Kylie Minogue concert absolutely drenched in satan/iluminati symbolism...

Satanism has nothing to do with the fictional Satan from the Bible. It should be more properly called Luciferianism, since it has more to do with embracing your primal desires and being against the ignorance that was promoted in the Bible (ie "trust in us", "don't question religious leaders", "don't question the bible" "have faith" etc). The only thing "Satanists" worship, is themselves.

Yes I am, just because I hate satanic shit doesnt mean I believe in it, I'm really just pointing out the illuminati and their bullshit.

Like most people that 'hate' anything, it's obviously because you don't understand it.

It's already been explained fairly thoroughly, but satanism is merely a response to christianity. If you took half a moment to do what you're recommending everyone else do (research) you would understand this.
There is an upside down pentagram in there, which is used by black magicians. I don't have the patience to scroll through the rest; it looks like they're trying to cause epilepsy in the audience or hide weak song material.

That a sweet woman like Ms. Minogue should be using such symbols in her concert graphics is 1. Lazy and ignorant and 2. A sign o' the times; throw any old stuff in the stew that might be 'cool'.

Frankly, in that stage setting any old crap could bypass your normal consciousness and lodge in the ol' subconscious; I understand that's how some forms of advertising work. We remember everything we encounter; it's all in there somewhere.

Saints and mystics, some of the smartest and lauded men of their time, have had encounters with the Devil but in a 'show-me' materialist culture few believe in him any more. Until they get into 'New Age' culture, go a little too far and encounter something a bit more tangible than a fairy story.

I think occultism might be a bit like criminality; you hear so-and-so is into witchcraft or shoplifting or drugs, havin' a ball, then they 'drift off the scene', then they either come back a good deal more subdued or they don't come back at all.

Just a notion.
True, she should at least be more subtle like these guys (not as blatant, but still there):
[ame=]YouTube - Gorgoroth - Possessed (By Satan) (live)[/ame]
I'm really just pointing out the illuminati and their bullshit.

And do you think it's a coincidence that the owner of this very forum...

is a jew?

Let's not even start to talk about the hidden symbols in the logo.

Oh, I see the masonic/illuminati influence in this thread right there.

Visita Interiora Terra Rectificanto Inveniens Occultum Lapidem
