Kylie Minogue concert absolutely drenched in satan/iluminati symbolism...


New member
Jun 3, 2007
See if you can spot the all seeing eye and the satanic pentagrams and all the other subliminal shit flying out at the audience.

Can't deny this shit, there is other concerts of different performers with this same sort of thing, but this one is full on.

[ame=""]YouTube - Kylie Minogue Entrance+Speakerphone Live in Paris (06.05.08)[/ame]

Blog/Explanation: Pseudo-Occult Media: 'K'ylie 'M'inogue Scroll down if you don't want to read and you will see pics of the pentagram, pymarid and all seeing eye in this concert.

0:54 Tree of Life
0:55 Chinese Symbol ?
:56 - some kind of wheel
0:57 - Planetary Diagram
0:58 too fast to catch

0:59 - Tibetan (or hindu) text

1:00 - Right side up pentagram (hardly a satanic symbol, my friend)
1:01 - star sign
Then they repeat, but also get mixed up with alchemical symbols for elements and planets, such as Mercury, Mars, etc...
Also molecules get thrown in there, as well as a bunch of other shit...

So far, this looks more like someone raided a clipart factory for anything "mystical", but not a satanic attack.

Damn, and here I was all looking forward to this video.

ok, so I was wrong about that one.. yaaaaaaaaaaaawn.

All the rest is hardly satanic.

I stand by my point, someone raided a "mystical" clipart library for a pop performance.

Also note that the whole "satanism" only makes sense in a Christian environment.

Before I bother watching it, does she shake her ass while "symbols of dispute" are flying off the screen?

I think I'd tap that even if she had red horns and cloven hooves.
ok, so I was wrong about that one.. yaaaaaaaaaaaawn.

All the rest is hardly satanic.

I stand by my point, someone raided a "mystical" clipart library for a pop performance.

Also note that the whole "satanism" only makes sense in a Christian environment.


Ok, ok, go back to sleep, sorry to wake you, lol.

Oh and I'm not saying Kylie is the one who is satanic.
See if you can spot the all seeing eye and the satanic pentagrams and all the other subliminal shit flying out at the audience.

Can't deny this shit, there is other concerts of different performers with this same sort of thing, but this one is full on.

YouTube - Kylie Minogue Entrance+Speakerphone Live in Paris (06.05.08)

Blog/Explanation: Pseudo-Occult Media: 'K'ylie 'M'inogue Scroll down if you don't want to read and you will see pics of the pentagram, pymarid and all seeing eye in this concert.
rofl - Kylie (K-eye-lie/lee, Kylie/Miley) and Dannii (Dan, two i's/eyes/pillars)
Satan kicks ass.

So what's your point, Sticks? Is Kylie Minogue evil? It's bad to worship Satan? Is the world coming to an end? Jesus is coming back?

Shouldn't you have started this thread on a paranoid christian forum or something?

Musicians have been using spooky mystical symbols for a long time now. Big fuckin deal.

So many people on the net these days remind me of that crazy christian family down the street when I was a kid. Jeezus. Everything is a satanic conspiracy... Barcodes are the devil!
Satanism as a religion is a myth. Satanists don't worship Satan. They celebrate Satan as a symbol of man's animalistic instincts and carnal desires, and of putting yourself first. Any Satanist would take one look at Shooting The Shit and instantly assert that it's Satanic (and they'd mean it in a good way).

About the video specifically , since there's such a huge range of religious symbols in there I don't thnk we can say the concert is promoting any one of them. There could be some message to the presentation, like "open your mind" or whatever.
@ sticks I'm not sure I get what you're saying. There were a bunch of symbols. Santanic didn't exist until the christians decided paganism was evil.

Whether intended to be something else or not, the fact is all this is is a pretty light show.
@ sticks I'm not sure I get what you're saying. There were a bunch of symbols. Santanic didn't exist until the christians decided paganism was evil. After they stole most of their methodology and symbolism from the pagan (goddess) religions.

Whether intended to be something else or not, the fact is all this is is a pretty light show.
