshiba Satellite series is really amazing. The higher end ones particularly.

I ran my last one for 3+ years running 5+ instances of SB + normal day to day activity such as Photoshop and web browsing. Never missed a beat but had to replace the battery after about 18 months.

I modded it and replaced the HDD with an SSD and also ripped out the DVD drive. Essentially an "ultrabook" but half the price and twice the power. Also maxed out the RAM which I recommend doing for every laptop.
It's a shame it only has 4GB ram, you'll lose a bit of this to the igpu, imo it's not enough. Is it user-upgradeable or soldered?

I was going to say the exact same thing. All that machine (dat screen!) and so little memory. Especially since you're going to be driving a 3200 x 1800 screen with the integrated graphics which is going to take up a serious chunk of those 4gbs. It looks really nice, but if you're going to be doing anything demanding, you're going to want 8gb. However, looking at the specs for this whole Samsung series and the manual for this specific model shows that it's not upgradeable:

"Replacement, addition, or upgrade of memory is unavailable for this computer hardware."

I'd probably opt for something from Asus myself. They haven't yet gone to HD+ screens, but you can still get a pretty sweet laptop for $1400.