Kylie Minogue concert absolutely drenched in satan/iluminati symbolism...

Funny thing is that the pentagram was a Christian Symbol for a looong time
(Standing for the 5 wounds of Christ, or the 5 joys of Mary)

The whole pentagram = evil is relatively new.

Also, that blog is funny as hell.

The guy does not even know the difference between a triangle and a pentagram.. well, he equals them in meaning at least, calling a triangle a sort of subliminal pentagram? WTF?


The fact that people are paying to see this wench in concert is proof enough for me that there is some clandestine spooky organization working hell bent on world domination...who the fuck would willing see this crap. It's pure garbage. There has got to be some kind of mind control at work.
I ate dinner a few years ago at the table next to Kylie's at the Bluebird in Chelsea, London. She was just getting over her cancer treatment and still had short choppy hair. She's is so damn cute.

Oh yeah, she is hot, awesome bod.
Lol yeah, as an atheist the satanic people should bother you about as much as the religious.
The pentagram is Pagan and only retarded people who believe in Jesus think it's Satanic. The pentagram was being used 3500 years before Christ was every believed to be on this earth...which he was most likely not a real person. The other symbols are from other ancient mystic beliefs from the Chinese, Egyptians and Tibetan's.

There's NO such thing as Satan.
The pentagram is Pagan and only retarded people who believe in Jesus think it's Satanic. The pentagram was being used 3500 years before Christ was every believed to be on this earth...which he was most likely not a real person. The other symbols are from other ancient mystic beliefs from the Chinese, Egyptians and Tibetan's.

...and the swastika symbol dates as far back as the Neolithic period. But try walking around with one on today.

So Sticks you really believe in the Illuminati? Do you happen to have a gunrack in your truck as well? :D
these symbols are not subliminal. they are blatantly obvious. something subliminal is sightly under under the threshold of perception.

so is the goal to slowly indoctrinate people into occult principals? the problem i have with this theory is a tiny minority have any interest whatsoever in esoterica.

if people don't understand what the symbols mean even on a superficial level, can they really be brainwashed by them? conspiracy theorists that believe symbols are that powerful truly do believe in magick.

aren't symbols meant for those who can receive them?
It's funny how most NWO conspiracy freaks often miss out on the REAL conspiracy groups out there even after they get massive amounts of attention and coverage. I'm thinking of the "C Street" group of people here. Not to mention the corporate conspiracies that have continued to kill people (covering up internal pharmaceutical tests, etc).

But no.. they always have to imagine that there is one master group that's controlling it all.

What Alex Jones does is take true conspiracies and news, heaps on a load of false conjecture and NWO myth, and mixes in a little of his own conservative agenda. I say conservative, not republican.

By the time you're done listening to the marketing genius you have no idea what to believe. The best way to sell a fable is to mix it with some truth. But ya better buy some of his gold!
Holy Shit, I think Mugatu just programmed me to kill the Prime Minister of Malaysia!

Seriously though, I'm pretty sure I also saw a bunch of mathematical and financial symbols. Put the tinfoil away.