Laptop Recommendations ?

I boot to Linux more often than Windows so maybe I'm jaded, but when exactly was Windows anything other than easy peasy? Can't remember the last time that shit didn't "just work" as my Macfag friends love to say.

Every time I use Windows I'm bombarded by warnings, updates, settings changes etc. Not to mention the UI is fugly and feels cluttered.

When I was younger I spent hours on end setting up networking, trying to burn DVD's a specific way, whatever...

Then you start using a Mac and shit just works. I rarely have problems, and when I do they are always super easy to solve.

You idiots need to realize that 99% of computer users do NOT want to geek out and tweak and customize shit. They want to turn on their machine and just have it work.

Have you ever tried setting up a new internet connection or diagnosing a networking issue on Windows? I recently did this for my parents and it was a fucking nightmare.

This same connection was setup on my new macbook in seconds and had no problems.

Every time I use Windows I'm bombarded by warnings, updates, settings changes etc. Not to mention the UI is fugly and feels cluttered.

When I was younger I spent hours on end setting up networking, trying to burn DVD's a specific way, whatever...

Then you start using a Mac and shit just works. I rarely have problems, and when I do they are always super easy to solve.

You idiots need to realize that 99% of computer users do NOT want to geek out and tweak and customize shit. They want to turn on their machine and just have it work.

Have you ever tried setting up a new internet connection or diagnosing a networking issue on Windows? I recently did this for my parents and it was a fucking nightmare.

This same connection was setup on my new macbook in seconds and had no problems.

Nailed it. Homegroups and gems ffs. (K.I.S.S.)
God damnit. Now I'm a full blown Macfag. Fuck this thread

After -God- and mpbiz started literally nailing each other shit just started flying around the room. Risk of infection dangerously high. It could have happened to anyone. May as well start gettin hummers from the Genius bar cause that shit's for life bro.
Every time I use Windows I'm bombarded by warnings, updates, settings changes etc. Not to mention the UI is fugly and feels cluttered.

When I was younger I spent hours on end setting up networking, trying to burn DVD's a specific way, whatever...

I dunno, that shit sounds like how things used to be 7-8 years ago, can't remember the last time any of this wasn't pretty much automatic though. Been a long time. I mean honestly, even some of the Linux distros (Mint and Ubuntu for instance) are up and running in a couple minutes. "It just works" describes every computer I've owned in the last decade.
I dunno, that shit sounds like how things used to be 7-8 years ago, can't remember the last time any of this wasn't pretty much automatic though. Been a long time. I mean honestly, even some of the Linux distros (Mint and Ubuntu for instance) are up and running in a couple minutes. "It just works" describes every computer I've owned in the last decade.

I dunno. Just had my first blue screen of death in years. It's probably a memory stick going to shit. Speaking of which when did ram prices double?
The problem I have with Apple are the users.

When I was 8 I had a Apple 512ke and I loved it.

I thought Apple was the shit.

I would spend hours reading about how Apple was better than IBM compatible PC and I would spend countless more hours telling people how amazing Apple was.

And maybe Apple was right when there was a difference in the hardware (RISC vs CISC) but now the hardware is pretty much identical.

But if you love Apple, great use it. Love Windows, use that. Love Linux, use that instead.

If you need to justify your purchases to others, I think you're buying shit for the wrong reasons.
I dunno, that shit sounds like how things used to be 7-8 years ago, can't remember the last time any of this wasn't pretty much automatic though. Been a long time. I mean honestly, even some of the Linux distros (Mint and Ubuntu for instance) are up and running in a couple minutes. "It just works" describes every computer I've owned in the last decade.

I understand where you're coming from. I have to use Windows 7 fairly often and it does work perfectly well 99% of the time. I've also used Mint and Ubuntu quite a bit, but it's just a different experience on a Mac.

Unnecessary layers are removed on a Mac. Why does an OS need a Start Menu, a convoluted Control Panel, "Programs and Features", "Network and Sharing Center" and (My) Computer for instance?

Why, in all these years of windows crashing (like all computers do once in a while) does no integrated backup/migration system like Apple's amazing Time Machine not exist?

Don't get me wrong, Macs have their foibles - quitting/closing apps puzzles most new users, as does why we should eject a USB. Then there's why we don't cut and paste within Finder, we actually copy and "move here" (cmd+opt+v). There are other things as well, but I'm in the fan club so I'm blind to them.

Aside form these small things though, the way stuff works is simpler and better thought out, extra layers of complication are a thing of the past.

If you need to justify your purchases to others, I think you're buying shit for the wrong reasons.

Actually, you have to justify them because every cunt tells you why it's inferior (with no real knowledge), and how they could buy/build/grow 14 proper PCs for the same price.
Actually, you have to justify them because every cunt tells you why it's inferior (with no real knowledge), and how they could buy/build/grow 14 proper PCs for the same price.

And some random guy's opinion matters why?
Cardiff Electric is in the process of developing a revolutionary device never before seen. Stay tuned!
Buy a mac and God shall enlighten yee with le knowledge

Done deal brah. Apple even saved a gay webmaster from death by donating the profits to aids research. Now that Tim has come out I feel much more comfortable buying from Apple.

Edit: I feel like I should suck a dick homo
My last laptop (cheap no name) had an alluminum chassis ($400 blackfriday) and I will say it has nothing on this MBP. With my old one I would have flaky typing when I would use the wrist rest. The keyboard was flaky even when not resting. There is a tremendous difference in build quality. No issue resting wrist. I think the keyboard is the most impressive part of the MBP. It's crisp and responsive. The trackpad is pretty fucking amazing.

My main reason for making the switch was for the ease of use and the endless possibilities the terminal offers. Just hope the learning curve isnt to bad from linux. My biggest concern is learning a third command line.
ASUS usually has the best deals without sacrificing on the components that you want. I got an i7, 750gb HD, and 12gb RAM laptop for around $1200. However, it does feel a little cheap, has little cosmetic issues here and there, and the speakers absolutely suck. This is like 4th ASUS and I haven't had any significant issues. Biggest problems are with the shitty Windows OS.

Going forward, I'll probably move up to Lenovo since I've leveled up from peasant status.
I've been on a lenovo for years and cannot complain, great unit.

However I got a MBP as a gift from my windows hating team a few months ago and while I've been lazy to convert, even part time it's a better experience. Fewer clicks to do the same thing. Easier and more elegant (for the gay community). The fanboys were right, macs are nice.

But if you're really serious I'd follow Sams path and get an acer 11" netbook.

My cheap-arse Dell handles being constantly dragged onto construction sites to program just fine (lots of dust, gets knocked around a bit in an out of a backpack). The MBP at home can't handle the Australian summer too well.

Before the Dell we always used Asus but they didn't have a suitable option for the latest upgrade.
I'm going to cave and buy a MBP next time. For no other reason than the build quality. Not a Mac fag and I find it both hilarious and disgusting how $1500 machines are used as Instagram, Facebook, Word machines.

That build quality tho. My iPhone4 hasn't had a single problem in 3 years and besides some scratches is as good as new, while my friends on Android have upgraded several times and bitch constantly. Honestly tired of shoddy workmanship even from Lenovo and batteries that last 20 minutes after 2 years. Windows 7 has been pretty good though.