Laptop Recommendations ?


lol, wtf? Am I seeing things wrong? He's eating toasted eggos, with what looks to be a pillow on the table, a cup in a plastic bag, and a shopping cart full of shit at the end of the table.

WTF? I must have that wrong.

lol, wtf? Am I seeing things wrong? He's eating toasted eggos, with what looks to be a pillow on the table, a cup in a plastic bag, and a shopping cart full of shit at the end of the table.

WTF? I must have that wrong.

He is sitting on a bed.
Back in 2008 I received a white Macbook as a high school graduation present. 2GB of RAM, 250GB hard drive, entry level. I loved it. Used it until January 2014, when I spilled 8oz of hot, sweetened tea all over the keyboard. Flipped the laptop on its side and all the tea spilled out from between the keys mixed with six years of dust and dirt. The screen shut off and the computer shut down.

That evening I took the laptop apart and cleaned every part with rubbing alcohol and Q-tips. Let it dry and put it back together. It turned on. Everything worked but the battery, so I basically had a small desktop computer. After a couple weeks, we bought my wife a new Macbook Air for medical school. I commandeered her Macbook, same thing but a year newer and 4GB of RAM.

It's December 2014. I'm still running my business(es) off of it. It's on 14+ hours per day running Chrome, Office, and several other programs at once. It installed Yosemite no problem. Runs as fast as the day it was purchased. Granted it feels slower thanks to SSD's and other enhancements over the years.

There was an issue with it that caused my wife to get the Air though. The screen shut off one day and wouldn't turn back on. Like at all. The backlight was out, and a few other things were screwed up. Par for the course for a heavily used five year old machine. It was out of the AppleCare warranty. We took it to the store anyway. They shipped it off for $280 and we got it back three days later, looking like a brand new machine. They replaced the backlight, the bezel, the keyboard, the motherboard, basically everything but the HDD, RAM, and processor.

My wife's Air runs great, by the way. Super fast. Next year if it's in the cards I'd like to update to a Macbook Pro. The old tea-spill laptop still works. I'm in the process of turning it into a media center.

Highly suggested. Unlike iPhones, it seems like Macbooks are built to last.

EDIT: My one complaint is that over time the battery life sucks. I'd say I get maybe an hour and a half on a full charge with this thing.
I've used a Lenovo ideapad for about a year now and I love it. Lenovo is the new IBM in case you didn't know. Really quality machine.